
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Reeking cavern 2

[You have killed a tier 2 normal Kobole, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 0.37

[Exp multiplier: 258.74]

•Tier 2 Normal Beast core

•Sensory pellets.(×1)

•Kobole beast claw.(×4)

•50 gold coins.]

Backflipping onto the shoulder of the first Kobole that was lodged into the ground, Aion squats on the shoulder as he points his right sword at the other three Koboles that were currently hesitant before him.

He jumps again from the shoulder of the Kobole he was squatting on, this time the Kobole shoulders split apart as the force was higher than the durability of the body.

[You have killed a tier 2 normal Kobole, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 0.37

[Exp multiplier: 259.11]

•Tier 2 Normal Beast core

•Sensory pellets.(×1)

•Kobole beast claw.(×3)

•50 gold coins.]

Aion jumps launches him past the three Koboles as he lands behind the three and sheaths his two swords.

[You have killed three tier 2 normal Koboles, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 1.11

[Exp multiplier: 260.22]

•Tier 2 Normal Beast core.(×3)

•Sensory pellets.(×3)

•Kobole beast claw.(×11)

•150 gold coins.]

"Hey team let's get going, we don't have all day!" He calls out at the team as they were dumbfounded while looking at him, even they hadn't seen what he did all they knew was that he flew past the three Koboles and since then the Koboles have been frozen up on their spot.

Grad motions for them to get on the move, as they search all the Koboles that were slayed didn't actually have a beast core, then they checked the three frozen Koboles and it was the same, that was also when they saw the slight line around the Koboles neck, where blood was currently seeping out of slowly.

'So they were dead without knowing, why a scary person.' Grad thought as he finally relaxes and proceeds to carry his sword on his shoulder again.

"For no understandable reason, these Koboles of a thing have no beast core at all, we will still check the others we kill but if they truly do not have, then this mission is a total waste. Although it's not like we didn't collect money, we did, but the beast cores we get from the mission is the reason we don't haggle for a better price. So let's continue on." Grad says with annoyance evident in his voice as a dangerous aura envelopes him.

'Seems like he is finally getting all worked up and serious, hehehe let's begin the plan, ahahah' Aion thinks to himself as he follows the team and continue their clearing up.

The walk after the fight was a tiring one through an extremely long and narrow tunnel, it was empty without a single Kobole and they had to check if they had passed the right place,but at last they finally come out of the tunnel and were brought into a spacious place.

The spacious place could be truly described as spacious, but it was far more than that, it was huge, large and wide. The team leaned beside a rock as they look forward to the village before them.

A small village with small huts and everything, the huts were built in a circle putting everything together at the same spot. Then in the middle of the houses is a bonfire that was currently without fire but Aion's sharp sight and senses could notice that it was smoking and there were traces of heat around there.

"They just recently left there, they must be having some ceremony or so" he told the team as grad goes into thinking.

"Kobolds are naturally a clan based intelligent beasts, and it is not abnormal if they gave ceremonies, but moles aren't. They are battle hungry competitive bunch of senseless beasts, they only fight fight fight, and test their strength at every little chance they get." Grad explains to the team, while he formulates a plan in his head.

"Let's get going, you said it yourself this isn't the main reason for our activeness today, but rather it is the gods field action we have to partake in later on, right. So let's not waste any more time thinking up some meaningless theories." The main culprit for the beast core advised as he wanted to leave here as soon as possible and be out of their hair, before any horrid shit goes down between him and the eye patched man.

The team stealthily walked up to the houses, searching high and low in side each of them for any valuables, or clues that could lead them to the main group of the Koboles.

After searching the last house, they proceeded to searching around the houses, and they caught sighting of a smoke rising from the distance.

"That must be it right? They might truly be having some celebration over there." Rill said as he closes his hands together emulating a spyglass as he looks off into the distance where the smoke is rising from.

Rack hits him on the back of his head as he pretends his spyglass fell down and shatters, he kneels down wailing while holding the shattered pieces of his spyglass, after a while he stands back up.

"I'm good! Let's get going." He and his twin begins to laugh as the rest also smile at their antics.

They cautiously walks towards the area of the smoke, blending in with their environment smoothly and expertly as they go nearer and nearer to the area.

As they go closer they could hear cheering voices, albeit in a guttural language they couldn't understand.

They each look at themselves from their secretly hidden spots as they shared nods to each other. Then they continued and the cheering only got louder and louder gill they finally reach the area of the event.

Koboles everywhere numbering in fifty or so, taking seat on rocks an other platforms on the ground, some stood and cheered while some sat on the ground.but they were all huddled around the same place cheering for something that was ongoing in their midst.

Aion sneaks around as he sees that the common Koboles were the ones huddled together, as there was also some sort of chief sitting on a throne of bones probably from rodents or other small animals.

All the Koboles were cheering for an ongoing event in their midst, and after having a good view of what it was Aion realized that what he and Grad had said earlier was true.

Earlier he had spoken according to a Kobold, while Grad had spoken according to a Mole, whereas they were the combination of both. Which means apart from having ceremonies like he had said they are also competitive like Grad said, and since they are the combination of both they will be having a competitive ceremony.

Aion snuck back to the team as he gave them the feedback of his scouting about the ongoing event. Grad made a new revised plan, as he explained it to the team as everyone were given their positions and roles, and with that the play began.


The small tribe of Koboles had lived in the claw carved cavern for six months and according to their culture of making sure they have a strong person as their chief, they always have a competition every six months. The winner of the competition is given one week to rest and reenergize while also supplemented with the same resources the chief gets. This will last for a week as well as after that the chief and the competition champion will have an intense life and death battle, the winner is then crowned as the chief, lasting only for the next six months.

Today was such a day, it wasn't the day for the competition but rather the day of the battle between the champion and the chief. Before the main battle starts, others will come up to have a little sparring to entertain the audience and keep the atmosphere in the mood.

Currently a female Kobole was fighting a male Kobole, the way to different between them is the four piece of saggy flat flesh on the females chest with a tentacle knot on each of the four. According to Kobole's anatomy, she is just still a teenager and hasn't grown enough to have a proper breast, as she hasn't even began her puberty and will only begin after the third child she gives birth to.

She stands in a awkward non human stance as she glances at her opponents shortsword and straw shield, then she glances back at her empty hands and the dagger that was almost twelve feets away from her position.

The males opponent looks at her in a somewhat understandable expression that speaks of endless disdain, as it says at the girl in their language.

"You disgust me!" But surprisingly Aion understands it well and clearly.


I'm sorry it came up late, and for that i promise to do better.

Tunmise_Phenexcreators' thoughts