
Beyond Respawn: A Gamer's Rebirth

Repeating dreams. A game world appearing in reality. Every night, Zoe keeps having strange dreams. Dreams about a game called Mortal Online. Thinking the dreams are only due to her excitement about the game's release she tosses them in the back of her mind. But once the game releases, it turns out her dreams seem to be real? Knowing the future that is ahead of her, Zoe focuses on what she needs to do. Level up and gather every resource she can, in game and in the real world. Will Zoe be able to escape the calamity that had killed her in her dreams, or will she still end up with the same fate?

invayne · เกม
34 Chs

Cheating The System?

--AN)16 + advanced chapters on https://www.patreon.com/invayne --

I blinked a few times as I opened my eyes and pulled the headset off my head. The morning light was dimly lighting up my room through the small set of curtains in the dark dwelling I lived in. I got up and went to wash up and ate some food before brushing my teeth. Something I never understood was why some people brushed their teeth before breakfast. Some people get up, brush their teeth, and have a cup of coffee… it just made no sense.

At any rate, while eating, I came up with a great idea. The whole idea of me talking was not very good since it would definitely break down any deals I might be able to get. So I decided I would take a notebook with me and a pen. This way, I can just write down what I need to say. I can pretend not to be able to speak. 

With my genius idea now set, I got dressed in my nicest clothes and left the house. The sun was shining ever so bright, which made my mood gloomy. Mainly because I still had to walk almost a half hour to get to the internet cafe. There were none near me, and I had to go uptown just to get to the closest one. I could take the bus, but that would require me to be near people I did not know. This was also a no-go. 

I hung my head low as I walked. When I arrived, I took out my notebook, walked over to the person at the counter, and wrote down what I needed to write down. "One person, please."

 The young man behind the counter gave me a weird look but did not say anything. He got out a small key to the booth and placed it on the counter. He also took out another piece of paper and a pen and placed it on the counter. "It's ten bucks an hour. If you break anything, you have to pay. Sign here to agree to these terms." 

I took the paper and read what it said before signing it. I paid for the first hour, took the key, and headed to my room. My room number was 201. Surprisingly, this place was very popular. Ten bucks an hour of game time made this place at least a few thousand a day. 

Each booth had its own little closet with a computer. They took their design layout from some of the popular internet cafes in Japan. I quickly found my room and went inside. I only needed to search for things to get a loan. I wanted to look at two options. The first was the private loan, and the second was the business loan. I do know starting an LLC is quite easy and can be done quickly. However, I was unsure how business loans worked. 

After reading around for a while, I finally got an idea of what I wanted to do. I could get a microloan for around thirty thousand. It would be long-term term, making it easier for me to pay off even though the loan itself would be paying it off. But I found if I stuck it in a certificate deposit, I could earn money on it each month. This was all the information I got from the live chat with my bank. 

I went through the process of setting up the LLC, which I decided to call Zoe's Atelier. I would be making handicrafts. This was not much of a life since I would be making things….. mostly in game for now, though. But it was the only thing I could think of to get a small business loan with. 

After Getting the LLC set up, printing out the documents, and making sure no trace of it was left on the computer, I cleared the browsing history and took my leave. I would need to pay another ten bucks, though. 

I left the shop with my backpack on my back and headed to the bank, which was down the street. Luckily the person I spoke to was from this bank as well. "Can I help you?"

The lady at the counter called out to me. I took a deep breath before taking out my notebook and began writing on it. I once more got a strange look but they did not say anything. I held up the notebook, which read: "I called about a startup business loan."

"Oh! I chatted with you earlier. I guess it is good we have a chat on our systems, or else it might have been hard for you to call." The lady gave me a smile. Her name was Samantha, but she introduced herself as Sam. "Now that I think about it, there is an extra boost for those with disabilities. Come with me. We can sit and talk." 

I had no idea what kind of boost she was talking about. But since she thought I was disabled, I decided to cheat the system a little. I mean, I never asked for anything before, and I wasn't really lying about not being able to talk. I mean. I can't really talk to others all that well, to begin with. So, saying I am mute is not all that wrong? 

 I walked into the room and sat down on the leather cushioned chair with my notebook in one hand and my pen in the other. I was ready to fight! Or, err… swindle? Maybe it's more like I was just trying to play video games for the next two years without worry? Anyway, to achieve what I needed to do, I need this loan!