
Blooming Royal

She turned to him and smiled. "I've always loved cherry blossoms." She caught a petal in her hand and blew it into the breeze. "Why?" He looked at her quizzically. She tilted her head and stared at the flowering trees. "I don't know." She bent her head sadly, "I guess, I guess it resonates with me." She touched he bark of the tree. "Cherry blossoms take years to grow. Some may plant them, wait a few years and give up. But those who wait, receive the best, because when they bloom, its magical. And they don't die after like most flowers. They last." He put his hand on top of hers. "Then," He looked at her lovingly, "I'm glad I waited for you." ***** What happens when a maiden who just wants to be a good servant, gets interwined with royal politics? So many questions but not enough answers.... Will she understand her fate. Will she throw away her fears. Will she survive? ***** Ayvanna is a Princess' personal maid, but always seems to get in trouble with her family. Next thing she knows, the Noble Ball arrives. If she knew what -and how- that Ball would change her life, would she gave attended? Probably not. But she naively went, and that, was when her life took a sharp curve.

ale_di_angelo · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


She ran down the slippery, expensive hallway, trying her best not to trip on her plain, silken clothing. She best not be late. Heck knows what will happen if she is late. She turned swiftly at a corner, pushing past a tired guard, who cursed her while she was running. She muttered an apology, doubting that he'd hear it anyway.

After a lot of twists and turns, she finally made it to a large oak door, filled with intricate designs and gold and jewel fillings. It almost looked better than what was inside the door. Almost.

"AYVANNA!" A female voice roars from inside the closed door. Taking a deep breath, Ayvanna calmed herself down, and majestically, the doors open for her, letting her slide gracefully in, with her head bowed. No maid should look up to the face of royals. Even if you're the personal maid to a princess. That's the utmost level of disrespect, punishable by death. No commoner - or worse, maid - should put their filthy eyes on the glorious faces of their rulers.

"Ayvanna, thank you, for gracing us with your presence,"

A fake, sickly sweet voice said as soon Ayvanna made her way to the Royal Dining table. The voice came from a regal woman, with long black locks, curling their way to her chest, the chest filled with priceless necklaces that looked like they weighed more than her. The woman had pretty yellowish bronze eyes that shone like stars with malice and darkness.

She wore a hugging dress, navy blue in color, with gold and black thorn designs. She was wearing a smirk. A smirk that would have looked sweet to normal eyes, but to Ayvanna, she knew that smirk was filled with sadistic and evil intent. This was Visha, Queen Visha of Xiseng.

"I am t-teribbly sorry your majesty, I-I lost track of time, arranging the princess' clothing for t-the ball–" Ayvanna stuttered.

"Don't use my daughter's well being as an excuse, maid,"

The Queen snapped her black fan shut. "I hate to say this, but my daughter needs you more than ever for this year's Noble Ball,"

Remembering that there are others in this room, Ayvenna finally turned her head around to see five more regals sitting on thrones and having their supper. The king - King Cadoc the First - sat down and looked as if the food was more important than anything happening around him. He speared the carrot with his fork, completely ignoring the conversation happening between his wife and employee. Nobody could interrupt the queen, and rightfully so. It was as if the queen was the only ruler of this kingdom.

"Mother," A short, chubby, blonde with blue eyes and a cyan keyhole dress stood up from her throne, "If you will, I'd like to be excused." She rounded the table and stood a few inches in front of Ayvanna. "And I'd like to take my personal maid with me,"

"Of course dearie," the queen's famous smile returned, "Remember your etiquette lessons tomorrow, and before you sleep, you and your…maid…should show me your ball gown for the Noble Ball next tomorrow, okay love?"

"Of course mother. Anything to please you."

Ayvanna and the princess walked out of the dining hall, the doors held open by the royal guards, and her brother. Ayvanna and her brother, Ronan, were sold to the king as maid and guard respectively, to free them from the poverty and depression of being orphans. Ronan acted as if he didnt see her, but Ayvanna knew he did. He would always apologize later, saying that 'A guard's best emotion is none.'

As soon as they were far away from earshot of the queen, Ayvanna turned to the royal walking beside her, careful to keep her head down,

"Thank you Princess Saranna, I owe my life to you," Ayvanna thanked.

The princess turned and tried to make a smile, which didn't reach her eyes. "Of course Ayv, you know I've always got you." The princess turned back and walked faster, acting as if they never even talked.

They soon reached the princess' bedroom, which blasted the colors light blue and gold. It was trapezoid, in which at one edge, there was a central Arc window, displaying the ground far below.

The ball gown Ayvanna picked for her was on the teal shaded bed, with a blue canopy above. The dress was the same color as the bed, but filled with different designs and different blue jewels placed haphazardly all over the dress. The corset top was irregular shaped, the seams were displaced and the trail of the dress was far too long.

The princess made the dress.

Saranna decided that she would show off her talent by creating her own dress for the ball. Let's just say it didn't come out so good.

At all.

My first chapter! :) Hope it's good

Also, if there are grammatical mistakes plz comment it

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Peace out ✌

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