
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs


Everyone were fully settled by now, either seated on the wooden floor, or standing by the edge watching the vast starry space surrounding them. The ship was made with series of special materials, and that made it possible for it to sail safely I space without a roofing with the only thing keeping them safe being a thin barrier that surrounds the ship.

Others took this as the best time to nap and rest their worried hearts, even though they were still clueless about their destination and how much of a threat it might pose to them.

Mr and Mrs Tang were part of these people, as they both cuddled off to one side, subconsciously embracing themselves as tight as they could, showing a great degree of how they had truly suffered their minds and bodies.

Yufei smiled warmly as she looked at her relaxing parents, she found everything funny. The fact that they were put in a roundabout of emotions right from day one and there is still no saying when the merry go round will end, but at this very minute she felt like she was completed and even if the whole world turns to shit the next minute, she would happily die with no regrets.

Banjo seeing Yufei's contented and selfless expression could not help but furrow his brows, "last time I saw you like that, was when you realized your brother was actually a living person and not some made up story, and that should be about twelve years ago, right?".

X perked up as she heard Banjo's remark, she looked at Yufei as well and saw her expression that could rival the radiance of the sun, "is that expression even possible for a human, I could mistake you for a goddess right now".

"Hahahaha, come on guys I'm just happy. Don't you think it's a true testimony that we were able to survive five weeks separately and we still end up meeting each other alive. To me i would say, it is a miracle and if I was to be told right now that those mythological entities existed, I would actually believe it, because how else can we explain this luck." Yufei explained, craning her neck up as she looked at the stars that were much more closer and plenty than they were on Earth.

"Truly we can't say it's not a miracle, but considering the fact that there are extraterrestrial races and even extraterrestrial humans that are able to become stronger and cultivate different forms of energy, then don't you think our mythologies are actually based on cultivators that became too strong to be classified as just cultivators. I watched many cultivation series back when I wanted to become a martial artist, my goal was to achieve a higher existence than just a martial artist but rather become a cultivator, and because of that I have quite the knowledge about them. What if Zeus was actually just a lightning cultivator that became strong enough to claim the element as his." Banjo explained while Yufei was taken aback.

X also smiled, "In my simulator there were different kinds and types of libraries everywhere and during one of my missions I had read a Greek book about Olympians being children of higher powers, known as titans, if titans created gods and Gaia made titans, while chaos birthed Gaia... Then who is or are the parents of chaos?"


Tang Zhan had gotten down from the bow spirit and now stood before the stairs that led up to the quarterdeck, but he was contemplating on whether it's a good idea to go or he should just call out from where he stood.

"To what do I owe for your visit." While Tang Zhan still stood deciding, the veiled lady was already before him without him noticing.

"Uhn!" He took a step back as he out of surprise but then he calmed himself down. "I was hoping I could ask you for your help on price of some items I have with me"

The lady smile stunning those few onlookers that were watching, she took a bossy step towards Tang Zhan as she raised her chin up slightly. "My help, isn't free."

Tang Zhan knew and understood what she was doing, if she could scare and put him under the pressure of her ego, pride and strength, then the rest of the earthlings aboard will be equally the same since they all recognize Tang Zhan as their strongest. Tang Zhan smiled because he wasn't one for that, then he stepped towards her as well.

"Well... How much are we talking about here, for me to get your valuable help, because I really need it."

Her smile ebbed away, but she still kept her prideful posture up as she took another step closer, this one seemingly saying 'i dare you'. "Well it depends, if it's just a question and answer help then that would cost you a hundred silver coins, but if it's for me to carry out something for you then that would be five thousand silver coins also known as five gold coins."

Tang Zhan took a thinking pose as he began walking away front and back, he moves left and right but then after he finishes his thinking phase he comes back to his previous position albeit he was a step closer.

The veiled lady's eyes twitched under the veil as he eyes spat fire and hailstorm beneath the veil.

"Okay I'll pay you according to how our conversation will end." Tang Zhan took a step closer, making it the second one he takes. "My question is according to the market, how much is beast core?".

"Beast core... Lower grade beasts in the ranks of normal have prices from one to ten gold coins depending on their tiers, boss grade beasts are from ten to twenty, lord grade are hundred gold coins all the way to a thousand, a crazed beast core is five thousand, a watcher beast is hundred thousand and it just keeps getting more and more expensive, why did you ask?" The veiled lady ended as she curiously stared Tang Zhan from head to toe.

"Questioning me is not free, it is really expensive." Tang Zhan smiled as he replied to the lady.

"Ooh, be careful don't let your fiery arrogance burn you."

"Hahaha... Are you interested in buying beast cores, I gave two hundred and fifteen normal tier 1 beast cores and two tier 2 normal beast cores." He says as a beast core appeared on his palm.

Some gasps could be heard as everyone knew the systems were out and over so for him to still be able to pull things out of nowhere was surprising to both the earthlings and the crew members.

"You also have a spatial ring, are you really from that small planet?" she asked her eyes lingering on the intricately designed ring on Tang Zhan left middle finger.

"It's nothing much, or is it meant to be an impossible feat to which I know it's not. Anyways will you buy?"

"Yes I would, two hundred gold for them."

"No, these cores are different from the regular, they are reinforced and enhanced by a god which means that give a better quality when used for cultivation, so I'll collect four gold per one, that or no deal."

The lady takes the first core out of his hand as she inhales, energy could be seen leaving the core, 'shit this is close to a major gods energy, where the hell did this kid get them.'

"Okay four gold each, that's sight hundred gold for all and twenty golds for the two tier 2's" she said as she stores the beast core in her hand into a spatial ring on her gloved hand.

Tang Zhan smiled as he transfered the rest into her spatial ring, he then adds five gold coins. "The price for your help, it was nice doing business with you."
