
Beyond the Limits I Became a Ninja in Naruto

Bruno, a dedicated biomedical scientist who devoted his life to cancer research, meets a tragic end after making a groundbreaking discovery that could have changed humanity. But death, it seems, is only the beginning of a new journey. Reborn as Kiyoshi Hyuga in the incredibly diverse world of Naruto, Bruno is given the opportunity to live a completely new life. He finds himself in a world where ninja power and combat skill are as essential as the scientific knowledge he possessed in his previous life.

Bruno_oliveira · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Whispers in the Darkness: Danzo, Orochimaru, and the Fate of Konoha

Whispers in the Darkness: Danzo, Orochimaru, and the Fate of Konoha

The first lights of dawn awakened Kiyoshi, marking the beginning of another long and demanding day. His father, with eyes shining with the power of the Byakugan, greeted him with a serene smile.

"Kiyoshi, remember, the Byakugan is more than just vision. It is an extension of yourself, a connection to the world around you," his father said, dodging an attack from his son during their morning training. In a Dōjutsu battle, the exchange of significant glances while moving determines the winner. Every subtle and elegant movement in their training was characteristic of the Hyuga's Juken.

The day continued with Kiyoshi meeting Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata at the Hyuga training field. This part of his day was filled with the sound of laughter and the echoes of powerful impacts as they trained their coordination and precision skills through 'Kokoro no Kyomei,' the technique that the group of young shinobi had adopted as their main training focus.

"Today I really felt like I would catch you, Kiyoshi," Naruto exclaimed, his blue eyes shining with enthusiasm. "Our movements were synchronized, as if we were thinking as one. I swear I'll win next time."

In the academy, Kiyoshi was not only a student but also a second teacher. His classmates looked up to him, seeking help with complicated jutsu, as he had always managed to defeat the genius of the class, Sasuke, even if only by a small margin. Over time, everyone began to ask for his assistance.

"Kiyoshi, how do you channel your chakra so precisely?" one of the younger students asked. Kiyoshi smiled, displaying patience and guidance, just as Iruka once showed him.

The day ended with the sunlight nearly fading, signaling the start of training with Tsunade. Each session was a blend of physical battle techniques and medical ninjutsu practice.

"So, Kiyoshi," Tsunade began, looking at him with mischievous eyes. "You can create a technique as complex as 'Kokoro no Kyomei,' but still struggle to perfect the Kongōken?"

Kiyoshi looked at her, his eyes shining with determination, although there was a touch of embarrassment on his face. He knew she was right. While he had made impressive progress in many areas, Kongōken, no, in fact, he realized that taijutsu was his weakness. The irony of fate for being a Hyuga was that his academic side held him back in battle situations.

"Yes, Tsunade-sama," he replied, hesitating for a moment before adding, "I feel like I'm missing something. Something I can't grasp, and it's holding me back."

Tsunade chuckled, the sound rich and filled with disdain, but also a hint of affection? "Well, you're certainly an interesting puzzle, Kiyoshi," she said, crossing her arms. "But don't worry. If there's one thing I've learned in all my years as a shinobi, it's that not all progress is immediately apparent. Sometimes, the greatest discoveries come after the most difficult fighting moments."

Kiyoshi listened to Tsunade's words, feeling a mix of gratitude and frustration. He knew she was right; he just needed patience. But still, the anticipation of finally mastering Kongōken continued to tease him. He longed for the day when he could truly call himself a master of that technique. But until then, he could only continue training, pushing his limits, and striving to become a little better every day.

While peaceful life unfolded in Konoha, in a hidden cave in the Land of Fire, the air was thick and stifling. Torch lights flickered, casting dancing shadows on the rock walls as men and women gathered around an improvised table.

At the head of the table, a man with a somber expression, light hair, and dark eyes took the floor. It was Yashiro Uchiha, one of the radicals from the Uchiha clan.

"Orochimaru and Danzo are ready to support us," Yashiro said, staring intensely at the group. "They see us as the key to overthrowing the Hokage and establishing a new order."

The others at the table murmured among themselves, some looking uncertain, others visibly intrigued. Among them, a man with a cold expression, one of the remnants of the Root, nodded in agreement.

"We are aligned with the Akatsuki now. If we want to succeed, we must be ruthless and strategic. We need to gain the support of the Hyuga."

The other members of the Uchiha radical group looked at him with expressions of shock.

"The Hyuga are loyal to the Hokage. Gaining their support will be almost impossible," intervened a scar-faced man, his voice cutting through the cave's silence.

He shrugged, a cruel glint in his eyes. "Then we force them. We have two years to set our plan in motion. We don't have time to be delicate."

"Support from the Hyuga, you say?" A voice rose above the murmurs. It was a man with silver hair and dark eyes, another Root survivor known as Tetsu Hyuga. His gaze narrowed as he assessed the idea. "I don't think it's as impossible as it seems."

His words resonated in the cave, silencing the murmurs. Yashiro looked at him, his expression a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

"What do you mean by that, Tetsu?" asked one of the former Root members, his expression as inscrutable as ever.

"I'm saying," Tetsu began, the torchlight reflecting in his clear eyes, "that maybe, just maybe, we have some potential allies within the Hyuga. Not everyone is satisfied with the current order of things."

Some members of the group looked at each other, considering the proposal. A dark-haired woman, also from the Root, frowned. "Are we talking about the branch family?"

Tetsu nodded. "Exactly. They have always been discontented. If we can play that dissatisfaction in our favor... well, it could be the advantage we need."

Yashiro slowly nodded, pondering the idea. "It could work. But we'll need to be careful. We can't let the main branch find out..."

Tetsu let out a short, dry laugh. "Leave that to me. I know some people who can be useful."

"So," interrupted another member of the Root, his cold eyes sweeping across the table, "we have a plan. A deadline. And potential allies. Now we need to act. And quickly."

"I agree," Yashiro said, slamming his hand on the table, making the torches flicker. "Orochimaru and Danzo are getting impatient. We have two years. No more."

And so, under the shadow of the cave, the meeting continued, filled with heated debates and strategic discussions.

Far away, in the darkest hours of the night, two imposing silhouettes stood, concealed by the shadows. Their black cloaks with red clouds floated gently in the night breeze. They were Danzo and Orochimaru, both exiles from Konoha and now members of the feared Akatsuki organization.

Chaos reigned around them. Bodies were strewn on the ground, the result of a quick and efficient massacre. It was a merchantcaravan, now nothing but a sad echo of its former purpose. The air smelled of fresh blood and fear, but for the two men, it was just another day's work.

Danzo, with his Sharingan eye hidden beneath the headband, spoke first, his voice cold and devoid of emotion. "This is the third one this week, Orochimaru. The Akatsuki is becoming bolder."

Orochimaru, the pale snake of Konoha, gave him a playful glance. "And does that surprise you, Danzo? We are a criminal organization. Our job is to cause chaos."

"Yes," Danzo replied, his gaze fixed in the distance. "But does this chaos... bring us closer to our ultimate goal?"

Orochimaru laughed, a harsh and joyless sound. "Our goal, Danzo? You've always been greedy. But remember, we are not here for Konoha. We are here for the Akatsuki."

Danzo didn't respond; instead, he turned his attention to the destroyed caravan. "The Akatsuki wants Konoha shaken, and that serves our purposes as well. But we must be careful, Orochimaru. The Akatsuki may be our allies for now, but never forget... everything I do is for Konoha!"

"And that's why," Danzo continued, "we are here, doing the Akatsuki's dirty work, while they fill their coffers with wealth and power. Tsk!"

Orochimaru nodded, a cold smile forming on his lips. "True, Danzo. But that wealth... it serves us well too. And power... well, every shinobi yearns for power."

They turned and vanished into the darkness, leaving behind only the silence of death and the echo of Danzo's words hanging in the air. They had a plan, a purpose. And nothing would stop them from taking control of Konoha.

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