
Black And White - A Series Of 3 Poems

Black And White is a series of three poems, namely... a) Warriors Of Freedom b) Respect And Dignity c) Darkness Disclaimer: This book can be enjoyed by readers of all ages. We request our readers to not copy the contents of this book as it is illegal and you might invite legal actions. If you wish to give this book to others, please share or buy it for them. Poetess' Note: Hello there! This is the second book that I'm going to publish online. Please read it till the end, rate, like and review us. We highly value your thoughts. Enjoy!

Niharika_Kosarkar · สมจริง
4 Chs

Respect And Dignity

My sister from the same mother,

Is different from every other.

Kind and gracious from the start

She secured a place in everyone's heart.

Neglect that comes from being plain

Made my heart ache with pain.

No, time doesn't heal any wounds,

It hardens our heart from hounds.

So I became a creature with a stake

Rebelling and hurting everyone in my wake.

It is now I see

The clearer picture in front of me.

Dignity was offered to us equally,

She cherished it, where I shredded it gleefully.

She earned the respect of everyone

Where I, in my envy of her, hurt everyone.

Now I simply hope it's not to late,

To start with a clean slate.

This promise is from me to me,

Giving love and respect, I'll earn back my dignity.