
Bleach: The World Revolving

The fallen soul of a lone swordsman falls to the cruel clutches of modern society, refusing to pass on — an entity is given no choice but to send it somewhere else, completely at random. For better or for worse, the soul is sent to Soul Society before the Gotei 13 were even fully established, left without any gift nor boon — how will it fend for itself? A/N: If you enjoy this story remember to leave a review/comment, it greatly helps my motivation.

Iguana32 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs

Chapter 11: Both Sides Are Afraid



*Sound Effects*

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AN: I mention a haircut change in this chapter, just imagine it the same as Grimmjow's.

Chapter 11: Both Sides Are Afraid

Twenty nine days had passed.

Sat down sluggishly on a freshly decapitated stump was a toned individual who looked to be about 6'0. His expression screamed monotony as he loosely fiddled with his blade, twirling it in the center of his palm as he scanned the area.

The nearby fauna rustled as the pitter patter of footsteps encroached upon him, not that it alarmed him in the slightest. He was well aware of whom they belonged to after all.

"Do you still intend on sporting that ridiculous hairstyle?" Koda had allowed his hair to grow out a fair bit, almost reaching neck length. It was far more spiky than before and had been styled in an almost mane-like fashion.

During the short interval they had competed in a grand total of ten spars, and after a great deal of reflection Yasui understood her limits, being reckless and sparing Koda daily would have done her no favors.

"Tomorrow's my mission correct?" Today they were meant to have an evaluative spar to determine how ready Koda was for his assignment, and battles more often than not had him on the edge of his seat.

Yet the brute appeared to be rather solemn, his Reiryoku remained still as stone. "Mhm, you nervous?" Yasui said half mockingly.

"Of course not, especially since you've yet to tell me what it is" As he drummed his fingers alongside his temple, she drew closer and helped herself to a seat next to him.

"Don't worry too much about it, you'll be able to handle it" Koda couldn't contain his displeasure, right now what he needed wasn't comfort — he needed answers.

"You still insist on waiting till the last minute to tell me?" His mentor chuckled coldly as she slightly loosened her garments, revealing an unsightly scar across her chest.

"That's a fair punishment for giving me this don't you think?" That wound was just one of the many Koda had drawn all over her body during their sparring sessions.

Not only had Koda's physique improved, but he was slowly becoming more cunning, he had started to grow accustomed to Yasui's fighting style making her easier to read.

Unfortunately for her, Koda's style was constantly adapting, evolving and becoming far more unpredictable to gauge, thus she couldn't say the same.

"I'll take responsibility for the other ones, but that one in particular wouldn't have happened if you had just unleashed your Shikai — you know that right?" Yasui's mood rapidly soured, she didn't like the idea of using it on someone who had yet to awaken their own blade.

But as a result of her pride, she had fallen victim to his increased agility and power. The scar itself wasn't all that bothering, but the notion that someone who hadn't awakened their Asauchi could push her to such extremes — was disheartening to say the least.

"Don't give me that look, you know it's true" He slowly shook his head, closing his eyes and resting his back on the stump, putting both hands behind his neck to make himself comfortable. "When we duel today, I'd appreciate it if you took me more seriously, otherwise…" Opening one eye, he took a brief glance at her scar before closing it again.

Yasui huffed as she pouted her cheeks, childishly turning her head pretending she was annoyed. "You just don't know how to treat a cute maiden like myself, hmph!" A dry chuckle escaped Koda's lips causing her to follow suite.

"By the way, any plans on taking off that mask of yours?" He couldn't help but wonder what lied under that vail, it was off putting to spend so much time with someone yet not even know what they look like.

"Hmm" Yasui rested a lone finger on the base of her chin, seemingly pondering something before turning to Koda with a coy smile plastered on her face. "Tell you what, I'll make that your reward for completing the mission, just think of it as extra motivation"

"I'll hold you to that" Despite how merciless he could be, Koda thought that Yasui's company was somewhat soothing, he appreciated both her light banter and taskmaster-like drilling. Not only was she an exemplary mentor, she was also a great friend.

Be that as it may, he couldn't shake the feeling that all of it would come to an end soon. 'Some sort of presence has latched itself onto me, though I'm pretty sure its source is still far away, it's constantly watching, no — examining me…' His expression turned grim as he further contemplated what the sensation could mean.

'...it doesn't feel necessarily hostile, yet I'm not so naive as to believe that makes it friendly by default' He felt as if the presence was, waiting, lurking in the distance until he was ripe for the picking.

Koda had a very good idea as to whom the presence belonged to, and the thought frightened him to the core. 'I'm certain I've never made contact, let alone been anywhere close to her, yet she's able to latch onto me from god knows where? Absurd, Okita definitely has something to do with it'

"...Hey" Yasui had taken notice of his scowl, she stiffened her posture preparing for whatever Koda was about to ask her. "Have you ever met Yachiru?" He opted to just cut to the chase, obviously Yasui knew something was up, but whether she got any answers was completely in his hands.

Her eyes were wide open as she stared at Koda, awestruck at what she had just heard. She definitely wasn't expecting that as a question, nervously gulping down a clump of saliva she tried to compose herself — something wasn't right.

"Why…do you ask?" She questioned hesitantly.

He felt the need to furrow his brow, lamenting the fact that he might have said too much.

Regardless, all Yasui could do was speculate considering he hadn't revealed anything concrete, "No particular reason, just curious" He said, lying through his teeth.

Koda's demeanor made it evident that he had no intention of divulging the truth, thus Yasui settled on explaining first, and getting answers later. "I have met her once, it was a long time ago when herself and Okita were having a meeting of sorts" She clenched her fists as she soldiered through the abhorrent memory.

Of course, her clear bustle didn't escape Koda's attention, for a moment he debated telling her she didn't have to speak if it pained her — but treating her like a fragile little girl would only unnecessarily sour their relationship.

"She didn't utter a word to me but…" The memory of her soulless, abyssal gaze haunted Yasui's conscious, at the time she couldn't fathom how someone's mere presence could be so — terrifying.

"I could feel it, her acrimony, displeasure, hatred, you name it — it was there" Koda gently rested a palm on her shoulder, trying to comfort her without being overtly condescending. "It was like I was drowning in her aura, I couldn't stop sweating nor prevent my legs from quivering"

"Formidable, that's probably too weak of a word but I'm not sure how else to explain her" Koda nodded his head approvingly, thanking Yasui for her willingness before laying back down.

'He really won't tell me what's going on…I don't like this'

Seireitei, 8th Division Barracks.

"Are you certain?" Seated comfortably on a tatami was a spectacled woman with large pupils and raven hair tied up in a ponytail. She gingerly sipped on a warm cup of tea as she faced her subordinate, waiting for him to continue his report.

Her name was Batsu'unsai Katori, the Captain of said division.

The man in question had messy auburn bangs that covered most of his face, accompanied by a stubble that spanned across his jawline and a distinct scar near his upper lip. Strapped to his bicep was a badge bound by cloth that read "Lieutenant".

Everyone had their gazes locked onto the second seat, which did nothing to unease him since he knew they were just waiting for him to confirm his findings.

"Yes Captain, our reports confirm that 3rd Seat Hoshino Akihiro has been slain by this 'Yachiru' figure" No one even batted an eye in response to hearing that their close comrade had died, they were taught to never take the luxury of sympathy for granted.

It only weakened the soul after all.

However, out of respect everyone closed their eyes — holding a brief moment of silence for their slain officer before it was business as usual.

Katori calmly took another sip before questioning her subordinate, "Hikaru — in your opinion, should we view this 'Yachiru' as a genuine threat or pass her off as just another ruffian with talent?" Hikaru took a moment to contemplate before voicing out confidently.

"Apparently she didn't even activate her Shikai, assuming she even has one, against Akihiro during their battle" It was evident he of the former opinion.

His words were followed by inquisitive murmuring from the rest of his division, until Katori gestured for them to be silent. "In that case, I'm assigning you and five of our members to get rid of her, I take it you find this satisfactory?" The latter part was obviously rhetoric.

"Of course" Hikaru wouldn't dare complain to his Captain, though she seemed approachable on the outside, everyone who had been in the division long enough knew that her true personality was rather — grotesque.

Death before disobedience, this was the motto of not only the 8th Division, but the entire Gotei 13 as a collective body.

"However Captain, might I be so brazen as to make a request?" Katori responded with a subtle nod as Hikaru continued.

"With respect to our findings and intel, I find it hard to believe that someone capable of killing Akihiro truly has yet to achieve Shikai, would it be acceptable for a few members of the 4th division to accompany us? — solely to boost our chances of success of course" The only reason Hikaru had the guts to make such a request, was because he understood his Captain prioritized efficiency over all else.

Katori took an entire minute to contemplate, which had everyone sweating bullets as an enraged Katori was the thing of nightmares.

Finally she decided to speak, relieving everyone of the tension. "Very well, I will inquire with Captain Shijima and see how willing he is to lend us his members, until then you are to prepare yourself for the forthcoming mission"

Without delay, Hikaru bowed deeply and thanked his Captain for her generosity, promptly exiting the room and doing exactly as she instructed.

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