
Blind System

A new vr game just came out with a 1000% reality, and Tang Zhan was part of the people who played the game. Although it was said that those with disabilities won't be disabled in the game, but he was still blind, and by pure luck he encountered something that would change his life. He was the first person to awaken the system, he awakened it a week before others, and he is in the process of learning more about the system before everyone else. How would he fare in the apocalypse when zombies and humans alike are against him.

Tunmise_Phenex · แฟนตาซี
100 Chs



Tang Zhan woke up startled, 'we're not the only ones going to the hanger... Shit!' He jumped as he tapped the rest awake.

"We need to go now!" He told the rest, but they only groaned in response.

Yufei was busy mumbling in complaint as she stretches, but then she heard the plane sound echoing in the distance.

"Brother, the hanger" She jumped awake as well dusting off her cloth of any bugs that might have gotten in unknowingly, then she rubs her face.

X and Banjo looked over the trees at the morning sun that was beginning to peek out the horizon.

"It's still too early and some already got there, this race might be harder than we predicted." Banjo clocks his gun and cracks his bones up, stretching in different angles.

X just bared her tired eyes at all of them except Tang Zhan, "we need to hurry, lest there won't be any aircraft left when we get there."

The three of them then look at Tang Zhan awaiting his orders, but looking at his expression they knew something bad is happening, as his expression is extremely dark.

"It's far more dangerous to charge in straight, but we can't sneak around or else more time will be wasted. We'll do as X says, let's go." He said and without waiting he jumped down the tree sliding from it's smooth bark.

"And once we're in the air search for a high ranked dealer, preferably a black or even a red dealer"

"But young master, a red dealer! That's like the highest dealer possible. What do we need it for, even if we find we can't purchase from it with the little killer points we have" Banjo said as he landed beside Tang Zhan who only spared a glance before running.

"I have a feeling something will be taken from us, I don't know what but I have a premonition it's crazy, and I'm trying my possible best to stop it from happening."

Tang Zhan has been having this weird feeling ever since he met his phoenix mother, when he was bathed in her presence he felt like a gate chained with endless chains was pushed open slightly.

Ever since then, he is able to feel an abstract feeling of the future. Although he can't explain it control it but when the feeling arises he always knows what it's trying to tell him.

So he knows and can feel it that something will be taken away from them.


They were all finally out of the forest, but the sight before them could only be explained as pure... Chaos.

It wasn't chaos because of the destruction or the environment, neither was it chaos because of the zombies around which there wasn't, but rather it was chaos because if the amount of humans that were killing themselves.

It was like a mini war, humans were here and there, no sides, no factions, everyone for themselves, head were smashed, people used whatever it was they could get their hands on as weapons.

"Holy moly!" Yufei exclaimed as she took in the scene happening before her. "What should we do, should we wait till they all kill themselves?"

"No... That would waste the little time we have. We either push through or around." X suggested, while preparing her new weapon that she hasn't gotten the opportunity to use yet.

"Yeah, I'd say we push throu-" Banjo couldn't finish his sentence.


A loud explosion rang out as a horde of zombies start pushing through the remnants of the plane that just exploded.

The zombies look the same to the one Tang Zhan had killed which means, they were 6%.

The warring humans all saw the newly arrived zombies. Immediately the battle ended, everyone that came with families ran while actively searching for their companions, while those that came alone ran with all they've got.

Nobody ran in a specific direction, everyone just scattered like headless flies, scampering around.

"Now is our chance. Grab as many fist sized stones as possible" Tang Zhan rushed to the front first while the rest follows behind him.

He sprints to an empty helicopter, and enters. He checks the fuel tanks and also check for any fault. Seeing as there is no fault, he motions for the rest to enter.

X and Yufei entered, and Banjo was about to follow but suddenly a flat piece of metal slices towards his head.

Banjo notices a change in the air, he looks to his side and sees a fast approaching metal, probably cut off from the side of a plane.

The metal nears him but he is too slow to dodge, he closes his eyes awaiting the pain that would never come, because the piece of metal suddenly slows down.

Opening his eyes, Banjo sees that the metal was stuck in a thick wall of shadow, he then sees Tang Zhan by the door of the helicopter, but Tang Zhan focus is on the area of the previous explosion.

Through the thicket of the smoke, a pair of eyes could be seen, and soon enough a person walks out. The person muscle flexes dangerously, and there's a wide grin on his face.

"Hello brother, why don't you take me along, or were you planning on leaving without me?" The person smiles, but his tooth is decorated with remains of eaten meat and dried blood.

The person only has one eyes, the other has a scar running from his scalp down to his chest.

"Go inside and start the copter, let me entertain him till you're ready." Tang Zhan whispers to Banjo, then he walked towards the man.

"What percent are you?" Tang Zhan asks, the man cocks his head.

"Is that what you use to classify us, how did those arrogant pricks I killed call it, oh yeah level." The man nods his head then he took a step forward as he says. "I'm 8%, what level are you?"

"Level 40" Tang Zhan as well replies.

"Okay then, a fight between a ranker 8 and a ranker 40. Let's see which one of us is truly strong." The man surprisingly takes a stance.

The other zombies fought on instinct, without a pattern, even the 6% fought with just precise claw swipes but it's still a fight on instinct, but now this 8% or ranker 8 as he says, actually takes a stance to fight.

It shows that the higher the level the stronger and intelligent they get, which only proves that Tang Zhan's theory was correct all along.

A extraterrestrial race of conquerors, that takes weak unprotected planets, and along the line also make all the being in the planet a part of their race, rather than killing them.

'earth is beyond saving, the notification said. They succeeded in conquering earth, but the rest of my family that are alive, I'll make sure they are not conquered!'

Tang Zhan also takes his stance, his two hands gripping the handle of the scythe, the blade pointed downwards. His weight resting on the balance of his toes, he sizes the zombie before him.

"Bring it on!"


Author here, read enjoy, vote and bookmark it in your library. Peace out.

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