
Birth of a Psychotic Demon

With the knowledge of several immortal beings at his fingertips, as well as, the ability to force himself into a state of enlightenment, Shung Yun fought, schemed, manipulated, and tricked his way through every challenge in his path, as he climbed towards the top of the food chain in a universe with beings able to traverse the limitless void with just a step, able to destroy a realm with a swing of a sword, able to blur the line between real and fake, twisting reality into whatever they deem fit, and many more impossible feats that can't even be imagined. But with so much knowledge and such an insane ability, can he survive the prophesied destruction and catastrophe brought about by his very own existence? Follow along the journey of a youth who wishes to have fun despite the torment brought to him by a bunch of siblings imprisoned in his soul by a true god to find out. And when reading, don't forget to leave a review so others can also join in the fun without much doubt. Cover image was created with the aid of an AI in a website called nightcafe.

Akugbo_Larry · ตะวันออก
160 Chs

Chapter 07 Black Owl Bandit

"I'm glad your condition hasn't messed with your head. As for your punishment, you'll lead your soldiers to the mountain plain at the south of the village and execute a bandit group going by the name, Black Owl. Complete that, and you will have a clean sleet," the Warhead Military Section Commander said.

"Acknowledged, Sir," Shung Yun said while saluting before leaving the commander's office.

"You must be squeezed dry before your lifespan elapses," the Warhead Military Section Commander muttered as he played with the customized dagger in his hand.


Going to the living quarters assigned to the Ravage Unit, he summoned his five strongest soldiers to his living quarters, Shung Muzai included.

Coming in first was Shung Xu and Shung Kai, followed by Shung Cailyn, Shung Dong, and then Shung Muzai.

"You're all here," Shung Yun said as he motioned for his finest to sit.

"As you all know, I left the camp for over two weeks without the permission of our commander, which is against the rule of our Byui Military. I was given a punishment which involves you all, and that's why you were all summoned here," he said as he looked at the upper-stage teenagers in his room.

[Info: upper-stage teenagers -> 18 - 19]

"I will follow the captain into any battle," Shung Xu said without any hesitation.

"We all know you will," Shung Cailyn said softly while smiling at Shung Xu.

"I'm in," Shung Kai said.

"I don't need any approval from my subordinates to carry out an order given to me by my superior, no matter how the order came about," Shung Yun said as he recorded the facial expression of everyone in the room, "I only called you all here to give my orders about how we're going to deal with the assignment."

Continuing on, he said, "our orders are to eliminate every member of Black Owl Bandit group without exception. But I will be twisting the order a little. We'll be capturing at least three bandits and burning them alive."

"Wh..y would you want to do that?" Shung Xu asked. Surprised by what Shung Yun proposed.

"That's a new hobby that grew on me," Shung Yun said before going back to business, "Shung Xu, Shung Kai, Shung Cailyn, and Shung Muzai will all take eight soldiers each, while Shung Dong will have seven soldiers under his command. Shung Xu, Shung Cailyn, and Shung Muzai will take a direct assault at the enemy, with Shung Kai and Shung Dong moving up from the flanks."

"What about you?" Shung Muzai asked.

"I will shadow Shung Dong's team. Remember, capture at least three bandits alive. Disabled or not, I don't really mind. Just keep them alive and able to scream with enough vigor," Shung Yu said.

"Got it. Anything else?" Shung Muzai asked.

"Yeah. Don't die," Shung Yun said before giving permission for his finest to leave.

"See you tomorrow," Shung Xu said as she saluted at Shung Yun.

Responding to Shung XU, Shung Yun nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"You okay?" Shung Cailyn asked Shung Xu.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Shung Xu asked.

"For one, the captain is way colder and more different from usual. He didn't even smile at you," Shung Cailyn said.

"It must be because of his suicide attempt. You can't expect him to be back to his senses in just a few days," Shung Xu said as she looked at her friend.

"You defend him too much. Committing suicide in the first place and leaving you and his younger sister alone in this world is a selfish act," Shung Cailyn said as she and Shung Xu walked towards their living quarters.

"I don't know," Shung Xu muttered uncertainly.

"Well, just make sure your wellbeing takes up your priority," Shung Cailyn said.

"I will," Shung Xu responded as they separated before entering their living quarters.


Riding on the back of a black colored horse, Shung Yun whooshed past the trees around as he and his thirty nine soldiers move towards their mission target.

"Stop!" he raised up his right hand as a signal to his soldiers as he brought his horse to a stop.

"Squad A, B and C should go have a faceoff with the enemy," he said as he gave out orders to Shung XU, Shung Cailyn and Shung Muzai.

Jumping down from their horses, the three squad leaders led their squads up the mountain plain.

"Shung Kai, lead your squad and attack from the left, while Shung Dong will lead his squad and attack from the right," Shung Yun said as he gave his orders.

Adhering to Shung Yun's order, both Shung Kai and Shung Dong led their soldiers forward, while Shung Yun trailed behind Shung Dong.

"Boss, the Byui Military are here!" a scrawny upper-stage male youth said quickly to a middle-stage middle aged man with a black owl tattoo on the left side of his bald head.

[Info: {upper-stage youth -> 31 - 39} {middle-stage middle aged human -> 45 - 50}]

"Looks like they've figured out our location. Get everyone to prepare. We're going to war!" Dark Owl said as he picked up a huge hammer beside him.

"I got it, boss," the scrawny youth said as he ran deep into the cave.

"I'm sure the Byui Military won't send any of their elite soldier to face a small bandit group like ours," Dark Owl said as he stood up, "with my breakthrough into the middle-stage of Qi birth realm, I can easily slaughter every soldier who isn't in the Byui Military Elite Squad."

"Boss!" [x47]

The members of Black Owl all paid respect to their leader as they all assembled at the largest space in their hideout.

"The Byui Village's Military has discovered our hideout and has sent their soldiers to wipe us all out. But fear not! They underestimate our strength by sending out only one unit of their common soldiers to do the job. Which I tell you, will cause them their death. Now follow me into battle as we slaughter those children!" Dark Owl roared as he ran towards the entrance of the cave.

"Yall!!" the subordinates of Dark Owl yelled as they followed the lead of Dark Owl.

"Incoming!" Shung Cailyn shouted as she saw Dark Owl dashing down at her and her squad.

"Attack!!" Shung Muzai shouted as he pulled out his spear from the strap on his back.

"Leader, do we go assist the assault team?" a soldier under Shung Kai asked him after hearing the battle cry from both the bandits and the frontal assault soldiers.

"No. We obey the captain's order and flank the enemy," Shung Kai said as he continued forward.

Going silent after hearing Shung Kai's words, the soldiers continued forward without any more question.

"Die, little girl," Dark Owl said as he smashed down his hammer on Shung Cailyn.

Focusing all her strength on her hands, Shung Cailyn spun her nunchaku as she generated as much force as she can.

"Yall!!" She shouted as she swung her rapidly moving nunchaku at Dark Owl's approaching hammer.



Falling rapidly down the mountain, Shung Cailyn smashed into the ground as she exploded into a gory mess of blood and flesh.

"SHUNG CAILYN!!!!!" Shung Xun screamed as she saw Shung Cailyn fall like lightning.

"You're next, sweetheart," Dark Owl said as he turned to Shung Xu.

Releasing all her stored-up Qi, Shung Xu's limbs were all covered blue colored pulsing energy.

"A lower-stage Qi birth cultivator. How surprising," Dark Owl said as he walked towards Shung Xu.

"You will regret killing Shung Cailyn," Shung Xu said as her Qi moved gradually towards the tip of her staff.

"Too slow, sweetheart," Dark Owl said as he arrived in front of Shung Xu with the head of his hammer still covered with flaming colored QI.

"Captain was right. We are too weak," Shung Xu thought as she could only watch the red colored hammer smash down on her.


New Chapter.....

Have a wonderful day...

GOD made the Heavens and the Earth, and everything existing in them, above them, and underneath them. Without Him there's no beginning and no end. A being He created felt the glory He receives and craved for it, despite knowing he doesn't deserve it...

Thanks for your time and patience...," Author_X