[Each brain crystal power encapsulates a microcosmic ecosystem of mana flux that interacts with the host's mana flow. Merging two powers isn't simply intertwining strands; it's akin to creating a new symphony from two distinct musical compositions. It needs a delicate balance of the tonal structure, and the arrangement must be done with surgical precision. ]
[The cost of DNA points hinges on a multifactorial algorithm that considers genetic compatibility, energetic sustainability, and the potential for latent ability amplification. This is further complicated by the need to keep genomic stability, as excessive strain can lead to an unscheduled apoptosis cascade, threatening the entire organism. ]
<Are you saying I might die? could always die whenever merged a power?>
[You could have died even when getting stat points. Why did you think I had to reduce the number of stats you gained when gaining neural links? I told you this already.]
<Right. >