
Big Hit's New Girl Group: I'm a K-Pop Star?!

**Important Note: This is about a fictional OC girl surviving in the music industry and set in real, modern times. ** ------------------------------------------------------- Synopsis: BTS, Bangtan Sonyeondan, Bulletproof Boy Scouts, Beyond The Scene. The idol group had various names, but to Iris, BTS would forever be her inspiration, both in music and in life. She had first encountered them by accident during BTS’s American Hustle Life. Curious and smitten by the adorably awkward boys who couldn’t speak English very well, she later discovered that they were K-pop idols. Upon discovering K-pop, she realized her passion for singing and dancing. She joined the Korean Culture Club at her university and participated in K-pop dance covers. But as a practical girl, she never pursued music seriously. As a second generation American to Thai and Chinese parents, she felt a responsibility to graduate college and be a successful businesswoman. But BTS was the wildcard in her life. When she fatefully met them again during their Wings world tour, her life would never be the same again. Tossed into the brutal world of K-pop, she became somehow became a Big Hit trainee! ------------------------------------------------------- Genres: Fan Fiction, (side) Romance Fiction Question: Why is this listed as Realistic Fiction instead of Fan Fiction? 1) The MC is Iris Huang, a fictional character along with her family and the other Big Hit trainees. Any k-pop idols included in this story are secondary leads. 2) BTS are not the only k-pop included in this story; thus, this is more of a k-pop fanfic if anything. With that said, they are more integral to the story than the others. But because this story began as an entry into the BTS writing competition, I have since after its end gotten some hate for writing it merely due to BTS fanfics swamping the Fan Fiction section. (I really don't see the case for it because the top popular fan fics listed only showed 3 BTS fan fics including mine much lower down the browsing results. But with the contest, the sudden influx probably messed up the New section.) In short, imagine this as a fictional story that's realistic in being set in the modern world and time with real-life people's names. This story was never completely about BTS, it was about Iris surviving in the music industry. It's like saying a fantasy story can't also be a romance; even though, the story may be listed under Fantasy as the main genre. 3) I see stories on here not listed as fan fiction when they're based on TV shows and series, and the story MC is clearly the MC of that original show. Since I think my story follows Realistic Fiction more than as a BTS fan fiction since it isn't totally centered around them, I changed it two weeks after the competition ended. Additionally, now no one can complain about their favorite fan fiction being overrun by BTS ones.... I don't want to inadvertently add to the hate that BTS receives for stupid reasons like this. ------------------------------------------------------- Note about the realism in this book: All of the realism is to allow readers to be able to insert themselves as the MC as if living this reality for real in the modern world. I hope to share BTS's inspirational message to love yourself. May you gain the strength to also believe in yourself and follow your dreams~! Please support the continuation of this story by voting, and enjoy reading! (: TAGS: Music, Idols, Modern Day, Celebrities, Female Lead, Inspirational, Romance, Fan Fiction, BTS, K-pop

Chryiss · เพลงและวงดนตรี
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Morning Tea

The following morning after LUXIA's first concert was a bright and mild day. Waking up early, Iris took the chance to enjoy the fresh air and strolled the streets to her favorite little cafe.

Disguised with a face mask and baseball cap, she walked uninhibited by the few stragglers outside roaming about in the early morn.

This cafe wasn't the same special idol one that Cindy, Ahreum, and Jiyeon had visited and met some of the 97-liners from GOT7 and Seventeen. Rather, it was a smaller space, more cosy, intimate, and low-key.

Upon arriving, Iris settled into her favorite spot in the corner by the window. From this angle, she could see the outside world, but based on the architecture of the building, passing traffic wouldn't notice her through the window unless they were looking at that particular wall closely.

Sometimes, she would come here to write lyrics or music in order to have a change of environment to stimulate new ideas and inspiration. And by now, the owners and workers of the place were used to her being there often.

Of course, they kept her identity and visits a secret out of respect and decorum. It was thrilling to have a notable star as a regular of their cafe. And they all became friends of Iris.

"Here's your usual, miss Iris~" A cafe worker stopped by and placed a piping cup of flowery, honeyed tea with a dash of milk on the female idol's high rise table.

"Thanks Seori!" Iris gingerly picked up the pretty teacup and sipped lightly.

Many cafes served coffee, and while Iris enjoyed a good cup of joe every once in a while, she loved the delicateness of tea. Thus, this atelier-like cafe with its wide array of teas over different coffee beans highly suited her.

Today, she had brought along her notebook as usual to scribble down thoughts. However, right now, Iris just felt like relaxing and drinking her tea leisurely.

She stared out the window while sipping as flashes of last night came back to her. From the bouyant stages to the surprise from BTS to the group powwow at the end of the night, Iris reflected on this in conjunction with the last few months.

Time had flown by, and Jin had already been in the military for a year. It astounded Iris to no end.

Her cousin's last words before going to sleep yesterday echoed in her mind. "Although it would be nice to find someone special, I'm satisfied with loving myself now that I've finally found a purpose and motivation to live my life happily like this. Time can wait for the right person. I don't need to rush it."

Iris let out an internal sigh. Cindy's words were true. Sometimes even, Iris felt guilty for not thinking of Jin as often anymore. Did distance and time combined make the heartbeats fade away?

Zoning out a bit, her vision didn't discern the figure approaching her window until he was almost right up against it. Startled, she jerked back from the proximity of the face and light tapping at the glass.

The man outside pulled back a bit before leaning in again with a effortlessly charming side smile. He waved his hand a few quick times before departing from the window and moving toward the cafe doors.

"I thought that was you Iris." He immediately said once she was within earshot. "But I wasn't sure because you were staring so motionlessly out the window—I thought you might be a body stand, haha!"

Iris blushed a little. "Ahaha... hi Jackson. I didn't think I'd run into you today. What made you look this way at my window though? It's not very noticeable from the outside."

Jackson, a member of GOT7, smirked and replied, "Errands." He shrugged. "I'm actually here to get a gift for a friend who likes tea. Chinese, likes the chrysanthemum kind. I found out that this place has some unique brews."

"Hm, I do recommend the tea for sure if being here drinking some right now isn't convincing enough that it's good stuff."

Jackson laughed, one hand on his hip as he stood there leisurely in front of Iris's table. "So what about you? You frequent here in the mornings?"

Iris paused a moment then nodded. "Sometimes. Not always in the morning. It's a nice atmosphere for writing down music. I've definitely been here enough that they know what tea I like and can prepare it without me asking." She ended with a giggle. The service and people here were attentive and considerate. Their personalities fit right in with the homey feeling of the cafe.

"Nice, nice." Jackson grinned, moving a forearm to lie on top of the table edge so as to lean on it casually.

"Mark, BamBam and I have been wondering where's your call for language lessons. Instead, you've been killing it in the charts and on stage. Congratulations to you Iris and LUXIA on that."

She smiled sweetly with twinkling eyes. This Jackson was ever the smooth talker and social butterfly. He could make friends with anyone and make you feel like you were close, old-time friends.

"Thank you, haha! Sorry, yes we've been super busy, but I'll definitely hit you guys up on the language classes. I learned a lot last time."

Jackson nodded. "Good good. I'm glad I saw you today. Let me go pick out the tea, and I'll be back."

"Hm, okay." Iris smiled and watched as Jackson went to the counter to order. She rested her elbow on the table and plopped her head into her palm.

'How interesting I meet him today.' She thought to herself. Just last night, Cindy mentioned how she and Yugyeom had been getting closer as good buddies. They often chatted over text and played phone games together.

Now, Iris wondered if she'd foster a similar relationship with Jackson since they seemed to click naturally well. But then again, Jackson had that kind if charisma to make you feel that way. She laughed wryly to herself at this.