
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs


As soon as they got inside, guns were pointed to the three of them heads, yeah you read right, three of them heads.

The three men froze up, not daring to move or blink. The gun pointed to their head was one they had never seen in their lives.

"shoot and I kill her!"

A smooth soft voice, laced with ice chilling coldness, rang out like a whisper.

' That isn't the voice of Yufei, so who is it?' Banjo quickly glanced around, and luckily found what he was looking for.

He looked at the windows reflection, and on it he could see a female holding Yufei's sword against her neck, even slightly drawing blood to show that she meant the threat.

Banjo's eyes widened and he immediately pointed the gun down.

Yufei wanted to tell him not to but the sword was partly in her skin and the fear of getting her throat slit, made her words hang back.

"okay, okay, I dropped mine so I think you should drop yours!" Banjo moved away from the three men and gave distance so he could catch everyone within his scope.

Yufei breathed out a sigh of relief but still didn't act out, because although the person had removed the sword she didn't hear any footsteps, which means the person was still behind her.

Banjo who saw that the assailant had gone further away from Yufei, thought Yufei was still caught up in fear.

"Yufei are you okay?" Banjo asked snapping Yufei out of her daze.

That was when Yufei saw another person joining the three men, she looked back but saw no one.

'when did she leave, I swear I didn't hear anything!'

Yufei then looked at Banjo, her face telling him an obvious message, ' that girl is dangerous '.

He too sent her a message, ' I know '.

"we came here thinking it was empty, but since you are here and this house is big enough, why don't we all live here" The girl said, although her face was emotionless and blank, her body wasn't, she was making gestures that depicts emotions.

"and why should we?" Yufei sassed, placing a hand on her hip and her other hand half raised.

"although you found it first, that doesn't mean you should have it alone" The girl angrily remarked while walking towards Yufei.

"found it first! hahaha, this is my house, rightfully and legally, wait have you ever heard of the Tang family?" Yufei proclaimed, earning a confused tilt of the girl's head.

' even if this girl is dangerous, she is still a girl and it is equally right for there to be a girls fight between the two, they have the same character ' Banjo shook his head as he watched the two girls battling with words.

"the Tang family, ahh it's actually the Tang family house"

"what luck to meet the Tang family, they are very popular but don't show themselves"

"no wonder nobody knows how their daughter looks like, she is so beautiful"

The three men were shocked, and it was clear they knew about the Tang family, but the girl didn't.

"Tang family, who are they? Can they hold a candle to my Shen family?"

"Shen family, such a poor sounding name for a family, who would want to know a family that lived in caves"

The girl eyes twitched, she then suddenly disappeared, and reappeared in front of Yufei, while swinging down the sword that was still with her.


Banjo blocked the sword with his gun, a resounding clang rang out. The girl was still suspended in the air, as the gun supported her in the air.

Banjo grit his teeth, and pushed his hand throwing the girl. The girl held unto one chandelier and propelled herself back to Banjo.

Banjo took aim and shot at her, she began slashing furiously easily misdirecting the bullets, with a swirl in the air she plunged the sword at a speed that was improbable to evade.

Banjo swiftly sidestepped but still the sword pierced into his shoulder, pinning him to the ground.

"ahh! keuk!" He spat out blood as the pain ran through his body, twitching and spasming, but forced his self to stay conscious, and pulled the trigger of his gun.

In order to protect herself, the girl jumped back leaving the sword in his shoulder. Yufei who had been standing aimlessly, ran forward and took back her sword.

"Banjo, are you okay?"

Banjo turned and looked at her with a face that says, ' do I look okay '.

Yufei put an arm around his torso and helped him stand, then she faced the girl and pointed her sword at her.

"you bastard, come again and see if I don't beat you to a pulp"

"really! Then I would love to see you try" It was eminent in the girl's voice that she was pissed of this time.

Suddenly she vanished from everyone's sight, and soon after something heavy slammed into Yufei's back, sending her across the room.

Banjo who had relied on Yufei to stand had also fallen, still on the floor he turned back to shoot at the girl, but again she was not there.

She was already over Yufei who was just standing up.

An axe kick came down upon Yufei who sensed it a second earlier and put her hands up as a cross guard.

The kick landed connected and a resounding crack rang out.

"Aahhh!" Yufei screamed, so loud that the three men had to block their ears.

Her broken hand was already swollen red, and pumping madly, beneath her left hand a small bone could be seen sticking out.

Tears were gushing out of Yufei's eyes, as she rolled on the ground in massive pain. She couldn't feel any other thing apart from the pain that ran from the tip of her toes to the scalp of her head.

"Yufei!" Banjo yelled and started shooting wildly, although he was shooting wildly and it looked dangerous, if one was to look well they would see it had precise aim.

The three men didn't even know how they died, they just flopped on the ground all three of them with a hole in their skull, straight in the middle of their eyes.

Why was Banjo mad? Well it was unreasonable but everyone had different feelings and Banjo too had.

Ever since Yufei was born, at that time he was just two years old, he was trained night and day, through blood and sweat to be a perfect bodyguard for Yufei, and ever since he was dispatched to be by her side, he had protected her indefinitely.

He even protected her from something as small as a mosquito, he sometimes have had to protect her from herself.

So now that he was seeing her in such a state, someone who had never felt any physical pain in all her life except from things like sickness, now suddenly is put in such a unimaginable condition.

Her scream was like an hammer hitting him hard, something snapped inside him, his eyes reddened while his muscles began to bulge.

His cloth was ripping from the increase in his muscles and height. His muscles doubled over, his mouth wide opened with slight drool coming out.

He raised his head and scratched his sharpened nails across his skin while locking eyes with the girl who had hurt his friend.

"Grrr!" A low growl sounded deep in his throat, he then faced the ceiling and roared loudly while slamming his right foot on the ground, and with that one step he was already at the other side of the room swiping his hand with the intention of decapitating the girl.


I thank you all that read this novel, please support this novel for WSA 2022, thank you.

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