
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

A slight or sight miracle

Hearing the female say, he couldn't help but solemnly shake his head, as he was blind and couldn't see, but before I could Voice out his dilemma.

[ player has been tested to be blind]

[ trying to remove... failed]

[ system will not attend to Tang Zhan mentally]

Tang Zhan mouth was wide open, no single word came out, no matter how hard he tried.

"what sort of fu***d up game is this? Is this even still a game" he thought to himself, but that was cut short as a series of words flowed into his mind.

The imaginative part of his mind became active, and he could see words in his mind as if he was never blind, but in the background he could still black.

[Name: Tang Zhan. Age: 18. Height: 183 cm. Hair colour: white. Eye colour: white. Skin colour: Tan.

Brain capability: 90%. Brain evaluation: 90% unknown(10% highest)

Time speed: 0.001 sec. Attack/sec: 3.


[Str: 8. Atk bonus: ×2. Body str: 32. Soul: 40,000.]

[Dex:10. Atk speed:×2.5. Movement speed:40 m/min. Dodge:2.5%]

[Const:10. Hp: 430. Immunity&resistance: n/a&4.3%]

[Luck: 10]

[Charm: 5]


[ Bloodline: unknown. Martial spirit body: Primal Chaos Body. Martial spirit animal: unknown.]

[ Skills;

[Blind sight(passive 1/10): as long as user sees nothing but black, user can see invertedly.]

[Emperor of Death scythe arts(passive 1/10): All damage done by scythe will do extra 50% damage.]

[Chaotic Primal Shadow(active 1/10): create and control Shadow.if used to attack extra 100 damage, defence extra 100 defence, user movement extra 50% movement speed, can slow down enemies around 1*1 metre radius by reducing 50% movement speed.

cooldown: 270 sec's]

[VIP starter package;

sword of the trainee (normal steel)



cultivation manual-> sealos cultivation technique(peak spirit)

qi/sec: 5

1 dark silver weapon for free, but you will prepare materials.

After reading all these things that could make a normal person brain wreck from overload of information.

Tang Zhan crosschecked them out again and said."I am ready to play"

Few seconds later he felt a shift in his environment. Chilly wind blew his white hair, revealing his handsome face and closed eyes.

Balancing himself and adapting himself to the new environment, he tried to sense the air like he always did at home.

The technique he had learnt from that scroll he found in the secret basement, was a technique for sensing something called 'qi'.

Tang Zhan was also surprised when he saw something named qi in the game information about him.

The scroll was incomplete because it was torn, but the words that could be made out was what Tang Zhan had learnt, and it's what is making him able to keep up with regular humans... although slower.

Due to the scroll being incomplete he only used the available parts, and learnt of sensing qi and using it as some sort of inner sense.

Practicing it again like the way he normally did, a system notification rang out.

[congratulations on your cultivation progress]

[you have learnt how to sense qi]

[cultivation progress:70%]

Surprise became clear on Tang Zhan's face, "you mean sensing qi is part of cultivating,"

Feeling surprise and confused, he brought out the cultivation manual he got from the VIP package, and started reading it.

Tang Zhan expected the words to enter his mind like the others he had come across with the system, but no.

Tang Zhan, began racking his brain for any other options, until he remembered one.

[Blind sight]

The skill had stated that if he saw nothing else but black then he could see invertedly, for a lack of better words... opposite colour.

For the first time in a few years, he opened his white eyes, regular white sclera but at the same time white pupils

remember Hinata in Naruto

Tang Zhan couldn't help but shed some tears unknowingly, for the first time in 18 long years of his life he could see.

Although he didn't understand what he was seeing, he could manage. After all he knows his body structure so he could compare it with the magnitude of people walking.

They all had a type of colour in common but he doesn't know the name, and after that he noticed they had different other colours on their person.

"So this is seeing"

If someone else who can see well started seeing this, that person would definitely curse out his bad luck and would rather not be able to see, but to someone like who had only seen one colour in his whole life.

Felt blessed...

If only it could transfer over to the real world.

Thinking back to the book in his hand he started reading.

At first he noticed he was seeing a colour he doesn't know formed into letters, you might ask how can he read?

Well he was taught alphabets orally and with how smart he was, he could read within a few minutes.

Reading the first few pages, "cultivation is all about shedding your mortal self, and starting a journey to immortality. To shed your mortal self is the most difficult task in a cultivators path. First, you have to sense the energy of the world called qi, and then absorb it into your body through your meridians and direct it to your dantian, but absorbing qi has different ways and methods, but I sealos has a method of absorbing average qi, if you find a place brimming with energy it will be even better and you can become a nascent realm expert within a day."

Tang Zhan was obviously awed by all these.

"does cultivation also exist in the real world, maybe I should try it after I log out, along with my new eyesight" happily saying, Tang Zhan started sniffing the air if he could find a place with more energy.

He had also known why things here were far off better than earth's, it was all because of qi. After a while he found a shop covered with qi energy, and when looking at the sign at the front of the store he saw the words, " qi supplies".

"I don't want to buy anything yet so I'll just sit beside the shop and cultivate" deciding his course of action, Tang Zhan went to sit beside the shop in the middle of the shop and a inn.

Sitting down in the lotus position, and holding out his palm facing the sky.

"I think it was like this, right?" Tang Zhan said not questioning anyone in particular.

Sensing the massive qi in the air, Tang Zhan followed the cultivation manual and absorbed qi.

[Ding...you learnt Sealos cultivation technique]


[you are the first player to cultivate... rewards loading]

"first player? Does that means no one else has learnt how to cultivate except me, that's amazing" he said dragging out his words towards the end.

[pick a reward number(1,2,3,4,5)]

Seeing this, although inverted in colour, was actually pleasant to Tang Zhan as the realisation hit him again that he was actually seeing.

"Seems that what the book stated is true, about shedding one's mortal self and how it is the almost the hardest step in a cultivators path" Tang Zhan shook his head and looked at the time at the top right corner of his system panel.

"12:32, after 32 minutes since the game launch, I'm still the only player to have cultivated, this game is truly joyous"

Tang Zhan doubted he would have been able to cultivate easily if not for his 13 years of experience with qi.

"3!" Tang Zhan chose, since it was the all familiar fu- ahem middle finger.

[Ding...you have gotten the skill Life Exchange]

[Life Exchange]

[You can sacrifice your HP in percents of 10s to multiply to points benefit.]

Not bothering to check or test out the new skill, he just continued cultivating and enriching himself with the brimming qi energy.


That's another chapter done, thanks again for reading I'm getting impatient, anxious and nervous from not getting any reviews or comments and i don't know if you guys like the novel or not but... peace out.