
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Larry's reveal

Grad shifts back going closer to the other four, with his broadsword tightly held in front of him. The rest as well pull out their weapons taking a closer stance to each other.

The bird screeched at them as it begins to take giant step towards them. Each step it took forward was followed by it's black squirming friends.

"Rraaagh!" A sudden yell catches their attention as everyone looks up. The two missing guys were free falling and holding each other's hands.

The bird screeched and took flight getting out of the way, but a huge hit from Grad's broadsword sends it back to the ground right under the two falling guys.

The two sees this and opens a bag they were holding. "Leave there!".

Noticing the bag with the two, the rest of the party members realize it was the same one they used to hold lava from the first disaster. Grad and the others quickly leave the area, but one of them wielding two shortsword ran up to the bird that was still shaking it's head to get rid of the dizziness from the impact.

The guy runs up to it, dodging the numerous worms trying to latch onto him. Then he jumps up finding a place to land on the bird, after securing his steps he begins to run up on it.

The bird obviously didn't like the disrespectful action, and throws it's body sideways to get rid of the human climbing up on it.

The guy makes sure he holds on till he reached the top, and stood on the neck of the bird. Looking up he could see the two guys pouring out a hot large amount of lava but he knows it won't reach the bird that still has more than enough time to get out of the way. Though it may be possible to get the worms but it will not get the bird, which was why he had taken such a decision and made this move.

He sprints up the bird's neck and when he reaches the head he stomps on it and propels himself up then he uses every ounce of strength his arms could muster and throw the shortswords.

The shortswords accurate sail downwards and lodge into the bird's wings, nailing it to the ground.

Although the guy nails the bird to the ground but now he as well is in the air falling with nothing around to stop or slow his descent.

The lava from the other guys pour down hitting the bird right on it's head and then pouring down the rest of it's body. As the liquid fire slides down the bird body, flesh and feathers are cleared out of the way in columns, the worms climbs it's body opening their mouths to eat the lave.

It looked hopeless, but it actually reduced the amount of lava pouring down the bird.

"Did we tell you that was all we had, if you worms were that hungry you should have let us know and not steal from birdy's meal, okay!" Pouring out the whole bag, lava drops down like a waterfall, a mini waterfall.

The lava drops on everyone impure thing down on the ground the worms were disappearing on impact no remain to prove their existence, while the bird although was dissolving but at least had a skeleton to show for it.

"Yeahhh! We did it!"

"Yay! Hurray to us, hahahah!" They were all laughing and jubilating, but were also falling and not falling anywhere but the ground filled with lava they just poured.

Grad see this and searches around for anything to throw to help then, but there is absolutely nothing. So he makes one of his own.

Twirling around he slashes his sword deep into the tree beside him, the tree being dead made it to work it in his favor, his sword easily sinks inside, without wasting time to pull out his sword that had sunk in to the center of the tree, he just body slammed the tree causing it to fall.

The guys were less than five seconds to the ground, while the other guy had already fallen and he took some injuries but not too serious injuries. Grad picks up the tree, it wasn't really heavy since it was a slim tree that was dead, he yells as he throws it out.

The two guys notice the tree heading for them and understand the use Grad did it for. They waited until the tree got close to them, then they held grabbed it. It carries them along with it, the force too much too stop.

So they climb and stand on it, waiting for it to get lower to the ground so they can jumps off from it.

As the dead log of wood, gets closer to the ground the two holds their breath and crouches on the log. Preparing their knees for impact and when they saw it was the perfect time, they jumped off. The ground was not that far and they were ready for impact within two seconds.

As they were about to make impact, a shadow looms over them, without the chance to even look up a giant beak swoops in and swallows them both.

Everyone eyes widens, as they all take cover behind trees, even grad also makes sure his huge frame is hidden quite well.


Another giant bird lands on the ground and walks to the edge of the lava, watching how the remaining skeleton of the previous bird dissolves ever so slowly.

The bird looks around, but seeing as everyone is in hiding and not out to fight him, he gets enraged as it screeches again.

If it could speak, then it's would have said 'you can bully a girl but hide when I come!'. The guys all look at themselves through the woods and where about to think up a plan but all the tree they were hiding behind suddenly looses half of their length.

Bony feathers stabbing to other trees in front of them. Before they knew it, another set of feathers shoot out in circle clearing the next set of trees.

Grad looks at all the logs now littering the ground. He then looks at the other guys.

"Cover me!" He mouths for them as they all nod their heads in understanding.

Grad stabs his broadsword to the ground to release some weight off himself and to keep light on his feets even though he has a huge build.

Nodding to the guys that also nod back as well, head shoots out to the closest log to him. The bird notices him and starts shooting it's bony feathers at Grad.

Grad although notices the feathers coming straight for him, but he falters not and continue in his quest of getting the log. That's because the others were there to cover his back.

Weapon flash and crash against the feathers stopping their projection and halting them in place as they all fell to the ground.

Grad successful gets the log and with calculated accuracy throws the log at the bird and without stopping runs towards another log grabs and throws at the bird.

The bird couldn't see it's target with the log that kept hitting it on face. So it took off and flew into the air gliding and looking for where the rest of the humans might be hiding.

It spots grad again preparing to throw another log, but it seems to be heavier and Grad is having a hard time carrying it.

The bird dives down and comes attacking at Grad, stretching it's talons and aiming at grabbing Grad, but as it's talons were about to hit Grad, he suddenly shifts his body and raises the tree and hits the bird's talon. The force sends the bird tumbling down and the others that were lying in wait all jump out, striking as much as possible with their weapons.

Grad comes and aims his broadsword at the birds skull but the bird flaps his wings throwing everyone away. The guy that fell the other time after getting the first bird stuck hits his back against one of the broken trees.

He falls to the ground, bleeding from his side. He looks at his side and sees a piece of wood sticking through. One of the other guy rolls up to him.

"Hey hey Larry, you okay? You're bleeding!" He helps the guy named Larry test against the tree.

Larry was about to speak but he coughs up blood. "Bob... I think I'll be leaving first, things aren't going as planned. But..." He stops and breathes in deeply, blood rolling down his chin without stop.

He then holds Bob shirt as he pulls him close putting his mouth by Bob's ear, then he whispers. "Let Laura know... I... Found him... Found Grad!"

Bob shifts back and looks at Grad then he looks back at Larry but Larry already pulled out the stick in his stomach causing blood to pour freely from the huge wound.

"What are you doing Larry, how does who Laura is looking for concern Grad that we just met in here?"

"He is not just any Grad... He is him, Grad the Great Eradicator..."

"No way, he is the Great Eradicator, the only Gradicator!"
