
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

The third item

Few minutes before the explosion, Tang drags his legs to the third lectern, he looks over at the item atop it but immediately spits out blood, his heart thumps wildly before immediately going silent, his blood runs cold as his eyes lost all light within them...

... he died...

... Or...

... That is what should have happened it he truly didn't have his sentient shadow, but fortunately he did and the shadow wasn't the least bit concerned that he died. It only spared a second to look at him before it crept up the lectern.

Reaching the top of the lectern, the shadow shivered immensely but it shook it off and stared imminently at the item that caused Tang Zhan's death within just a second of staring at it.

The shadow sneakily crept up behind the eye... yes, an eye. The item that had caused Tang Zhan's death as well as made the shadow to shiver was simply just an eye.

The eye is as big as a human head, might be bigger, but it was huge nonetheless. The sclera is white, with streaks of purple mixed in yellow and the pupil is as golden as golden can get, bright, deep and mesmerizing, with an hourglass inscribed in it.

The eye was only able to glare at the shadow, it's pressure was the only thing it could do for itself, and the shadow was fully aware of this, so it wriggled up a little as it engulfed the eye in an instant.

The shadow had swallowed the eye, ow was trying to. Holes pierced through it from the inside as golden light show through. The shadow was now filled with many holes as it had an internal battle with the eye, but after a while the golden rays that penetrated the shadow receded back inside and it was done.

The shadow went back to Tang Zhan and entered him back. Suddenly Tang Zhan's heart thumped once, few seconds later it thumped again, this time louder, and before long his heart was beating again.

His pulse were back and his cold blood were heated back alive, his already pale skin was starting to regain color. His eyes also we're back to life as they blinked, but the blinking of his eyes did not stop at just two eyes as a third one started to split on his forehead.

A vertical split opened on his forehead, but it is still barely a crack almost like an injury line, but as it opens to this point an explosion rang out from Tang Zhan's body.

The explosion was huge and destructive, but Tang Zhan remained untouched inside it as knowledge he didn't know flowed into his brain.

Seconds passed like days, and it finally stops his mind brimming with new knowledge that makes him feel even more powerful, like they say... knowledge is power.

Tang Zhan looked at the remaining two items on the Lecterns, 'Kairos, you are truly the god of opportunity and chances, and since I already seized opportunity by the forelock, I'm not planning on letting go'

He then takes the paintbrush, as if he had always done it like and as been doing it for millennials, he swirled it in his hand, and drew something. The thing he had drawn was a rune, an epitaph with great meanings. Then he slapped it with the bottom of the brush and the rune like a hungry wolf, rushed into his body.

Then he made another rune, that one too was sent into his body. He kept on sending and sending and sending again and again, countless times. Until he reached a climax when his body was radiating a holy light, he stops making runes and grabbed the first item he had seen on the lectern, the rune that means 'permanent'.

He slaps it unto his chest and suddenly a electric current went bizarre in the space before him, the electricity started twisting into a vortex, while energy from the world to which this special area had an abundance of were all being pulled into the vortex and after a while, a panel appeared.


A window panel appeared before him, it was holographic and colored in silver. It sparked and words were appearing on it.


Name: Tang Zhan • formerly Aion.

Race: Ancient youngling. i.

Bloodline: Immortal blind bloodline. i.

Power: Ancient Shadow. i.

               Star Flame. i.

Energy: 4,078/16,804. i.

Level: 40(Exp: 0/30,000). Multiplier: 0.17.

HP: 300.

Strength: 59. i.

Agility: 62. i.

Vitality: 59. i.

Mind: 41. i.

Soul points: 3.750. i.

unallocated points:0

skills. i.

Forge. i.

Spin. i.

Inventory. i.

Weapon. i.

Quest. i.


The system could now work in any area without stop or interference, no. It is better to stay this is a different system... a better system.

The moment Tang Zhan had woken from his short slumber and ingrained with knowledge, that exact moment he was brimming with energy that could rival that of a demigod or even a lower god, and he had used that minute energy in him to craft a system.

The layout of his previous system was laid out before his eyes as he held the paintbrush and he just made a copy and changed or added somethings, and then made it permanently his by using the rune of permanent.

So right now Tang Zhan has two system, one a worldwide used system that can be seen by others and will be taken away from all sooner than later in the future. The other a personal system, connected to the cosmos itself and only can be seen by him, an interstellar being crafted and molded into a functional ai system.

♪Hello Master♪

'Hello system, are you ready to accompany me on my quest to...

... Family' Tang Zhan asked through his thoughts as he had programmed it to be able to converse through thoughts.

♪I'm as ready as possible just a name that's needed, but you are far from ready, but I'll do well to groom you, master♪ The system replied cockily.

'Hope you're not planning anything wicked, and as for a name I'll call you Void, you like it?'

♪It taste well on the palate, I'll take it, and no I'm not planning anything wicked but rather I'm planning a grand reunion with your family. I'm able to remotely absorb energies from the world, so I can help you grow stronger by transferring it to you in form of exp at least until you're also able to absorb energy, so be ready a quest might pop up at any time.♪ The new system Void narrated.

[Quest: Kill as many beasts as possible and leave immediately the duration ends.

Reward: Based on your performance.

Duration: Seven minutes.

Penalty: Failure to leave immediately leads to irreversible death.]

'Right now, like immediately'

♪Please excuse me I have a nap to take.♪

'What! Void, void, hey stop this quest can't I just leave immediately, five minutes has passed I'm sure Kairos would kill me on sight, void' Tang Zhan yelled in his mind.

♪Tsk! Why are you being such a baby, you're more than ten thousand years stop the whining. Weren't you boasting about knowing all about Kairos, didn't you also know that grabbing him by the forelock will freeze him in place for half an hour, and that half an hour now remains six minutes, so don't disturb my nap time and get moving.♪

'Oh f**k me!'


Now the real blind system is here, I hope you all enjoyed the roundabout changing of systems.

Tunmise_Phenexcreators' thoughts