
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

Back and Better

"I'm sorry guys, hope i wasn't too late for the party."

A voice said from the left side, Yufei and Banjo both turned to look, and they saw a body gathering from a purple flame like pixels.

Out of that pixelated flame came Tang Zhan, with his left hand in his pocket and his right hand to his eyes like he was adjusting his glasses.

"It never occured to me... That blind people were meant to wear glasses, specifically speaking shades." Strings like shadow crept up from his leg, up to his right hand and I'll then to his face, where a black framed shades appeared and rested comfortably on his nose bridge. His white pupils showed faintly from behind the lens that glowed up a certain multicolored hue whenever sun hit at an angle.

"Now isn't this better" Putting his other hand in his pocket, as he then walked up to the zombie that was stuck in the shadow, with only it's head and wrist like how a criminal was prosecuted in those days.

"Now, now, you should know patience is virtue, don't you?" His shadow suddenly started squirming beneath him as if it was very much alive.

"Br- b- brother! How how are you... did the dealer give you more than promised?" Yufei asked as she ran up to Tang Zhan.

"Nope! I just simply took more than required." He then flashed a grin, it looked weird to the exhausted trio, but not really to X, since she doesn't exactly know his character.

So to mostly Banjo and Yufei, it was weird seeing Tang Zhan flashing such a wide grin, but that was only on their part, not to the zombies.

To them, it was undeniably a death note to them , to them if Tang Zhan was the god of death then the grin was his signature move before he cleaves your soul with his scythe, and that was exactly what he did.


A head was sent rolling to the ground, a rotten head. After the head fell the shadow released the body and allowed it follow suit. Then the shadow wriggled a little on the spot before it then stopped facing the direction of the broken wall, then it shot out at unimaginary speeds towards the wall like a starved wolf.

Within seconds, the whole horde of zombies flooding in were all stuck in a limbo, frozen to their same perfect spot on the shadow they had made the mistake of stepping on.

"Ignite!" Like oil, the black shadow became extremely flammable and a multicolored spark was set to it, which immediately grew into a raging inferno of multicolored flame.

Within an instance, all the zombies on the shadow were reduced to dust, experience points and loot.

'is this the true meaning of strength, he looks so majestic' X thought to herself and a slight blush crept up her cheeks, but it faded almost immediately.

'what am i thinking' she shook her head and thoughts clear, while she look at her weapon that was now glitching between invisible and visible.

"Those 5% are extremely tough, our weapons aren't working on them anymore, we need more killer points to buy better ones from the dealer."

Yufei nodded her head in agreement to X's suggestion as even her sai were getting chipped.

"Hey you guys have any more energy bar left with you, i don't think i can move my body at all, I'm sapped of all form of energy." Banjo asked from Yufei and X, he didn't expect Tang Zhan to have any since he only just came out of the game today, but it was Tang Zhan that replied him.

"Yup, I've got as many as you want just go get it inside my shop."




All three of them said at the same time, Banjo could only stare on in confusion, Yufei was equally if not more confused.

'brother was always quiet and calm, what changed all that. It has been like that since he woke up from that game.'

X was a mess, perhaps it was because of how she had spent her entire life in a simulator she didn't know or experience all human feelings, even now she still didn't know what she was feeling as she just knew everything Tang Zhan did always seems to strike a cord in he chest. Merely looking at him was more than enough to send her heart tripping and her mind flipping.

Obviously Tang Zhan was oblivious to all these, even he hasn't his behavior had changed after the infusion process because to him he felt like someone who had lost his memories and only just got them back. To him everything felt normal.

"Brother what do you mean by your shop?" Yufei took the initiative to ask.

"Well i don't know as well but i killed the dealer by mistake and he became my, what to call it, uhm... yeah my minion"

"Your... minion?" Banjo was the one who spoke this time. While he raised his guns at the hole in the wall with the few energy he had regained.

At the hole in the wall, zombies were back again and were trying to rush their way in.

"Hey guys let's go inside, we all need to have a great sleep, by tomorrow we'll continue from where we left off today." Tang Zhan then turned his back and starting walking back inside.

"Wh- what about the zombies and the hole in the wall" X that didn't talk since finally spoke up, she stammered at first as the domineering aura from Tang Zhan overwhelmed her but she adjusted herself.

"D1, go take care of the zombies and the wall and the cracked floor, repair everything." Tang Zhan said without stopping, but out of his shadow the dealer came out but now he was renamed D1.

Yufei, Banjo and X stared on in wonder with their jaw hanging down. While D1 went to go take care if the zombies like his lord commanded.

Within few minutes the zombies were all killed and D1 conjured something similar to his meteor shop, but this one was like a shadow, and he placed it where the hole in the wall was.

On seeing this the trio finally calmed down, the adrenaline that kept them standing finally retreated leaving them weak and boneless.

"Didn't i say you guys should come in, now see you all on the floor." Tang Zhan said from the door and sent a shadow to the three of them.

The three of them were lifted and carried by the shadow that was raised like a river wave, but they noticed it was not three shadows that were returning back to Tang Zhan, but four.

When they looked at the direction the fourth one came from, they noticed it was from where the mutant body was, but now was empty of any body.

'Even though young master didn't go through any training, he is still stronger than me.' This was Banjo's thought.

'Brother, what exactly is it that made you change this much, you are almost like a different person now. Will mom and dad still recognize you like this.' This was Yufei's thought.

'He is perfect in all, he is handsome, cool, lovely, manly, capable and smart, from the first fight with the mutant to now, it looks like he grows stronger every minute, it isn't wrong to say he is Back and Better, right?".
