
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs


[Ding! Quest completed.

Rewards: 5,000 exp points, two tier 2 normal beast cores, 1 potion recipe, 1 spell book and 2,000 gold coins.]

[Unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 50.00

[Exp multiplier: 50.17]

"Oh wow, the rewards is quite eye-catching, it's just that most of them are unable to be used while others I don't have any idea on how to use them. I hope void out in descriptions, let me check the potion first." Tang Zhan trekked as he spoke to himself, he would have used his shadow to create a vehicle or something to make the journey easier, but his energy is lacking as it as not recoverd yet.

Apparently the infusion only improved his energy levels not his physical condition which is the one that houses the regeneration of his energy since he doesn't have a good enough cultivation technique.

[Item: Potion.

Name: Disarray potion.

Description: A hit from the potion fluids will make the victim unable to form meaningful thoughts within the duration of one minute.

Preparation: ...]

"This is incredibly nice, a potion to disrupt thoughts, and according to those and novels the maid read for me, most cultivators either think up the incantation for their spells or say them out, but both methods still require thinking whatsoever, so this is an abomination to cultivators that uses spells." Tang Zhan looked at the scroll he held in his hand, looking at the recipe and instructions to follow in order to make the potion.

"Let's see, which one is the next... Oh yeah the spell book, what's it about?" He said as the potion recipe disappeared into his inventory, while another one appeared, this time it was a book.

'Nice cover, smooth fonts, Scan!'

[Item: Spell book.

Name: Eye windows.

Type: Passive.

Description: Grants the user the ability to peer into souls, and perhaps gain a deeper understanding of it.]

"Wow! This is also nice, incredibly so considering the fact that I'm able to absorb soul through bites it is only understandable if I'm also able to see it, right? Yeah!" Tang Zhan thought as he opened the book to start reading, and with that the journey continued.


"Jarvis, Travis, your attack are perfect your movement is okay and your method of defense is equally good, but your footwork is the problem here, you are using more movement than required remember your training is to learn how to use the most minimum amount of movement to reduce the exhaustion of your stamina, do you grab!"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

"Okay then continue after a drink! (Sigh)" the bald man sighed, as he watches the twins he was advising move out of the arena.

"Come on baldy, be kind to the soldiers they are already trying their best" a Yung girl says as she appears behind the stressed bald man.

Although he is bald but his piercing blue eyes makes anyone feel his endless attractiveness that would move any woman and man likewise, that along with his sparkling white set of tooth, with two fangs that was so white that one could see their reflection in them. He is fairly tall, about six foot two inches. His hands are packed with adequate muscles that rest perfectly on his lean body. He is wearing a black sleeveless top along with khaki shorts.

He looks at the kid that appeared behind him, "see who's talking the soldier that is far better than even her captain. A common vampire that's stronger than even a knight vampire, and here you are talking in favour for those useless brats" the baldy spoke back as he looks the girl up and down, wondering where exactly her source if power comes from.

The girl noticing his studious gaze, twirled in her battle dress, it was all black with the front part having the stickers of many red butterflies circling around a red skull. The dress accentuates her barely noticeable curves and assets, as one would be too captivated by her face to notice any other parts of her, but the dress does that part of her justice.

Her cute small oval face, coupled with her jet black hair with silver streaks made into a wavy lines down her shoulder, her pointed nose that seems to show the extent of her pride, and her rosy pink lips that sits gently atop her dangerously sharp chin.

"Tch! Stop acting like that, I thought the commander told eto stop watching those humans fashion show or whatever it is they call it, it's influencing you badly" the bald man says in annoyance as he forcefully takes his eyes away from the girls' body.

"No no no no no, I'm a battle crazed vamp, you always tell me that, everything I do, I do because it increases the number of victories I'd be getting, any other apart from battle I don't do, and mind you I already showed the commander my fashion body skill and he testified that it truly is a dangerous form of mental attack." The girl said as she happily skipped beside the baldy.

"Br- but you can't use men-" he was about to refute again, only for his sentence to be cut off.

"She's speaking the truth Archibald, I personally told her she can utilize those moves as it has a passive mental attack in it, quite similar to the ones the succubus uses. Every little distraction for our enemies means more wins for us, right Astraea?" Another man joined the conversation.

It is clear everyone around that he is the boss around here, as he holds in his aura and strength, yet the pressure emanating from him turn the air gloomy and sad, those weaker vampires around could not look at him as the few two seconds they used to stare at him when he arrived already makes them taste that metallic fluid in their mouth while some couldn't hold it in as it dripped down their chin.

Amidst all the gloominess and pressure that even Archibald couldn't help but stiffen up, Astraea still smiled as widely as she could.

Sticking her tongue out at Archibald, she spun again as she tipped off the ground onto a higher platform behind, she then bows at the crowd.

"Yes commander Hendrix, absolutely true!" She ends with a giggle. As she turns around to continue her skipping, but rather it was her had that did the skipping.

Her dead heart beat a beat, the sound echoed loudly in the enhanced ears of those around. Everyone knows apart from her super senses, she is also able to detect good from bad, wicked from kind, strong from weak, and it's been a long while they saw something scare her enough for her heart to beat a beat.

The rest were still concerned about Astraea, until a dreadful pressure crept up their spines, all the soldiers including Archibald fell flat on the ground, while Hendrix is filled with bulging veins that shows just how much he is trying to remain standing.

A figure finally came up beside the frozen scared Astraea, his eyes blindfolded and chest laying bare, as he was about to walk down the stairs,but Astraea held unto his left hand as she walked down with him. "Father-in-law, you still haven't found my love yet? I'm missing him too much!"

"Even if we find him, I can't be certain he'll recognize you, that crazy brat! Who would have expected that my son whom I placed a seal on so that his abilities wouldn't activate until I'm back, will actually be crazy enough to use the energy of his seal to kill himself and cheat samsara into instant reincarnation, you both are still the same age ten thousand and eighteen years according to soul. I threatened samsara before he was willing to share this small piece of info, but getting the exact is impossible for now." He narrated as they both got done the flight of stairs.

"Sir how was the search, have you found it? The king and the elders waited for you, but they said you have your ways of leaving when you wish" Hendrix was a squeaking mess in the pressure of the man as it is obvious that the man is angrily releasing

"I found the dome of tenacity, Kairos clone was there as thought, but he said the eye was taken from him four days ago, by a kid, he also said the kid already ingrained it into his forehead, and it won't take much time before Kronos takes over the boy's body"

"But isn't that also what you wanted to do, ingrain it into yourself?" Hendrix asked as he struggled to keep his bowels from releasing the mighty urine of fear.

"That is indeed what I was going to do, but only through my Ancient shadow, can Kronos residue mind in the eye be forced to submit, and only I and my children are the remaining Ancients, in the whole timeline. My hope now is that the kid can hold on to Kronos, till I find him".


Kronos is being mentioned lately, uhn!

Tunmise_Phenexcreators' thoughts