
The Bad Part Of Town


May 15, 2006...

Asia Continent, Japan

Kamagasaki in Osaka

It was a slum located in the heart of Osaka with a population of 125,000 people. Its security was dreadful, the police were busy all day and night, organized crime was on an all-time high. Osaka itself had around 1.9 million people in the prefecture making it the 3rd most populated prefecture in Japan.

A common sight in one of the many dark alleys in Kamagasaki was the malnourished body of what seems like a four-year-old child, slumped over a trash can in hopes of finding some food. That child was none other than the main character of the story Sho. He ended up finding something even better than food in his eyes. A football. He remembers his hero Noel Noa kicking one of these.

Sho was making his way back to this rundown apartment building he called home all the while running with the ball and being mindful of the potholes. As he was running with the ball he'd keep a vigilant eye out for anyone. If there's one thing he learned while running errands or getting his dad some beer was to always steer clear from people especially the ones with crazed or even hopeless looks in their eyes.

As he continued to walk with the ball kicking it left to right he entered the elevator (lift). The elevator looked old and always took forever to get to where he lived which was the 13th floor. While it was going up he tried to juggle the ball which failed spontaneously, so while the elevator went floor to floor he continued to try to juggle, he even sorta succeeded, juggling it 12 times with his left foot and 4 times with his right.

The elevator doors opened up and he proceeded down the hallway to room four hundred forty-four, he took one deep breath, kicked the football up to his chest, grabbed it, and opened the door to greet his dad's filthy appearance.

Sho: "Hey dad how's it been, sorry I was gone for so long I went out to find some food but couldn't seem to find any."

He looked at his dad and saw a disheveled slim man around 6'4 with a beard and a drunk look in his eyes sitting on their hardwood floors up against the wall watching the tv.

Dad: " Did you find any beer, any money, it's been 3 years since I've been dishonorably discharged and I haven't been able to find any jobs since."

He looked towards his son knowing he had failed him in every way.

Sho zoned out thinking about football halfway through their conversation. He simply said

Sho: "Yea alright, I'm gonna go to sleep, I've had a long day running around looking for food and doing other things."

After Sho said that he walked away towards the kitchen in hopes of finding some leftover food. He went to the busted-up cabinet, opened it up, and surprisingly found outdated cereal so he did what any kid would do in his situation, and ate it out of the box. After having his stomach barely filled, he opened the door to his room that was so small it only fit his twin-size bed and jumped into his bed with the football around his arms hugging it. He slept with a smile on his face knowing what he had found was gonna dramatically change his life.

The next day around 7:30 in the morning you can see a short kid with blood-red hair and heterochromatic eyes dribbling a ball down the street without letting the trash and homeless men and women that slept outside on the sidewalk of his apartment hit it. This short kid was Sho and he had a smile on his face which didn't last long because he saw one of his long-time friends getting picked on by the older kids, so he decided to do something about it. He stopped the ball, took a few steps back, and let it loose. He kicked as hard and accurately as he could towards the older kids before they could reel their fists back and punch his friend. Which resulted in one of the three older kids getting hit right on the nose. Making him fall right on his butt.

???: " What the heck hit you Kageyama"

Kageyama opened his eyes and felt his nose noticing there was blood all over his fingers. Kageyama got up, looked around, and found the only culprit it could be so without hesitation he yelled

Kageyama: "Sho you idiot your gonna pay for this with two black eyes."

Kageyama charged Sho who was roughly thirty-six feet away (eleven meters). Kageyama's friends who were to the right and left of him were surprised by the sudden outburst and started running with him towards Sho.


stay safe ladies and gents.

qwertypoliascreators' thoughts