
BloodBound: The Journey of the Mortal Godslayer

Aerovind, a monster killer who grew up in poverty, joined the vaelorin program to help his sick mother. Instead of becoming a hero, he became a deadly killer, mastering the control of fire and emerging as one of the few children to survive the brutal training. One day, while traveling through a snowy village, Aerovind encountered a young girl who seemed to hold a mystery within her. However, all mysteries concealed secrets. Little did he know that this encounter would lead him into a world of gods and demons, compelling him to take on the role of her protector with the purpose—to safeguard her secret identity.

Todo_Aio · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

chapter 6 : Shattered Valor

After a few tense moments, the roof burst open with a loud bang, and Aerovind was violently thrown out of the cabin.

Upon seeing Aerovind flying through the air, his body contorted in agony, Ela gasped in shock. Her heart raced as she ran to his side, her hand automatically reaching out to assist him.

"Aerovind! Are you okay?" she cried, her voice trembling with concern.

Aerovind groaned in pain, his eyes fluttering open to reveal a bloodied and battered face. "Ela," he wheezed, "Run."

Ela's fear froze her in place as she desperately tried to wake up her uncle, Aerovind.

She couldn't abandon him and leave him at the mercy of whoever was inside the cabin.

She quickly searched the area for anything she could use as a weapon, but all she found were small rocks scattered on the ground.

Then, she heard footsteps approaching. A figure in armor with a fiery rose symbol on his chest plate appeared from the nearby cabin.

"On the orders of Father Azadhial from the Flaming Rose church of Altora, I have been sent to execute you and rid the world of your wickedness," he stated coldly.

Ela took a step back, her heart racing with fear and confusion. "What are you talking about?" she asked, her voice trembling.

The armored figure lifted his sword, its blade glimmering with enchanted fire that illuminated everything around it.

"I am known as Sir Gregory. I advise you, little girl, to step away from this man, or my sword will not hesitate to end your life as well."

"Leave us alone," Ela pleaded.

Ela's eyes widened in terror as she heard the clang of metal against metal. She turned to see Aerovind struggling to get up, his hands shaking as he held his obsidian sword countering the knight's sword.

Aerovind clenched his teeth and spoke with determination, "Leave her be. This is a matter between you and me."

Sir Gregory scoffed and the sound of his armor clanking filled the air as he pushed against Aerovind's sword. With disdain, he sneered, "She will fetch a high price in the slave markets of Jatiq."

"Over my dead body," growled Aerovind, his voice shaking with effort as he pushed back against the knight's sword. His knuckles turned white gripping the hilt of his obsidian blade.

The clash of their swords echoed through the silent forest, punctuated by the grunts and heavy breaths of the combatants.

Sir Gregory lunged forward with his enchanted sword, but Aerovind managed to dodge it at the last moment, landing a swift kick to the knight's unprotected side, and sending him stumbling back.

However, Sir Gregory quickly regained his footing and counterattacked fiercely, pressing Aerovind against the tree behind him. The fighter struggled to parry against the flaming blade as it cut into the air mere inches from his face.

Desperately, Aerovind tried to think of a way to gain an advantage over the armored knight. He couldn't match Sir Gregory's strength, but he also knew that the enchanted sword had a weakness.

As the knight came in for another swing, Aerovind quickly ducked under it, slipping past the blade.

Before Sir Gregory could recover, Aerovind leapt forward, his obsidian sword slicing across the knight's wrist, causing a bright flash of light as the enchantment on the knight's sword was temporarily disrupted.

The knight let out a roar of pain and surprise, stumbling back as his sword lost its flames.

Taking advantage of the situation, Aerovind charged forward once more, his obsidian sword hacking at the knight's armor.

With a loud crash, Sir Gregory fell to the ground, his enchanted sword flying out of reach.

A wave of relief washed over Ela as she watched Aerovind stand triumphantly over the defeated knight, sword poised for another strike.

"Are you okay?" he asked, turning to her. "I'm fine," she started to say but was cut off by a sudden gush of blood that splattered across the snowy ground. Ela's expression shifted from relief to tears as she saw the gruesome sight before her.

She screamed while she watched Aerovind drop to his knees, clutching his neck where the arrow had pierced.

Blood seeped between his fingers, staining the snow beneath him. She rushed to his side, tears streaming down her face.

"No, no, please don't die," she pleaded, helping him to sit down. The pain in his eyes was too much for her to bear.

Aerovind tried to speak, but all that came out was a choked gurgle. He collapsed onto the ground, his breath coming in short gasps.

Ela could hear Gregory's laughter as he stood up from the ground, and another archer approached them.

"You really should have run when you had the chance, girl. Now, I'm definitely going to sell you for a coin or two," he said coldly.

Ela's heart felt like it was breaking into pieces. "And as for your uncle, his head could fetch quite a hefty sum," Gregory continued, his words echoing in her mind.

Ela was paralyzed with fear, her mind spinning with the horrors that awaited her. She watched as Gregory approached them, his armor glinting in the moonlight.

With a twisted smirk, Gregory drew his sword and knelt down beside Aerovind. He reached out with his free hand and grabbed Ela's chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.

"Now, now," he said mockingly. "Let's not get too emotional about him. Trust me, death isn't the worst destiny, especially for a slave maid."

Ela closed her eyes tight, feeling the cold touch of Gregory's fingers at her chin. She bit her lip, trying to hold back the tears and the screams that threatened to escape.

"Why... why would you do such a thing?" Ela whispered, unable to comprehend the cruelty.

Gregory laughed again, a cold and dark sound that sent shivers down her spine.

"It's quite simple, my dear," he spoke with a sneer. "I am a noble knight, servant of one of the most powerful churches. In this world, the strong dominate the weak, and I can do as I please. And let's be honest, it's rather entertaining to hear the screams.

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