
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

From Novice to Ninja: Kiyoshi's Training with the Legendary Tsunade

From Novice to Ninja: Kiyoshi's Training with the Legendary Tsunade

A new day had begun, and the morning sun welcomed the dawn. Kiyoshi, still yawning, hurriedly put on his sandals. His determined gaze reflected the intensity of his training, which became more arduous with each passing day.

Tsunade's words still echoed in his mind, "I'm not here to go easy on you, brat!" And with that mantra in his head, Kiyoshi set off for a new day.

After the exhausting morning training with his father and friends, Kiyoshi, who had just returned from the academy, was ready for the challenge that awaited him beyond the door. He took a deep breath and entered. Tsunade was sitting in her office, reading a scroll, when Kiyoshi presented himself.

"Are you ready for another day, brat?" Tsunade asked, not lifting her eyes from the scroll.

"I am always ready, Tsunade-sama!" Kiyoshi replied, determination burning intensely in his eyes.

"Excellent. Today, I want you to guide me through your technique, Kokoro no Kyomei," Tsunade said, finally setting the scroll aside and focusing her attention on Kiyoshi. He nodded, his anxiety and excitement mingling in his chest. Now it was time for him to show his best, to try to earn Tsunade's admiration.

Kiyoshi began the explanation, detailing the necessary chakra concentration, precise movements, and intense meditation that the technique requires. Tsunade listened attentively, nodding in approval and asking pertinent questions when necessary. Needless to say, the theoretical part was easy for the Sannin, as Kiyoshi's jutsu was greatly inspired by the jutsu she herself used.

"Even after reading the technique and understanding its foundation, seeing Kiyoshi explain it is completely different," Tsunade thought, "truly, this boy has developed it."

Tsunade, with the Kokoro no Kyomei scroll still fresh in her mind, stood up with a strange mix of emotions. Tsunade found herself trapped in her thoughts, reviewing the contents of the scroll she had read, "Kokoro no Kyomei". The concept was intriguing—a chakra control and manipulation that guides and forces itself to solidify in a core in the last chakra gate above the heart.

Kiyoshi, on the other hand, seemed immune to tension, the innocence in his eyes overshadowing any nervousness he might have.

"Let's go, brat," Tsunade muttered, leading them to the training field of the Senju mansion. Kiyoshi followed her, his legs never faltering with anticipation. The shadows of the trees danced around them, the rays of the afternoon sun piercing the foliage to paint golden patterns on the grass-covered ground.

Tsunade sat under a tree, the rough bark comfortably pressing against her back. "Okay, kid, let's begin. You will guide me in the first practice."

Kiyoshi nodded, eager to start. The determination on his face made Tsunade smile—this boy was truly resilient; anyone else in his place would be nervous, but he was excited.

As soon as Tsunade began to mold her chakra, Kiyoshi walked over to her, his steps light and precise. Without saying a word, he approached, reaching out to correct Tsunade's posture. The surprise in the Sannin's eyes was evident when Kiyoshi, gently yet firmly, adjusted her position.

Kiyoshi's touch was gentle but precise—each of his movements seemed to have a purpose. Tsunade found herself blushing slightly at the boy's touch, an unexpected response for her. Despite her surprise, she didn't pull away, allowing Kiyoshi to guide her.

"You have to keep your back straight, Tsunade-sama," Kiyoshi explained in a soft tone, "And remember to focus your chakra on the central point of the eighth chakra gate—it's where the true process begins."

Kiyoshi's comments were methodical, each of his words carrying wisdom that challenged his age. Tsunade found herself impressed—despite his youth, Kiyoshi showed an understanding of the technique that demonstrated how he almost instinctively mastered it. It seemed like the boy had a perfect understanding of human anatomy.

And so, the training continued, each of Kiyoshi's movements, each correction, and each word building an even stronger connection between master and disciple, breaking down the barrier Tsunade had erected about truly having a disciple, and so their days of the new routine continued.

Twilight descended upon Konoha, bathing the houses and streets in a soft, warm light. Exhausted and sweaty after a long day of training, Kiyoshi Hyuga made his way back home, his legs aching with each step. His muscles screamed for rest, and yet, deep in his heart, he had never felt so content.

"To Tsunade-sama... she's really taking being my master seriously," Kiyoshi thought, his heart warming as memories of his day with Tsunade passed through his mind like a reel.

The grass beneath his feet trembled with the hum of energy, the air crackling with the tension of an improvised battlefield. Kiyoshi moved swiftly, his hands forming intricate hand seals, channeling his chakra into a sequence of ninjutsu techniques.

From a distance, Tsunade watched, her experienced eyes tracking every movement, every subtle alteration in his chakra flow. She noticed an imbalance in Kiyoshi's chakra rhythm, a slight tremor that could make the difference between victory and defeat in a real confrontation.

"Now!" Tsunade shouted, interrupting Kiyoshi's movement.

Surprised, Kiyoshi stopped, his eyes fixed on Tsunade as he gasped for breath. "What happened, Tsunade-sama?"

"Your chakra flow," Tsunade said, moving toward him with confident steps. "It's unstable."

Kiyoshi furrowed his brow, confused. "Unstable? But I was focusing. I felt..."

"Feeling is one thing, Kiyoshi. Understanding is another," Tsunade interrupted, her voice calm but carrying undeniable firmness. "You need to learn to distinguish the subtleties in your chakra flow, to perceive imbalances before they affect your techniques."

Kiyoshi nodded, absorbing Tsunade's words. He not only understood what she said but also realized the gravity of what she was trying to teach. "Yes, Tsunade-sama. I will try again."

Tsunade smiled. "Good. Remember, Kiyoshi, a true ninja masters not only the strength but also the finesse of chakra control. It can mean the difference between life and death on a battlefield."

And with that, they returned to training, each strike, each movement, and each gesture carrying the weight of their learning.

He could clearly see the focused look on the Sannin's face as she guided him through his training routines. He could hear her voice, clear and firm, explaining the nuances of medical ninjutsu and the Kongōken.

As he crawled into bed, Kiyoshi's thoughts were occupied with plans and dreams of future training. "I can't wait to learn more from Tsunade-sama," he thought as sleep began to settle in. The prospect of training under the guidance of one of Konoha's strongest shinobi gaveme a tremendous sense of anticipation and excitement.

After a restful night's sleep and inspiring dreams, Kiyoshi woke up the next day full of energy and determination. He attended his classes at the Academy with a focused gaze, absorbing every word from the teachers. When classes were over, he ran straight to Tsunade's house, eager to start a new day of training.

The sun was already high in the sky when Kiyoshi arrived at Tsunade's house. The moment he knocked on the imposing wooden door of the mansion, his thoughts were interrupted. Tsunade opened the door, the gentle morning light shining around her, giving her an almost divine aura.

"Good morning, Tsunade-sama," Kiyoshi greeted, bowing respectfully.

"Good morning, Kiyoshi. I see you've arrived punctually, as always," Tsunade replied, a half-smile lighting up her face. "Are you ready for today's lesson?"

"Always ready, Tsunade-sama," Kiyoshi assured, returning the smile. Internally, however, he questioned whether he was truly prepared for what would come.

With a firm and determined look, Tsunade led Kiyoshi to a section of the garden that was set up as an improvised surgical field. There were several shadow clones lying on stretchers, representing a variety of medical conditions.

"First, we need to understand basic anatomy and physiology," Tsunade began. "You see, hemostasis, for example, is the process by which the body stops bleeding. Understanding it is vital."

Kiyoshi's attention was fully focused on Tsunade as she continued, "Hemostasis involves several steps: vasoconstriction, where the blood vessel constricts to limit blood flow; platelet plug formation, which blocks the vessel; and coagulation, which reinforces the plug with a fibrin network."

Kiyoshi nodded, struggling to absorb everything. "So, if I could channel my chakra to accelerate these processes..."

"Precisely," Tsunade interrupted, nodding in approval. "But remember, precision is key. Poorly controlled chakra flow can do more harm than good. It can cause tissue damage, necrosis, or even thrombosis of an important blood vessel."

Kiyoshi swallowed hard, understanding the gravity of Tsunade's words. Ninja medicine was indeed a challenging field, but he was determined to master it, and under Tsunade's guidance, he knew he was in good hands.

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