
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

World origin

"The creation of the world... Firstly I came here intending to save the leaf-tailed Kinkajou, but I didn't expect to meet family over here instead. So can I free the Kinkajou before we proceed?" Tang Zhan questions the dragon that he has predicted was not actually wicked or evil, he knew the dragon just wanted to survive.

"If only you had grown enough, then I wouldn't need the Kinkajou to heal...(sigh) okay just go ahead and release it." The dragon reluctantly ordered as it prepared to tell to Tang Zhan the original of a story that has been fabricated through out the passage of the river of time.

Tang Zhan went to the Kinkajou that was placed on a rock, he looks at the string like item that was used to bind it. He tries to cut it with everything he has including his scythe but it is to no use.

He purposely decided to try out all the means he tried out, because immediately he saw the string like item he already knew it was only a high grade flame like that of a dragon or phoenix or one that formed naturally that could actually cut the string, nut he decided to first try other tools he had on him, but after everything he tried proved to be useless he held out his hand as he channelled out his extremely hot white coloured multicolored flame.

The flame only peeked out for a second and retracted back but all the strings were melted away. Seeing as the Kinkajou was now free and could leave anything it wished, Tang Zhan went back to his seat before the dragon.

"Okay, I'm ready!"

The dragon took a breath in as it breathes out a dreamy air of colourful smoke, as it closed his eyes reminiscing about what it was about to say out to Tang Zhan the young phoenix.

"Long long long time ago, even before the universes, realms, worlds or timeline was created. There was a singular being, he would be wrong to even call him a being, but he existed alone. He was and is still the only true existence as everything else that came after was just a creation of him. It is a confusing matter as even we that know the truth still don't understand and we've only grown to learn to take it as it is. Resources sometimes weren't created by people and would naturally form through the elements of the word and the laws of the universe, but this being wasn't like that, he wasn't formed but the essence of a world or the essence of a universe, but rather it was his essence that brought about the thing we call existences...

... His reason for creating the whole thing he created no one knows, but what we know is we are here today because of he wanted us to, and so we call him God...

... The first ear was when the world he created was just one, that was the time he also created his abode called Heaven, and during the first era it was called as Heaven and Birth, why because we came here to b born and there's was no such thing as being born up there so Heaven and Birth was the differentiation of both realms back then but after the third and final cataclysmic war, it has been Heaven and the name of the planet, you would hear things like Heaven and Toter, Heaven and Mig, and so on, what was your's even if you were from a no energy world you would still have" the dragon temporarily paused his story as it questioned Tang Zhan.

"It was Heaven and Earth"

"Hmmm, it's even more similar to Heaven and Birth, the Birth and Earth sounds similar."

"Yeah, they do!" Tang Zhan agreed as the dragon slapped it's tail on the ground and as it raised it's tail up it continued.

"The beings, the creature that was created then by the supreme being God were the first beings to exist, and they were called...

... Primordials. Primordials of the primordial era, they were all living together on the singular piece of world, until some of them began to grow more in power than the rest, that was when the discrimination of bloodlines and physiques started as those with purer and stronger physique or bloodline always surpassed the rest, this created a world where everyone started chasing power, because no one wanted to be left being by the others or be lorded over thy began to actively do the thing now known as training or cultivating, but when those with better resources also began to cultivate, things even became more worse, as the methods some used were bad while the methods some used could even make a lower purity primordial surpass a higher purity primordial. Some grew stronger faster than everyone else and at the end they became too strong that everyone had to listen to them, and because they didn't share the same reasoning they couldn't all lord the world together, and that was when factions began where those that believed through one person will be under that person. It continued like this for millennials until these faction lord's went at war with themselves, aiming to kill off their rivals or to subjugate them under their leadership, that was the first cataclysmic war...

... These primordials were the only ones strong enough to kill themselves, that is why in this current era it is only possible to curse them immobile, it to dice them up and deal them apart, not because we are not strong enough to kill them, but rather it is because when the supreme being God created them they were perfect all through and had a different unique thing about each and every one of them, and to kill them one needs to have a unique thing like them as well as if you're battling body and soul, you also have to have a unique thingy battle as well and when these three things of a primordial is destroyed only then can they be killed...

... The first cataclysmic war was the thing that split the world and the river or time and reality, which is why there is now different branching timelines and realities. This split had caused an explosion that killed many of the primordials and even rendered the quality if energy to be a hundred times lower than it was during the primordial era. New beings were created, because when the primordials birthed children they needed their bloodlines, physique and energy of the world to create another primordial, but when the quality of the world drop down to be hundred tomes lower than it once was, child birthing became a different thing totally as primordials were no longer born or able to be born, new creatures were born and those one too bred weaker creatures and the circle went on and on until one time, some primordials had decided the world needed to be fully wiped out of the embarrassing weaker creatures, but some believed it was the will of God and didn't go along with the plans, this was what led to the second cataclysmic war. The war that claimed the lives of many of the kind and good-hearted primordials that tried protecting the lives of the weaker beings, but the wicked primordials were finally stopped as a primordial came forth, and showed them that because the weaker beings were actually born weaker, the laws of the world did not restrict them as much as it restricted the primordials, this finally made the primordials to stop as they still haven't found ways to go around the laws of the world. The primordials finally found a way to elude the laws of the world through a weaker being that had told them back then, 'to win over the laws you have to become a law', and this began the second era where cultivation wasn't the only thing that was practiced but also the laws of the world, it was called the Axcientes era...

... Millions and billions of years went by, eras came and went by, always ever-changing. So now you'll ask what then caused the third war if the world was now peaceful right? It was the discovery of curses, they were proven to be able to waive through the laws of the world as well as the unique things that all primordials had, and so the third cataclysmic war began, weaker beings fighting back against the primordials that had lorded over them for far too long...

... This war was what turned most primordials immobile and was able to seal primordial as long as they were sliced and diced apart, but it ended with the emergence of a primordial who had remained unknown through the primordial era until then. He was called Thanatos, he was a primordial that everyone on the world feared immediately he made his entrance and that was because of many things, which included his physique, abilities and the law of the world he had learned..."


Creation is hard, cheer me up! I hope you all have been enjoying the novel so far, I'm trying my best the ups you love for it more and more, please cheer me on as I give you more of this, and if you have any idea you want to share please I'm up for it, your idea could be implemented into it who knows.

Tunmise_Phenexcreators' thoughts