
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs

A brawl to the death

Banjo within the blink of an eye, was already in front of the girl. His claws were rushing in like the tidal waves of a sea.

The girl was obviously taken aback by this, and for a while she lost her composure, but seeing the claw coming for her head, her heart beat faster and adrenaline was released.

Using the leg she had used to kick Yufei, she kicked off the ground, going backwards in hopes of escaping Banjo's claws.

Due to the momentum from the speed he had used to cross the distance within a second, he also continued onwards.

At this point his claw had swiped already hitting empty air, but the girl was only able to dodge by an hairs length.

The girl crashed into the window, breath leaving her lungs but she couldn't care less, as she landed she got a clear sight of Banjo and prepared a kick.

Banjo who was approaching noticed the kick and also prepared.

As they both entered each other's area, they struck out.

The girl gave a lightning quick kick, while Banjo made for a grab.

When they both connected, Banjo caught the girls kick in his hand and he could feel the force within it as few bones in his hand broke.

Using this opportunity, he tightened his grip on the leg and spun while throwing the girl hard and fast.

Surprisingly, as the girls leg left his hand he could see her smiling. His heart banged and he knew he had to stop whatever she wanted to do.

He jumped forward stretching his other hand to hold the girls leg.

She was going through the air like bullet she was smiling, ' isn't she afraid of getting squashed '. Banjo followed through with his pursuit.

On getting to a particular spot, which was above Yufei the girl changed her body position, and faced downward.

She stretched her hand, going for Yufei, or at least that was what Banjo thought.

His rage doubled over, he made a quick stop putting his legs on the ground only to take off seconds after, where he had landed a crater the size of double his foot was created.

The girls hand that was initially going for Yufei, turned at the last minute, and she picked up the sword.

Glancing from the corner of her eye, she saw they Banjo had reached her and in this his super enraged form he wouldn't care to take a hit to give one.

So the girl took this opportunity and kicked off in Banjo's direction while swinging the sword.

Banjo eyes widened in shock but he placed his left arm in front of his head.

' Even if I lose an arm, I'll kill you, and moreso I don't need two arm to shoot my gun '.

Banjo made up his mind and continued just the way the girl had thought. Banjo threw a punch and the girl, just before the sword connected with his arm, pulled it back and plunged it straight to his heart.

Banjo who noticed this a second too late used the momentum from his punch to twist his body, but still the sword pierced through his ribcage to the other side.

His punch also had connected to the girl's chest, on her left breast, ripples spread out from that spot of the cloth, but behind that punch was a force that penetrated deep into the girl.

This force passed through the lung, heart and bones, a fountain of blood poured out of the girl's mouth, pouring on Banjo's face.

The thing these two didn't do was what caused their fall, they had a system that kept check on their remaining life force, but they were too far gone in the regular reality that they didn't bother using the system as it felt unreal to them.

Due to this, they didn't know their remaining HP and had fought on how exhausted they felt, and because of the adrenaline coercing through their blood they didn't feel exhausted and had continued on.

Their system panel, throughout the whole fight was following them around reading the amount of damage they got, and even the amount of HP they had left, but they simply ignored it.

They didn't know the amount had already dwindled to nothing, and they both hit themselves, this remaining number was wiped out.

Banjo could feel all his energy silently escaping putting him in a drained state, but this drained state brought back his ability to think.

He could see his life flashing through his eyes, all those years he had been with Yufei, all those happy smiles she gave him, comforting hugs he gave her, although those places they had visited and had planned to visit, everything flashing through his eyes.

He didn't want to lose all that, he didn't just want to be a memory in Yufei's mind.

' No! I can't die like this, no, think Banjo, think '

His mind within a millisecond began to think and that was when he remembered, pulling out the green vial from his inner pocket.

He downed every single drop, his eyes became blurry, he could no longer think, even breathing became torture to him.

He tried looking at Yufei one last time, but his blurred sight only saw his system panel appearing but he couldn't read.

' Yufei, I'm sorry, ha, hahaha, ah...'

The girl didn't die, her HP stopped at one, blood was dripping from her mouth to her chin and to the ground. If Banjo had pushed through a little bit more then maybe she too would have died.

"hehe... I haven't been this beaten in my whole life" she couldn't stand upright, she held her chest while walking hunched over, if she tried to stand upright she would immediately puke out blood.

As the girl turned back she was met with Yufei, who was struggling to hold a frypan.

"you bastard!" she yelled as tears fell down her face

"you bastard, you killed Banjo! You killed Banjo... you bastard... I, I will kill you"

Yufei ran forward, raising the frypan like a crazed person. With pain searing through her hands, her grip on the pan was not tight.

The girl just looked at Yufei like an ant. She pushed a small marble table off with her leg at the cost of puking out more blood.

The table went at great speed, and crashed into the unsuspecting Yufei's leg, tripping her, and with the way she fell she hit her head on the hard ground, instantly becoming unconscious.

"I'll take care of you when I wake up"

She too went to a couch, and lied down on it, relishing in it's softness to calm her down.

She closed her eyes, breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and made herself comfortable.


The zombies outside unknown to the people inside Tang mansion, had evolved, becoming stronger. They were more aggressive, but the military still took care of them, sending air force to drop missiles, armies matching in tight formation dealing big blows to the zombies.

Within no time, the zombies population across the world decreased by two third their amount.

The military didn't act at first when the apocalypse begun, they had decided to find those with earth abilities and had built different strongholds where they could recuperate after a fight.

They also prepared and trained more for their ambush on the zombies, and this helped them a lot, because of the great amount at which they grouped, they simply had no blindspots.

By the end of the week, those who had survived were rewarded with the title the announcement had promised.

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[Congratulations on surviving for a week.

Quest completed.

Reward: title(more lucky)]

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