
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Complicated quest line

"Savior, wait savior what do you mean as savior" Tang Zhan tried to pull the man from the stool he climbed but the man shrugs his hand away.


Within no time the sellers and buyers around all piled up at the butcher's shop as they all came there to thank Tang Zhan, some even brought out their children to thanks Tang Zhan as they all kept chanting and calling him "Hero sir".

Tang Zhan finally felt welcomed in the town as the people finally accept him and not only could he feel it, but he could also see it as the town suddenly had a hue of light rise of from it almost like when one upgraded a gear in games, but the light that went up from it gathered above the town and formed words that only Tang Zhan could see.


•Sleekstorm.(Town): +44.(Hero)]

He could see his reputation with the town through his had become increasingly high, for him to be labelled as a hero.

"He is so strong at a young age, he should be from the royal families up there."

"He is even more handsome than the first son of Earl Elistair of the Spheros city."

"I daresay he is more handsome and charming than the crowned prince of our Laeddenad Kingdom."

Different murmurs went about and Tang Zhan could only stand as hee received all the compliments with a stressed smile on his face. Until a kid spoke up.

"Mama, handsome uncle is so strong. He killed both the leaf-tailed Kinkajou and the Honip all together. I want to be like him when I grow up."

'Oh. No. Shit!' hearing the kid's voice seemed to unlock a part of Tang Zhan's memory that the bashing the beast gave his head had locked.

[Quest: Kill the leaf-tailed Kinkajou that has been tormenting and killing the lord's personnel and making all his efforts of getting his materials futile.

Reward: Increased affection, 500 gold coins, two stats points.

Duration: A day.

Penalty: Rejection from lord Beavis.]

Tang Zhan checked the quest and sees that it isn't updated in the least bit, not even a "in progress". Which means he had spent half a day, half the time of his duration fighting something else entirely.

He looked around at the crowd they were hellbent on complimenting him to death. 'If I just leave here and leave the town, many will be suspicious... Oh yes that.'

The people were still hailing Tang Zhan when suddenly, he disappeared. They looked all around and when they couldn't find him they left back to their business while even praising his name and strength more.

Whereas Tang Zhan was going full speed back to the location of the map where he had met and fought the Honip.


On getting back to the location, Tang Zhan didn't leave his shadow and instead continued on like that into the enchanted forest.

The forest was back to it's previous calm, all the previous little beast and small animals were also back, enjoying the serene beauty of the forest.

Tang Zhan carefully passed beside all the little beasts and insects as he looks around for signs of the kinkajou. He searches the mapped area for about twelve minutes without finding anything, he then decides to check a different area.

He was about to pass to a different side before his nose caught a specific scent, he couldn't put his head around it but he just knew that he understood the scent to be that of blood.

Since his sense of sight had proved to be invalid in this search, he deactivates his shadow movement skill as he utilizes his sense of smell.

Taking a bigger whiff in, myriads of scents, smell and odour all hit him together but he was surprisingly able to differentiate which one was which as he bent down to the ground.

'It definitely is blood.' He turns over few of the leaves on the ground as he sees some of them splattered with a blue fluid.

He subconsciously uses his finger to rub off a small part of it as he licks it, a strong wave of life force hits him as his regeneration body suddenly takes a bigger leap.

Information assaulted his mind as he instinctually knows it belongs to a Kinkajou. He grabs a bunch of leaves on the ground as he holds it up to his nose while inhaling.

He shakily breathes out as he opens his eyes revealing them to now be in his transformed state, but he actually hasn't transformed yet and the only thing are his eyes.

He sieved the varieties of smell in the air as he locks on to the blood scent alone. 'The Kinkajou is brimming with life force, it can't just injured and be struggling to survive, something else must have attacked it and want to use it for it's personal benefit.'

After successfully locking on to the scent if the Kinkajou's blood, he dashes forward as he tracks down the beast by following it's scent.

[Quest: Save the leaf-tailed Kinkajou from whatever wishes to hurt and use it for their benefit.

Reward: A dark silver grade breastplate, 1,000 gold piece.

Duration: Half an hour.

Penalty: -50 permanent health points.]

[Hidden Quest: I am a Protagonist/Antagonist.

Type: Continuum Quest.

Details: Save or Kill the leaf-tailed Kinkajou. Succeed and fail one of both quests.

Rewards: 1 path point, 1 profession choice, anchor of existence(fragment piece)

Duration: Half an hour.

Penalty: N/A.]

While running Tang Zhan reads the notification of both quests as he confusedly jumps over a log of wood.

'My guess was right, but what is this hidden quest all about and why am I supposed to determine my future path over a quest.'

♪Whether you believe it or not, I am an existence of smarter origins, and so I know that you deciding to kill the beast now because your hands were forced by a quest means you inevitably have that antagonist side of you that you are slowly succumbing to, but if you choose to save it regardless of your quest it means the good in you is currently greater than the evil in you, even though that might face a change in the future.♪

Hearing the explanation Void presented, Tang Zhan chose not to believe as he believes and trusts himself more than anything and so he knows just to what his limits extend.

This internal struggle at the context of the hidden quest had him thinking as he nearly slips and fall, so he shakes his head and focuses on the scent that is slowly starting to get stronger.

'All I know is I am fully good and there is absolutely nothing that will be making me a bad person... Although I might take revenge once or twice but everyone does that including good people, and moreover the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.' Tang Zhan concluded as he continues his search.

♪The Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, (scoff) that doesn't mean the apple won't rot. Saying you take after your parent, are you sure you know exactly what you're saying, considering how you have two set of parents and you only know one.♪ Void rebutted as it manages to piss off Tang Zhan.

'Just shut the fuck up, okay. Shut up and don't speak unless I ask first, never talk unless I ask first.' Tang Zhan's voice angrily echoes inside his mind as he yells a order at Void, but the stubborn Void wasn't willing to be put out like that.

♪You know no matter how hard the truth is one has to accept it, what you run from catches you faster than what you're running to achieve.♪

'You know what, system voice... Disable'

♪You have t-♪ Void realizing Tang Zhan's intent, immediately tries to warn him but it was too late as it's voice was cut off, never to be heard again unless Tang Zhan ever decides to enable it again.

In in clouded angry state, Tang Zhan rushes off still following the scent that is now strong enough to revitalize him and replenish his stamina, and without knowing he crosses a sign that was placed there in long rows as he simply jumps over it without looking or noticing.

Running for about four more minutes, the scent of life was nearly choking him at this point, he was barely hanging on to the overflowing energy of life that invaded his body nonstop, but luckily there were some part of him that was not hurt by the high intensity of life, rather was even gaining from it.

One was the ever hungry bottomless shadow, while the other... Was he himself.
