
Birth of a slaughterer

As a dark shadow casts a pall over a realm teetering on the brink of chaos, an omnipotent force is born, awakening the sheer terror in the hearts of all who dare to breathe. Welcome to a riveting tale of horror and power: "Birth of a Slaughterer". Born into this harsh world as a paradox in name and nature is Hei Xiao, the personification of absolute monstrous evil. Innocuous to look at, yet chilling to the bone, Hei Xiao’sinnocuous birth conceals an insidious destiny. Even a mere whisper of his name stirs a tempest of dread, horrifying beings across the great span of existence. Hei Xiao’s diabolical malevolence transcends mere humanness. He is neither born out of vengeance nor thrown into corruption by a malicious world. Instead, villainy runs in his very veins, woven into his soul, darkly divine. His name echoes the harsh chords of dread, the embodiment of a primal nightmare sown deep within the fabric of every consciousness. The narrative spirals into the macabre awakening of this encroaching fear as Hei Xiao innocent façade gradually cracks open, revealing the unparalleled monstrosity within. With a terrifying lethal grace, the mc turns his world inside out, leaving a trail of bone-chilling terror that freezes the world in its tracks. "Birth of a Slaughterer" promises a spine-chilling ride into the depths of terror as it explores the paradoxical existence of an innately evil presence that wreaks havoc merely with the echo of its name. As you delve into the world Hei Xiao terrorizes, brace yourself to bear witness to the birth of a slaughterer, where dread is the lullaby, and fear becomes faith. Are you ready to confront this darkness that lurks in the corner of existence, to stand up to the whisper of a name that threatens to unravel reality as we know it?

Father_Demon00 · ตะวันออก
4 Chs

Chapter 1: The Birth of Jeopardy

A new day had just begun in a small village deep in the wilderness.

The sun's rays filtered through the dense foliage, illuminating the wild and strong-looking people as they went about their daily routine.

This village, secluded from the world, was filled with a tight-knit community of individuals who supported and cared for one another as if they were family, despite not being blood-related.

Among the various occupations in the village, one lesser-respected job was that of a miner.

While not as glamorous as the brave hunters and warriors who safeguarded and provided for the village, it was an essential part of their way of life.

The miners were responsible for extracting the much-needed minerals and resources that equipped the village's protectors, enabling them to face the perils of their daily hunts.

Deep within a small mine not too far from the village, a few weary miners toiled away, perspiration glistening on their brows. The damp walls echoed with the sound of relentless pickaxes hacking through stone, their rhythmic clang contributing to the village's heartbeat.

"Ding Ding Ding," the piercing sound of a bell reverberated through the cave, momentarily disturbing the miners' concentration.

Cursing himself, one miner suddenly exclaimed, "God damn it! How could I lose track of time like this? I need to get back home quickly!"

The source of the outburst was none other than Hei Huang, an exceptionally handsome middle-aged man.

His short-cut hair resembled the midnight sky, setting off his piercing violet eyes.

With a sharp jawline and perfect facial features, he exuded an air of effortless magnetism. Towering at 7 feet tall, he possessed a lean but muscular physique that turned heads wherever he went.

Hastily, Hei Huang began gathering his tools and the day's haul. His mind raced with anticipation, his feet almost unconsciously guiding him towards the mine's exit.

As he moved through the dimly lit tunnels, whispers and looks of envy followed in his wake. It was no secret that the village harbored mixed feelings towards Hei Huang, both awed by his attractiveness and unsettled by his mysterious aura.

Nearby, a short and unattractive miner, sweat pouring down his face, grumbled with a heavily-used pickaxe in hand. "That damn Hei Huang," he said with a tinge of resentment. "Always rushing home for something important, always having it better than the rest of us."

A fellow miner looked up from his work, momentarily distracted by the conversation.

"What's eating at you, Feng?" he asked curiously. "It's not like Hei Huang's success takes away from our own."

Feng sneered and bitterly replied, "Oh, it's not just his success that bothers me. It's his damned personality. He may appear charming and charismatic, but there's something that's always off about him."

The village had long acknowledged Hei Huang's charm but remained wary of him, sensing that his captivating exterior masked a shrouded darkness. Many had fallen under his spell, but few dared to venture close enough to uncover the truth.

With purposeful strides, Hei Huang emerged from the mine's entrance, the cool breeze of the wilderness greeting him. Greeting the stern and powerful looking warriors that were positioned there to guard the mine.

Even though they were shorter than him by a good amount he knew the they had been fighting for year's and had the necessary experience to guard guard the mine and protect the people in it.

He paused for a moment, the weight of expectation pushing him onwards. Today was not just any regular day—it was the day his firstborn would come into the world.

As he hurried home, anticipation bubbling within him, he couldn't help but reflect on his own dark past. Life had not always been easy for Hei Huang, and he had made choices that cloaked his soul in shadows—an ominous burden he concealed from those around him.

He had always had dark thoughts and impulses and he had acted on them. Seeing and doing many things that others would be absolutely scared and terrified of.

His thoughts drifted to his dear wife, Qian, who had the ability to bring light into his world.

She possessed a gentle heart and an unwavering belief in Hei Huang's inherent goodness, even when he struggled to see it himself. As he approached their humble cottage, he could already hear her melodic voice, singing a soothing lullaby to calm their yet unborn child.

Pushing open the door, Hei Huang was met with an ethereal sight.

Qian, with her flowing ebony hair cascading around her shoulders, stood by the window, her radiant smile reflecting her own excitement. The room was adorned with colorful flowers, their fragrance mingling with the comforting scent of home.

Gently, he approached his beloved, pulling her into an embrace. With tenderness in his voice, he whispered, "Qian, my love, is everything all right?"

She turned to face him, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Hei Huang, my love, I can feel it in my heart. Our child will arrive soon."

A momentary hush enveloped the room as anticipation filled the air. Hei Huang's heart swelled with a mix of excitement and trepidation, knowing that this day would forever change their lives.

As the sun dipped towards the horizon, casting a golden hue over the village, a new chapter was about to begin.

The birth of their child would not only bring joy to Hei Huang and Qian, but also have far-reaching consequences that would send ripples through the village, shaping their lives in ways they could never have imagined.

Little did they know that their child, born on this fateful day, would be the catalyst for unveiling the true nature of Hei Huang's shadowed past.

Jeopardy lurked in the shadows, threatening the village's peace and challenging the bonds that held their community together.

And so, as darkness settled over the land, casting an air of mystery and anticipation, the village prepared to welcome its newest member—one who would unknowingly embark on a journey to uncover the hidden truths that lay dormant within their village, forever changing the course of their destinies.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I'm new to this so please bear with me, I will continue to post chapters but they will take a little time. These chapters take a lot of time and creativity so please support the novel any way you can. Please enjoy the story. :>

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