
Bloodlust Harem: Apocalypse Chronicles

In a nightmarish parallel world called "The Chessboard of Souls," Arthur, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust through a dimensional rift. Amidst remnants of a futuristic civilization and desolate zones infested with ferocious beasts, undead, and demonic creatures, he discovers a unique system: the "Bloody Harem." Compelled to seduce and conquer a certain number of women within a specified time frame, under penalty of death, Arthur is plunged into a world of dangers and forbidden desires. But he's not alone; other factions wielding powerful abilities and alternative systems stand in his way. Get ready for a mature tale where adventure and eroticism intertwine. ______________________________________ I'm also writing another novel called "Lord of Necromancy - Starting from a cave" on the platform. It's free of romance and subjective scenes but packed with violence. Check out my music too! I've released a single called "Soul Spark - Faded Nomad".

FadedNomad · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

First Night

Arthur's attribute panel materialized directly before his eyes.

[Name: Arthur

- Strength: 10.5

- Agility: 10.2

- Endurance: 12.2

- Intelligence: 8.2

- Charisma: 10.1]

He noticed the presence of another table behind the attribute panel. By focusing on it, the table labeled "System" appeared.

## System: Bloodlust Harem


Seduce a creature and add it to your harem within 30 days. The creature must be from a race that shares reproductive compatibility with the bearer of the system.]

[Consequences of Failure:

Death. Your life energy will be absorbed by the system, and you will cease to exist.]


*Acquisition of Talents: You gain all the talents of the creatures present in your harem.

*Charisma Boost: Each new creature added to your harem increases your Charisma based on its power.]


Talent of Eloquence:

* Charm with your words.

* Persuade your interlocutors more easily.

* Exert mental control over your targets when your Charisma is at least twice theirs.

* This talent amplifies with your Charisma.]

[Current Harem:

0 creature ]

The smooth voice explained to him: "Every system holder posseses at least a power and a talent."

The voice continued: "Your natural ability to convince various creatures has resulted in you being granted the Talent of Eloquence."

Arthur was immediately distressed: "Seduce a creature within 30 days? In this desolate place? I've killed the only woman I've seen." Arthur exlaimed, "How is it decided that a woman is seduced? Is there a formula or a ritual to add her to my harem?"

But no voice responded to him.

Arthur thought to himself, "I'll have to make my way to a settlement as soon as possible."

He noticed that there was no longer any mention of the seal of eloquence, and he bitterly observed that the tattoo on his hand had disappeared.

"What a pity", he thought to himself.

Before departing, he gazed at the lake, he felt very thirsty. He approached and leaned over to drink the cool water before washing his arms and face. The sensation was delightful.

He then decided to continue forward, thinking he would eventually come across human activities. He felt the pressure of the 30-day deadline weighing on him. His pace quickened.

His goal being to advance as quickly as possible, he avoided all areas where he could hear the growls of zombies or other creatures. He didn't want to fight, especially since it wouldn't grant him any attributes.

After hours of relentless trekking, Arthur finally broke through the thick foliage, emerging into a clearing. Before him stretched an abandoned railway track, its rusted rails disappearing into the horizon. With a weary sigh, he pressed on, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the desolate landscape.

As he traversed the railway, Arthur's eyes caught sight of the remnants of a once bustling city. Dilapidated buildings loomed over him like ancient guardians, their broken windows staring vacantly into the encroaching darkness. The asphalt beneath his feet was cracked and weathered, bearing the scars of neglect and decay.

The air hung heavy with the scent of rust and dust. Overhead, the sky darkened, casting long shadows that danced eerily across the barren streets. Arthur quickened his pace, his heart pounding in his chest as he searched for refuge before the night descended in full force.

With stealthy steps, Arthur made his way towards a relatively intact building. As he approached, he noted with cautious optimism that most of its walls still stood tall, resembling the shell of what might have once been a convenience store.

Peering through the shattered windows, Arthur surveyed the interior, his eyes scanning for any signs of danger or inhabitants. The faint glow of the fading daylight filtered through the cracks, casting shadows that danced across the empty aisles.

With a silent prayer for safety, Arthur slipped inside, his senses alert for any hint of movement or sound. The air inside was thick with dust and silence.

As he ventured deeper into the abandoned convenience store, Arthur's footsteps echoed in the empty space.

As Arthur cautiously surveyed the interior of the abandoned convenience store, his eyes fell upon a small trapdoor set into the floor. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, he approached the trapdoor and knelt down beside it.

Gingerly, he lifted the trapdoor, revealing a dark, yawning abyss below.

Arthur knew he could never sleep out in the open, and the convenience store had too many openings to secure. If he could use the basement, he might be able to sleep safely for the night.

Without hesitation, Arthur made his decision.

Leaving the trapdoor open to let some light into the dark cellar, Arthur descended carefully, holding his capture pole with the lasso extended in front of him for precaution. The steps creaked under his weight, and the musty smell of the cellar filled his nostrils.

As he descended, Arthur heard a faint, plaintive groan: "Urghh, urghh."

He slowly moved towards the sound, each step cautious and deliberate.

With the light filtering down from the open trapdoor, he spotted a gaunt figure near the far wall of the cellar. Drawing closer, he saw that it was a little zombie wearing a dress, its skin stretched tightly over its bones, looking almost skeletal. The creature was chained to the wall, a thick steel chain wrapped around its neck. The zombie weakly pulled against its restraint, unable to break free.

Arthur placed his lasso on the ground and drew his machette, then approached until he was just out of reach of the zombie's desperate, grasping arms.

As he got closer, Arthur recognized the patterns on the zombie's dress—little teddy bears. A pang of sorrow hit him; this had once been just a little girl before she was turned into a zombie.

Speaking softly to the zombie, he said, "You've been chained here for too long. I'll give you rest now."

Arthur grabbed the palm of the zombie's left hand with one hand and pulled it toward him. With his other hand, he struck with the machete. The blade hit bone, sending shards of bone and hardened flesh flying. The machete got stuck.

He yanked the machete free and struck again, repeating the process three times until the hand severed.

He then repeated the process with the right hand.

Finally, he approached the small zombie, immobilizing its head with one hand. He struck with the machete in the other hand, again and again, until the head separated from the body and rolled across the floor.

Arthur thought, "It seems like the longer a zombie exists, the harder and tougher its body becomes."

He felt relieved that the zombie had been chained up. Arthur couldn't fathom how he would face a zombie like that, free to move and attack with no restraints.

Arthur decided to close the trapdoor of the cellar, noticing a latch that could be secured from the inside. He locked the latch before descending into the darkness of the cellar floor, he settled on the hard ground to rest.

Exhausted from the day's events, Arthur quickly succumbed to sleep despite the unfamiliar surroundings.

The following morning, he awoke to the faint light filtering through the trapdoor above. He emerged from the cellar, blinking in the morning light.

As he prepared to leave the convenience store, he was startled by the sound of multiple vehicles approaching. Though relieved by the presence of potential allies, Arthur remained hidden within the store, peering through a gap in the wall to observe a convoy of rugged off-road vehicles passing through the ruined city in the distance.

Noting their direction, Arthur resolved to follow suit. Venturing deeper into the devastated urban landscape, he eventually caught sight of a towering concrete wall with imposing steel gates, flanked by guard towers, just beyond a wide river that cut through the ruined city.

It was a place he had once sought to avoid, but now, compelled by the demands of the system, he knew he had to seek entry.

A smile touched Arthur's lips as he realized he had found a settlement.