
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs


Tang Zhan was back to normal now, his transformation has reverted but he still feels the same. He had at first thought his transformation was like some type of adrenaline that comes during flight or fight, and after it was done, it would leave him exhausted, but no. He didn't feel the least bit exhausted, he could even almost say he feels better.

"There are no zombies that can fly right? I'm just asking in case we need to look out for something." Yufei said nervously while looking through the window.

"No, there aren't, and if there was , it won't be more than birds that were unfortunately bitten, so I think we are safe!"

X turned her head to look at Banjo and Yufei, then she faced the front, "Banjo is right and more over don't jinx us, what if there suddenly is a zombie that can fly, uhn?"

She then looks at Tang Zhan who was deeply invested in his system panel, "hey you, how are you feeling now?".

"Uhn..." Tang Zhan was surprised she took the initiative to talk to him after what he did to her, he had expected her to ignore him or do anything possible to stay away from him, but now she was the one taking the initiative to speak with him. "... Yes?".

"I said... Nevermind. So guys do we just keep going straight?" X changed her mind, she suddenly didn't have enough courage to continue talking with him after seeing his guilty face.

"Well, that's the plan, at least until the fuel runs out, but if it can take us there then that's good as well." Banjo put in, checking his phone for maps with Yufei.

Tang Zhan was about to talk but he suddenly felt that something was wrong, he quickly tried to bring out his scythe but it was too late.


A pair of legs broke through the window, and a body followed soon enough, the legs hit Tang Zhan's cheek, immediately dislocating his jaw, while his head spun around.

X screamed out as she almost lost control of the wheels, her heart jumped as she felt the wind slicing behind her but she couldn't do anything as it was either her head or the helicopter. So she just prayed someone would save her in time.

Someone did save her in time, Yufei wheeled in a kick with all her might and it connected straight with the zombies thick skull making a resounding crack ring out.

The claws stop short of reaching X's neck, as the zombie was forcefully sent flying and it hit against the side of the helicopter.

Bang Bang!

Banjo was as well, ready with his gun making fine sized holes in the zombies knees. While X could only faithfully steel her mind as she continued piloting the helicopter, placing her trust completely in her teammates.


Tang Zhan's dislocated jaw, reset itself. The zombie gulped as it saw Tang Zhan's energy spike, Yufei and Banjo noticed this as well, but they noticed something else. He didn't look as feral and wild as before, he looked more in control.

He looked at the three of them, and said after sighing, "you three survived a month without me, I'll need you to survive a few more days again, you can do that right?"

"Wait brother, what are you trying to do?" Yufei instantly panicked, as she saw the crazed look on her brother face.

"I wanted to saw this before, X, I'm sorry." Tang Zhan said as he ran straight at the zombie, and with a forceful hit unable to avoid in the small space of an helicopter, both he and the zombie were flung out the aircraft.


"Aaahhhhhh!" Yufei screamed while Banjo rocked her back and forth on the seat, she cried and wailed, hugging Banjo's left arm as his right was filled with bite marks, her bite marks. She had tried to jump after her brother when he fell, but Banjo held her and the result was the bite marks he got while trying to hold her.

X could only stare blankly as she continued piloting the helicopter, tears streaming down her cheeks, but she was too mortified to think about anything.

Few hours later, Yufei was a mess with the way her hair was scattered and all over the place. Her face had two lines of dried tears from her eyes down her chin. Banjo was the one driving, as X had slept from exhaustion, it was more mentally taxing to force oneself from crying than just allowing it.

Soon enough, Banjo could see signs of land peeking in from the horizon.

"We're almost there!" He informed but no one replied, he just sighed as he continued onwards.


"You- you crazy human, what are you. We zombies can't experience true death, you should have just found a way to push me out but now you'll be going alone because I won't be seeing you off." The zombie said as it tried to push Tang Zhan off of him, but to no avail.

"You know our first fight was filled with many factors that could potentially put my companions in danger, but now there are none. So... would you please allow me have another taste at your soul, I couldn't quite catch the flavour the last time." Tang Zhan said as his fangs winked at the zombie through his open mouth.

"No, no, no you- yo- you crazy fuck... get off me, get off meee!" He tried to yell Incase there was any god hearing that could send help, but unfortunately...

... they all fell on deaf ears as his scream uselessly rang out in the empty skies.

[Soul energy unlocked]

[Gained 300 Sp...

... gained 300 Sp

... gained 300 Sp

... gained 300 Sp

... gained 300 Sp

Total: 1,500 Sp

Soul points: 3.750]

"Ahhhh~" Tang Zhan moaned, all his cells feeling hyper active, rushing through his veins like tidal waves. The feeling was extremely exhilarating and he couldn't help but want more but the zombie was now a different race, at least in body appearance, because he now looked like a skeleton.

He was still groaning a little, looking at Tang Zhan pleadingly, but a fist caved his skull in.

[You have killed a 8% zombie, unable to gain exp due to current condition, will be turned into exp multiplier]

Gotten: 0.08

[Exp multiplier: 0.17]

Tang Zhan finally got his bearings, as he realizes he is still falling, only then did he check his surroundings. He then sees he is many miles in the air as he looks down and sees the top of a mountain from his position where he is still falling.

'shit' The wind was starting to hurt his eyes as his descent becomes increased, flames could be seen trying to pick at the edges of his clothes, but he is not worried as flames of that level poses no threat to him.

His sight then switches from the mountain down below, a thunderstorm could be seen halfway through the mountains around that were in a circular formation, but the weird thing was the fact that the thunderstorm was only within the mountains not even a tiny bit leaking out.

"What the hell is that?" He questions, but he doesn't need to bother for too long as he plummets through the gloomy thunderstorm.


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