
Birth of The Free Bird

“Do you still have my coin?” Asked Edmond in a low voice. Finch nodded. “It’s here.” She lifted her free hand and opened her fist, showing Edmond the coin that he gave her last night. The coin that she used as her marker during the game. “You have to keep it. We’ll play again soon.” Edmond promised. Finch nodded happily. Her smile broadened as she heard Edmond’s promise. “I’ll be waiting for you Edmond.” “I’ll come back for you.” He vowed. In the land of Easton, a few boys from the village started to visit the forest, after being encountered with a girl whose whole life was spent inside the forest. As they built friendship between them, the forest had turned into nothing but their new playground. Curiosity led to dangerous exploration, revealing the hidden secrets that were almost forgotten. When the news about the girl in the forest was heard by the Mayor, a hunt began. There was one thing that the girl was forbidden to do: never stepping out of the forest. As people started to look for her, would she be able to escape from them? Above of all, would she be able to save her dear friends? Who knew that the action of those innocent children would cause so many deaths in the land.

MortalLearner · แฟนตาซี
70 Chs


History of the Claremont's castle had amazed both Finch and Edmond. Sir Bartholomew was kind enough to tour them around the castle and told the history of it. Finch's curiosity and questions had been expressed verbally by Edmond, who miraculously, had the same questions as Finch.

"Why is there so many butterfly painted in the castle?" Asked Edmond.

"I knew you would ask me that question, young boy." Said the King's third in command. "Hmm… it all began with the history of the royal's ancestors. Do you know that long time ago, this kingdom was ruled by Fairies?"

"Fairies?" Edmond frowned. "As in a little fairy."

The man hummed. "Except they were not little. They were all like us — human. But they had fascinating ability, like magic ability. Almost like a witch."

Finch's tiny mouth gaped as the word witch mentioned. It reminded her of the man she met in the forest, calling Mosley a witch. Was she?

"A witch? What's that?" Inquired Edmond.