
BloodBound: The Journey of the Mortal Godslayer

Aerovind, a monster killer who grew up in poverty, joined the vaelorin program to help his sick mother. Instead of becoming a hero, he became a deadly killer, mastering the control of fire and emerging as one of the few children to survive the brutal training. One day, while traveling through a snowy village, Aerovind encountered a young girl who seemed to hold a mystery within her. However, all mysteries concealed secrets. Little did he know that this encounter would lead him into a world of gods and demons, compelling him to take on the role of her protector with the purpose—to safeguard her secret identity.

Todo_Aio · Fantasy
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20 Chs

chapter 5 : the hunting

Ela looked up at Aerovind, her eyes wide with fear. "It's just a story," she stammered, trying to hand him the notebook. "I wasn't doing anything wrong."

Aerovind took the notebook from her and flipped through its pages, his brow furrowed in concentration. After a moment, he looked up at her and said, "This isn't just a story, Ela. This is my life. This is what happens in the real world. This happened to me."

Ela's eyes widened further. "I... I didn't know," she stammered, trying to think of something, anything, to say that could convince Aerovind she meant no harm.

"I found it, and I just wanted to pass the time. I won't do anything like this again, uncle. Please don't throw me out."

Aerovind stared at her for a long moment before sighing and sitting down next to her. "I know you didn't mean any harm, Ela," he said, his voice softening. "But this... this is personal to me."

Ela nodded, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes.

"Don't tell me you are crying."

She quickly wiped away the tears and cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure. "No, I'm not crying," she lied. "I just... I understand. And I promise, I won't read anything else from that notebook without your permission."

Aerovind looked at her for a moment longer before nodding. "Thank you, Ela," he said while picking her up from the ground. "Are you hungry?"

Ela nodded, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. "Starving," she admitted. "But I promise, I won't touch anything of yours."

Aerovind smiled and stood up, carrying Ela in his arms. "It's alright. I think I will hunt for us a deer. What do you think?"

Ela's eyes lit up at the mention of hunting. "That sounds amazing!" she exclaimed. "I've never been hunting before."

Aerovind chuckled as he began to walk towards the forest. "Well, you're in for a treat then," he said over his shoulder. "How old are you again?"

Ela giggled. "I just turned twelve last month," she replied.

Aerovind nodded. "Alright then, we'll make sure to catch a small one for you," he said with a smile. "And maybe teach you how to skin and cook it later."

Ela shrugged at the thought of skinning and cooking a deer, but she knew it was part of being a hunter. "Thank you, Uncle Aerovind," she said gratefully. "I can't wait to learn more from you."

"First, it is cold and snowy here. Take my dirty coat; the smell is bad, but at least it will keep you warm while I am hunting."

Ela took the coat, her small fingers stumbling on the massive, rough texture.

The fabric was thick, having endured countless battles against the harsh weather and threatening wildlife. Dirt and dried blood lent the coat a unique odor that Ela found strangely comforting—it was a scent of survival, of life amongst the biting frost and howling winds.

Ela tried to wiggle her arms into the oversized sleeves, nearly tripping over from the weight of it. The hem of the coat trailed heavily on the snow behind her. Despite the coat's worn and dirty state, it was a welcome shield against the freezing cold.

"I don't mind the smell or the weight," Ela said, tucking her hands into the pockets of the coat. "It feels good to be warm again." She looked up at Aerovind with a determined expression. "I'll make sure to catch our dinner too."

Aerovind chuckled as he watched Ela struggle with the coat. "I have no doubt about that," he said. "You're a strong-willed girl, Ela. I can see that already."

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the cold became more intense, but Ela didn't complain. She trudged through the snow.

After a while, she spotted some fresh footprints. "Uncle Aerovind," she whispered, pointing at the tracks. "I think I saw some deer prints here."

Aerovind knelt beside her and examined the tracks. "Good eyes, Ela," he said.

"Let's follow them. We might get lucky."

Ela nodded excitedly and carefully followed the deer tracks, trying not to disturb them.

As they moved further into the forest, the deer seemed to grow more agitated. Its steps became faster and more erratic, indicating that it was trying to escape something.

Suddenly, the deer broke into a full sprint, its panic-stricken movements leaving a trail of snow kicked up in its wake. Ela and Aerovind hurried after it, their breaths coming out in white puffs of steam.

"Ela, jump on my shoulders."

Ela looked up at Aerovind, her eyes wide with surprise. "Really?" she asked.

Aerovind nodded gravely. "We need to catch up to that deer. It's our best chance at a fresh meal."

Without hesitation, Ela climbed onto Aerovind's shoulders, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck for support.

They were agile and swift as they chased after the deer, much like a wolf on the hunt for its next meal.

After a few minutes of running through the thick forest, they caught up to the deer.

Ela instinctively wrapped her legs around Aerovind's waist, while Aerovind reached his sword to the deer's neck, ensuring a quick and humane kill.

The deer's life ended swiftly, and Ela slid down from Aerovind's shoulders, her heart pounding from the adrenaline rush.

"Well done, Ela," Aerovind said, smiling at her. "You're the one finding the deer. Now let's take it to the cabin."

Ela nodded and watched proudly as Aerovind slung the deer over his shoulders like a seasoned hunter.

They continued their journey back to the cabin, with Ela carrying a small satchel filled with wild herbs she had gathered along the way.

As they approached the cabin, Ela could see a thin trail of smoke rising from the chimney, indicating that someone was already there.

"Stay here, Ela," Aerovind whispered to her. "I'll go check who's at the cabin." Ela nodded, her heart racing with anticipation. As she waited, she carefully arranged the herbs in her satchel, making sure they wouldn't get crushed.

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