

Cassidy pov:

Sunday mornings were always Gods time, time for prayer an gospel hymns. Then there was Sunday afternoon and communion potluck. Which is usually the time when most would get together to talk about the love of God, that and how good crops and stuff is, but not this town. This town got together every Sunday afternoon just to catch up on the small town gossip. The big news that staid outta the papers but in the ears of everyone it didn't concern.

Growin up in a small town Montana had its perks, but also down falls. Everybody knows everybody's business, an sometimes before it even came out to that person it involves.

"Hey Cassidy," Tess James said.

"Oh hey Tess how are ya," I answered.

"I'm well, hey did y'all hear bout Jenny's new fling," Tess says quietly.

Tess James was one of the biggest mouths in Bozeman. If anyone knew the juice it was Tess. "No, don't particularly wanna though," I said.

She placed her jello on her plate, from the buffet of plates made by every good church woman. Duty came first an every woman knew how too cook the typical fried chicken and southern beans. Cakes, corn bread and everything else that's fried. If you lived in Bozeman an didn't know how ta cook, you were like an outlaw or something.

"She an James Harper from the new garage in town, they been sneakin round for weeks," Tess stated hushed.

"That's nice Tess I'm not interested in who's seein who, there grown ups right," I clipped.

Tess raised her eyebrows at me and turned to the buffet before turning back. "Well ya they are but," Tess pushed.

"Ya know Tess Huu, if you dun looked at yer own business, maybe y'all wouldn't been divorced twice," I snipped at her.

Tess's mouth dropped open and she let out a discussed huff of displeased. "Ya know," was all she could retaliate with before I stuffed a bun in her mouth and walked away. I could care less who was sleepin with who. I had my own problems to worry about, including my ex.

Jake Billings had blew into My life and turned out to be a horrible man. Not only was he a lier but a cheat and abusive. Seamed like everyone in Bozeman was just the same sept for maybe the abusive behaviour. None the less I was tired of the small town he said she said, there together there not together.

Who really gave a damn, it was just a bloody entertainment for the gossipers. Something I never got into, I was different, kept to my self or tried. On the occasion though I knew I was the talk of town. I didn't care either way though, they could all shove it where the sun don't shine.

I walked to the table where my mother sat talking to some of the prim and propers of church life. All of them doin the same thing I just walked away from at the buffet. I rolled my eyes an sat down anyway just wanting to eat and run. No one could pass up the food part of the potluck, you'd be crazy too.

"Lord help me did y'all see that dress Milly was waring the other day, that was awful," Lidia stated.

"What you say Cassidy," Carol asked.

I looked up from my plate with food in my mouth. Slowly chewed it an pondered how to answer. I decided that niceties was the good way to go. "Im sure it wasn't that bad, I never personally seen it but, Milly is usually nicely dressed," I answered smirking.

"Mmm, you would think that dear," Jessica said.

She patted my hand, if Jessica wasn't my aunt I probably woulda hit her off her chair. "What's that supposed ta mean Aunty," I asked playing dumb.

"Well my dear, yer taste in clothing isn't, I mean, I'm all for jeans an T-shirt's, but, a man won't turn his head for em," she answered my question.

"Hear hear," all the ladies chanted.

I rolled my eyes again, before my aunt attacked again. "At least not the right type."

"Ooook, if y'all are quite done," I said and stood up.

"Oh honey constructive criticism," mom said.

I wiped my mouth on my napkin and tossed it with my plate in the garbage. Turning around to my mom with a look that could kill if it were a gun. "Ya know," I started shaking my head.

I decided it was just a good idea to walk away before I made a scene at the church lunch. Wouldn't that be a gossip catcher, lord I am so tired of em all. I walked towards the street and started across before a truck just about hit me. Thankfully I jumped back far enough as the brakes slammed on. "YOU IDIOT, WATCH WHERE YER GOIN," I yelled.

The door on the drivers side opened and scuffed boots stepped out. "Maybe if y'all were watchin where yer walkin," the man waring the boots said.

I blinked as my eyes raised up the long jean fitted legs. Then up the dirty white T-shirt to a chiseled jaw, and features I'd not seen before. Eyes like glass starred back at me, before he spoke again. "Are, you ok, I didn't hit ya I didn't think," he said in a deep voice.

"Um," I breathed.

"Did I," he asked.

"N, no I, huuu," I stuttered.

His eyes trailed down me possibly looking for evidence that he did hit me. I shook my head an finally collected my brain. "I'm fine, thanks just, watch we're yer drivin next time," I said angrily.

"Miss, y'all ran out in front of me," he stated with a chuckle.

"This is a church by lord y'all need ta keep in mind people would be walking here," I spouted.

"Well, forgive me, didn't think people just ran out with out lookin," he argued.

"Ya know what...," I started stomping my foot.

I was loosing my patients real quick, and my properness. "Shove it up yer tight jeans ass," I blurted.

The man raised his eyebrows, looking at me as if I'd broke some holy rule. Which I sort of did, that kind of language wasn't church related. He looked me up and down again and smirked, then looked over at the church. A gathering of people hearing the fuss were flooding the side walk.

I looked over and back at this man, getting even more irritated. I huffed out a breath and stomped off to the other side of the street. Walking down the sidewalk, going for my car door when the same truck pulled up beside me. The window rolled down, "look I'm sorry ok," he said.

I spun around glaring at him, still determined to win this. "You'd better be," I said.

He shook his head, a sexy smile sprawling across his face as he looked out the front window. "Your a stubborn one, what ya wan me ta do, get out my truck and kiss yer feet, princess" he asked.

This made my blood boil red hot, my fists clenched. "Fuck...Off," I growled.

"Hooooo feisty too," he said with a chuckle.

"Look jus take yer pice of shit truck and get tha hell outta my hair ok," I said.

My temper was rising fast with his smart ass remarks, and then he did the unthinkable. "Ya know, fer a church girl, y'all gotta potty mouth," he said.

"Ha, CHURCH GIRL," I yelled.

"Ya, y," he started to talk.


He raised his hands up at me as if to say stop "woah woah now, no need fer yellin, I just thought," he tried to explain.

"Just cause I came from the damn church don't mean I'm a fucking child of redemption an it sure as hell don't mean I'm part of that cracked out fuckin group of gossiping cackling hens," I tore into him.

He whistled and then breathed out, "yer right, yer fuckin crazy, I was just tryin ta apologize," he said.

"Well take yer damn apology an shove it Mr. I don't want it an I AIN'T CRAZY, just do me a favour and fuck off," I quipped.

He set his hands back on the steering wheel and shook his head again. "Alright, try ta be nice an this is what I get," he said quietly.

Put his truck in drive and squealed off down the street turning the corner out of sight. Leaving me very furious and flustered.

I got in my car and tried to calm down, "huuuu, ass hole," I whispered to my self.

I turned my music on and put my car in reverse to get out of the parking spot. Taking off down the street, I rounded the corner to the diner my mom owned and parked in the back. Laying my head against the head rest of my seat. I need to get outta this town I think as I look at the building.

This place is gonna be the death of me if I don't leave. Something needs to change, I thought. Soon if I were going to stay sane and alive cause this town was seriously dragging me down.

I stepped out of my car and locked it as I heard footsteps behind me. Jumping around with fists flying my knuckles contacted with a bullet proof vest. The shock and embarrassment ran threw me as I saw the uniform and badge of deputy sheriff Clay Sheldon.

"Oh my god I am so sorry Clay," I said with red cheeks.

"Hm, it's ok Cassidy, I shouldn't of snuck up on ya like that," he said with a chuckle.

"No you really shouldn't of," I stated.

I turned around to walk to the back door of the cafe. Clay following me, "I have news about Jake," Clay stated.

I paused at the door and turned around to face him. "Lord help me what now," I said.

"He's been involved in drugs an rapes, an a murder Cassidy, you need to stay safe," Clay informed me.

"Huuu, lord that boy," I said shaking my head.

"I think you should stay home fer a while, with someone with ya, just to be safe," Clay almost whined.

"Clay I thank ya fer yer concern, but ya know I can't do that, I need ta work, I'm savin up, I can't jus, stop my life fer him again," I answered him.

"Huuu, well then, jus, be safe ok, maybe I don't know, get someone to hang out with ya, travel with ya, somethin, I don't want y'all ta be the next one I'm investigatin for," Clay said.

He set his hand on his hip and the other on his gun. "Clay, I carry a gun, an I can shoot jus as good maybe better than you can, ya know that, I won't be victim of this, not by him any more," I stated.

"Hoooo, you drive me crazy woman," he said.

"Hmhm, I know, my parents too, get in line," I giggled.

"When are ya gonna take me up on my offer," he said stepping closer.

I raised my eyebrow an smiled at him then opened the door. "Can't do that Clay, cause ya know it'll be oh she's not gettin tickets cause she's sleepin with the soon ta be sheriff," I blabbed out changing my voice to snob.

Clay shook his head smiling "Hmhmhm, Cassidy Jenson yer a bad girl ya know that, ifin I had just cause ta arrest ya I would," he chuckling and shook his head.

I set my fingers over my mouth pushed in to an O shape. My hand on my one thigh, bent over backing in the door. "Ohhhh sheriff y'all flatter me, ya promise ya use yer cuffs on me," I giggled out mocking him.

"CASSIDY," he yelped looking around.

"Ha ha ha, later big strong Sheriff man," I said as I let the door close on him. I turned and giggled shaking my head grabbing an apron.

"Ya know one of these days Cassidy y'all gonna get yer self in trouble," Beth's voice came from the kitchen.

Beth was there main cook and family friend, her grey hair came into view as I walked in. "Ha ha ha, he's fun ta tease though," I said.

"It's not nice of you though ta string a man along like that, specially ifin ya don't plan on making good on his offer," Beth scolded me.

"Oh Beth," I started as I put my head on her arm.

"Ya know I love ya right," I said

"Yes honey bee, I love you too," Beth replied.

"An I respect ya, but my love life, ain't up fer discussing," I finished taking a pice of carrot.

"Uh," Beth puffed out in disgust.

She swatted at me with the towel from her shoulder. "Eeeeeeheeheeheee," I squealed.

Beth chased me from the kitchen out front, trying to tie my apron as I ran to the till. I was giggling so much I didn't even see who was at the till waiting to pay. When I turned I stopped dead in my tracks. His smile grew bigger and I rolled my eyes, taking his 20 dollar bill he held out. "Well," he said.

"Nope, don't even," I said.

I passed him his change as Shannon brought the coffees he'd ordered to the counter. "Alright fine, can I give ya a tip or ya gonna rip my head off fer that," he said.

He smiled at Shannon and then looked back at me. "I don't want your tip," I grumbled.

He smirked then ran his tongue over his bottom lip before turning to Shannon. He passed her the change and looked back at me again. It's then that I gave him my what ever eyebrow raise and shoulder shrug. "Nice ta see that yer over yer temper fit, real mature," he said.

My eyes narrowed on him, and I  turned around to grab a cloth from the sanitizer and a spray bottle. Turning around to him shaking his head at me. "Yer still here" I said.

I walked out from behind the counter to wipe tables. As I leaned over the table he moved behind me to whisper in my ear. "Ya know, if I actually hit ya, I'd see a reason fer bein up set, maybe next time you'll watch yer self, an look both ways, kitten" he said low and huskily.

My mouth popped open, and I went to stand up but found him walking threw the door. I looked over to the window as he looked back. He winked at me and kept right on walkin with his coffees. He got in his truck with a smile on his lips, knowing I couldn't be rude to a customer.

I turned back and wiped the rest of the table then moved to the one in front of the window. Looking up at him occasionally tryin to be serious. He kept raising his eyebrow at me, trying to make me smile. I tried to hide it pursing my lips, shaking my head. He smirked and put his sunglasses on then reversed on to the street. As soon as he was out of sight I smiled shaking my head, placing the condiment tray back.

I turned around to see Shannon starring at me, smirking. "What Shannon" I asked.

"Nothin, it's just he's got tha hots fer y'all" she said trying to hold back the chuckle.

"Shannon, shut up" I said frowning.

"Alright but he's damn cute" she states taking the cloth and bottle from me.

I rolled my eyes, "ya well, Mr. pretty boy almost ran me over this mornin" I said grouchy toned.

"Hm, I'd definitely wanna be ran over by him any day, what's wrong with y'all" she asked.

"Bad experiences Shannon, I can't be bothered goin down that road again" I state.

Setting to work straightening the papers and things on the counter. Putting them away and then went to work on the cooler. "Ya know, not all guys are like Jake" Shannon says.

"Don't, don't ya dare talk bout him ok, it's done it's over I ain't goin back there, just, huuu, stop" I said.

"Huuu, ok, fine" Shannon said.

The cafe filled and cleared out, several times threw out the afternoon. Then supper time came around, we were expecting lots. There were tons of tourists and workers in town so it would be busy. Although Clancy's bar n' grill would be too, the only two places in town for food. Besides the hotels, and that wasn't the best in town.

I stepped outside keeping in mind that Jake was on the run so I'd stay in sight of Shannon. I took out a cigarette and was looking for a lighter when I saw the scuffed boots again. I heard a lighter flick on and then looked up to meet those clear glass eyes.

He smirked as my eyes met his, "peace offering," he said gruffly.

I put my cigarette in my lips and lit the end, blowing out the smoke to the side. "Thanks," I said.

I was tired and still had to endure the supper rush. On top of that a smart ass to boot, this was not my day. He leaned up against the wall beside me and put out his hand to shake."I'm Ryan," he said.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at his hand. "Come on I'm tryin gimme a break," he said.

I looked up at him and smirked, "Cassidy," I said taking his hand.

"That's a pretty name," he said.

"Ha, it was my grandmas name," I stated.

"Still pretty, look I'm really sorry, I should have been watchin, huuu, I was wrong," he apologized.

"Ha," I scoffed.

"Are you ever not in a sour mood," he asked.

"Depends," I answered.

"On what," he asked again.

"The company I'm with," I stated raising my eyebrow.

"Huu, right, got it, ok," he said.

He started to walk for the door and I started to feel bad for being such a bitch. "Hey" I quipped.

"Yeah" he said running his hand over his hair.

"I'm sorry too" I said shrugging.

He smiled and turned opening the door "what do ya know, she is pleasant, sometimes" he said.

He turned and walked in before I could say anything. A smile sprawled across my face while I finished my smoke and threw it in the ashtray. I went back in and the crowds came in like a flood.