
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

A true Anti

"I might have to ask you to step down!" The eight illusory swords all pointed at Aion threateningly while vibrating at dangerous frequencies.

"Such a cute threat, I'm going to have to ask you to step it up a bit. It lacks the whole feel a threat should have!" Aion smiles back as he then surprisingly keeps his scythe, the black fear weapon disappearing from view.

"You see, there's this thing!"

"Oh really, let me in as well. What's the 'thing'?" Aion jokes as he lowers down and a shadow chair comes out for him to sit on.

Dropping his head, the guy couldn't help it but to chuckle at Aion's absurd sense of humor. "Even at a serious time like this, you still have the energy to play the clown?"

"Shhh! Talk quick, it is not always fun if the villain speaks to much. It tends to get boring!" Aion could see that even though he tried to hide it, the guy nose twitched a bit in annoyance.

"You know you are a mission I wasn't planning on taking up anytime soon, and retrieving you will get me resources enough for my cultivation, but I also want to get resources from the gods field and killing you will make me lose the slot for that." The guy explains as his swords also arranged in a tight formation and he also sits one it.

"So... What are you trying to say?" Aion asks whole putting on a dumb confused look, also twirling his finger around in the air to make his confusion feel more real and stated.

"Well I'm from a sect of anti's incase you know what that means and if you don't, then you're in luck..."

'a terrible bad one!'

"Yeah yeah, get over with it. I know what an anti means, so?" Aion says with a 'too good to be true' innocent smile.

"I could have just killed you and taken you back to the sect to get my rewards and promotions, but I need something extremely important from in there. So I can't kill you now, but that doesn't mean I can't kill you lat-"

"I said you were talking too much, you will simply become a boring villain by doing that. Just tell me what you need to get, I'll help you get it on my way if you can wait.

"Hmm! Then you leave me no choice."

[Quest: A true Anti equipped with many methods of causing you great irreparable harm and death has set his sight on you. Escape or Kill him.

Rewards: +2 level ups, +50 stat points, poison sac.

Duration: Ten minutes.

Penalty: Death.]

Aion finally takes the guy serious as he brings out his scythe while the guy brings out two rods glowing with a bright golden orange. Just bringing it out alone was enough to cause a change in the atmosphere as dark clouds quickly gathered over, thunder could be heard slightly rumbling in the background.

Aion hits the bottom of his scythe to the ground, as his eyes are still trained on those two beaming rods.

'I don't think you will be able to go up against them girl, I was planning on holding off until I'm able to use you better, but they forced my hand and I have to do this.'

Aion looked at the rods in the guy's hand, then he looks at the guy himself. "When villains are too talkative, they tend to give their prey knowledge about their plans, and you know how they say it... Knowledge is power!"

Aion took a step forward as an unbridled pressure breaks out from him, like a dragon finally out of the cave, terror descended on the lands in the presence of such a mighty beast.

'I don't exactly scheme, but it seems like this world is one where you have to be scheming and calculative.'

As the pressure rises it suddenly starts falling, but it was rising back again like the push and pull of the tides, whereas the scythe starts closing in on itself. It was collapsing, crumpling and folding into itself, and after few seconds it was not more than a ball of metal scrap on Aion's hand.

A multicolored flame rose to live, an hungry beast ready to devour all. The flame jumped on the scythe and as if it was healing it starts to unfold.

Shadow and light mingles together seeping into and around the body of the scythe and before long, the scythe explodes in a bright light of darkness and light, both seeming to form the symbol of heavenly balance, Yin-Yang.

[Item: Scythe.

Name: Fragmented scythe (unlocked).

Type: God slayer grade (Chaos type).

Level: 20 (Power equals dark gold grade).

Skill: Decapitate.

Next: Level 30.]

[Exp multiplier: 264.82 --> 252.82]

[Ding! Quest completed.

Rewards: Increased reputation, increased fame, +20 stat points.]

[Ding! Quest completed.

Rewards: Increased fame, +30 stat points, assisted evolution.]

'How is the other one completed, I haven't won the second battle yet... Unless his death threat is truly genuine and makes him disqualified, that way I have actually won.'

Aion opens his system panel as he checks the list of available items he can possibly use for the fight and must importantly, for his safety.

"Who would have thought that the hardest and toughest battle, will be the one that is easily won.'

Inside his system as arranged by Aion, there's a whooping amount of 50 stat points, then there's also some things he got after killing the Ifrit earlier in the morning. He had gotten an hell gauntlet, three skill books, ten refining pellets and four seals.

[Item: Gauntlet.

Name: Hell gauntlet.

Type: Normal gold grade.

Skill: Hell touch.]

[Item: Utility skill.

Name: Audible.

Description: User can make voice loud with having to scream with strain.]

[Item: Elemental skill.

Name: Fire manipulation.

Description: Gives user the power of flames, to control as he wishes.]

[Item: Special skill.

Name: Hell summon.

Description: Summon an item from hell in magnitudes as desired, and use them as pleased for as long as ten minutes.]

[Item: Pellets.

Name: Flame body refining pellets.

Description: Can be used in time of breakthroughs, gives a more solid consolidated foundation that helps the cultivation in the long run, only usable by body refiners.]

[Item: Seal.

Name: Hell tainting seal.

Description: A person marked by this seal will have the scent of hell and will forever be chased and wanted by hell and encountering hell beasts on daily basis, if such a person dies without cleansing of the hell tainting seal he will surely go to hell to have a tortured and tormented afterlife.]

Aion looks at his stats, and starts updating them as needed. 'Im not going overboard, I'm just making sure there's not a single weak spot for you against me."


Name: Tang Zhan • formerly Aion.

Race: Ancient youngling. i.

Bloodline: Immortal blind bloodline. i.

Power: Ancient Shadow. i.

               Star Flame. i.

Energy: 19,114/19,114. i.

Cultivation: 5th grade body refining realm (Exp: 0/10,000). Multiplier: 252.82.

HP: 350.

Strength: 70. i.

Agility: 70. i.

Vitality: 70. i.

Mind: 61. i.

Soul points: 13.730. i.

unallocated points:0


He also equipped the hell gauntlets, and swallowed all ten flame body refining pellets, as he could feel his body was undergoing a change ever since he completed the quest that had the 'assisted evolution'. So he knew he was evolving and since the flame body refining pellets can help anyone in the body refining realm with the breakthroughs in which a way evolving was one, so he knew he could use it to evolve and also have the chance of making his evolution a better and more grand one.

His body was beginning to get sore and he was starting to sweat, slight steam escaping his body, but nobody has noticed it yet.

'I can even use this to my advantage, an excuse as to why I killed you.' smiling cunningly in his mind Aion formulated a dangerous scheme.

The guy notices Aion taking different things out and his strength keeps jumping up and up over and over, so he decided to attack first and stop him before he gets too string for him to kill.

As he runs towards Aion, Aion brought it it another item gleaming with a dangerous red sheen and was about to place it on his chest, the guy just had a bad feeling about that item so he hits the rods behind him, a blast occuring and throws him flying towards Aion that was all set on putting the item in his chest as fast as possible.

Reaching him the guy first uses his knee to push Aion back because the item was about to hit his chest and he wouldn't have been able to stop it if he hadn't used his momentum to first push him.

Seeing as his plan had failed Aion tries again, this time even more faster. The guy's heart pounds heavily, a dreadful feeling enveloping him.

'I have to stop him for using the thing!'

He grabs Aion hand this time and punches him with his other hand that was holding both rods.

Immediately Aion face explodes into a fleshy mess, the side of his face that the guy punches had torn of and shredded away, only his bones were present there and even that was with cracks.

The guy was about to throw a second punch when he saw Aion smiling. He looks at Aion hand that he grabbed and realizes Aion had placed the item on him instead.

