
Bloodlust Harem: Apocalypse Chronicles

In a nightmarish parallel world called "The Chessboard of Souls," Arthur, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust through a dimensional rift. Amidst remnants of a futuristic civilization and desolate zones infested with ferocious beasts, undead, and demonic creatures, he discovers a unique system: the "Bloody Harem." Compelled to seduce and conquer a certain number of women within a specified time frame, under penalty of death, Arthur is plunged into a world of dangers and forbidden desires. But he's not alone; other factions wielding powerful abilities and alternative systems stand in his way. Get ready for a mature tale where adventure and eroticism intertwine. ______________________________________ I'm also writing another novel called "Lord of Necromancy - Starting from a cave" on the platform. It's free of romance and subjective scenes but packed with violence. Check out my music too! I've released a single called "Soul Spark - Faded Nomad".

FadedNomad · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Arthur paid little attention to the woman's actions as he pondered his next move. He deemed his previous brutal act necessary, given the circumstances. The fact that they had trained the bird to hunt in this area, combined with their lightweight equipment and discreet attire, led Arthur to believe they were more likely opportunistic explorers than traders.

Regardless of their profession, Arthur had no desire to be escorted to a settlement, especially considering the potential hostility between factions. He had only agreed to accompany them out of fear of confronting them if he hadn't complied. In fact, he had contemplated eliminating them even before entering the car, biding his time for the opportune moment.

With a sharp gesture, he swiftly removed the hunting knife from the woman's belt.

He observed the blade, noting its perfectly sharpened edge.

The woman managed to articulate "No".

Despite her feeble protests, Arthur positioned the blade just behind her ear and pressed, allowing the sharp metal to penetrate the skin with surprising ease. A thin stream of blood began to flow, staining the car ceiling red. The woman weakly struggled against her restraints, her movements feeble but enough to disrupt the cut and cause more blood to flow. Her eyes, once filled with life, now grew glassy as her vitality waned.

<You have compelled obedience from a human.>

+1 Charisma.

Arthur observed the lifeless body of the woman. He decided to search the car and discovered a handful of silver circular coins, a currency he had never seen before, in the glove compartment. He bent over the lifeless and pallid body of the woman, searching her blood-soaked clothes. Yet, his efforts yielded nothing. He carefully removed her leather belt, fastening it around his own waist and sliding the knife into its sheath.

Arthur stepped out of the vehicle and approached the trunk. However, as he tried to open it, the lid stubbornly refused to budge. Frustrated, he tried using the metal bar as a lever, but it proved futile. He resorted to using the bar to strike the already damaged rear window. After several forceful strikes, the glass yielded, allowing him to remove the shattered fragments. With the obstacle removed, Arthur tore off the rear parcel shelf, revealing the contents of the trunk. As he peered inside, his eyes widened in astonishment.

In the trunk, Arthur discovered three pairs of handcuffs and a long metal pole with a capture lasso attached at the end. The craftsmanship of the pole was impressive, with sturdy metal that appeared far more robust than the rusted metal of his own bar. His expression darkened as he surveyed the items.

"So they really were traders," he muttered. It seemed that there was a slave trade in the area, unless it was for capturing zombies.

Arthur was glad he had acted swiftly.

Leaving his metal bar behind, Arthur opted for the long, robust steel capture lasso instead. Adding a pair of handcuffs to his belt, he prepared to return to the accident site to salvage whatever remained of Sergan's scattered remains.

All he discovered amidst the debris was the machete, showing signs of damage from the accident yet still possessing a sharp edge. He also slid the machete onto his belt.

With grit and determination, he set out to locate a source of water and provisions, knowing that securing water and food was essential for his immediate well-being and long-term survival.

Arthur decided to inspect his attribute panel.

[Name: Arthur

- Strength: 10.5

- Agility: 10.2

- Endurance: 12.2

- Intelligence: 8.2

- Charisma: 7.6]

Arthur felt optimistic as he realized he was only 2.4 points away from reaching an average level of Charisma, unlocking the system.

As he trudged on, his search for water proving futile, Arthur scanned the horizon for any signs of movement. Then, in the distance, a flicker of motion caught his eye. Taking cover behind a towering rock formation, he strained his eyes to get a clearer view. Gradually, the distant shapes began to coalesce into a menacing sight—a vast horde of zombies, their silhouettes undulating against the backdrop of the desolate landscape. Realizing that he stood no chance of survival if they spotted him, Arthur slowly began to retreat.

As minutes ticked by, the landscape gradually transformed around him, with vegetation becoming more abundant as he pressed forward. Undeterred, Arthur continued his march.

Suddenly, a plaintive groan—"uuurghh"—echoed from a distant zombie, its source obscured by the dense foliage that obstructed Arthur's view. Retreating behind a dense bush, he observed as two zombies emerged in the distance. "Excellent," Arthur murmured, observing the isolated zombies, before a small smile formed on his lips.

After ensuring there were no other zombies around, Arthur stood up, only for the zombies to spot him immediately and lurch towards him. Without hesitation, Arthur dashed towards them as well. He swiftly wielded his metal pole towards the closest zombie, deftly looping the lasso around its neck before pulling the pole taut, tightening his hold on the zombie's neck. With a forceful shove, he propelled the zombie into its companion behind, sending them both crashing to the ground.

He then released the pole and lunged at the zombies. Before they could attempt to rise, he pressed his left foot onto the abdomen of the first zombie. In a swift and fluid motion, he drew his machete and drove the blade deep into the zombie's skull.

Struggling to pull the machete from the skull, Arthur felt the second zombie, still on the ground, grabbing his left foot. Arthur swiftly withdrew his left foot and then, before it could clamp down further, crushed the zombie's wrist. With a quick jerk, he finally freed the machete and drove it into the skull of the second zombie.

<You have compelled obedience from two mindless zombies.>

+2 Charisma.

"Seems like I'm growing fond of these zombies," Arthur thought to himself, a small grin forming on his face.

He continued on his way and quickly spotted a lake in the distance. He made his way towards it without hesitation. As he advanced, he spotted a large snake slithering away upon sensing Arthur's presence.

Arthur gave chase and swiftly pinned the serpent's body with the metal pole, preventing it from escaping. Maintaining his grip with his left hand, he then seized his machete with his right hand and, in one swift motion, severed the snake's head from its body.

<You have compelled obedience from a snake.>

+0.5 Charisma.

"Yesss!" Arthur exclaimed with triumph. Just then, a message popped up in front of his eyes.

<Synchronisation resumed.>

Simultaneously, the voice he had heard upon first arriving in this place echoed once more in his mind.

"The synchronization has been successful. Congratulations..."

The voice returned, its tone now smoother, more sensual, and gentle. "The Bloodlust Harem system is now active."