
BeTwixt the Halls


Steamybluepanda · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

welcome to the Nevermore Estate

Her voice seemed to be somewhat familiar. Maybe like one in the many that seemed to cacophonize into the whisper that had drawn her; numbed her mind into doing things she wouldn't have thought she would do. As Andrina looked to the brunette girl, there was only one word that she could get to come out.


The question seemed a little rude by her tone, though this is not how she had meant it. The other supposedly teenaged girl only smiled at her, seeming to be unaffected by it. She slowly nodded, removing her large, flowery hat from her head and setting in down on the bedside table.

"Yes, me. I am the one who called you here." She confirmed, licking her thin, lower lip before she decided to continue. "I have much to tell you..though I cannot yet.." she said, looking around as if she were frightened. "All I can tell you for now, is that I need you to follow me...After all, we simply cannot have you roaming the mansion in only your undergarments."

Though her polite, soft, tone carried a laugh; in her manner was also the message that it would be unwise to question her. Andrina's brows furrowed and she went to ask something, though the other's eyes warned her not to. "Alright.." she answered hesitantly, pushing aside the blankets of the bed and slowly turning to sit on the side of the bed. The other girl, whose name she would soon learn, smiled in a somewhat relieved way.

"There are slippers there for you," she said, rising from her seat and walking over to get a robe down, that had been hanging on a golden hook on the furthest wall. Looking down, Andrina noted the slippers that were indeed sitting ready by her feet. They seemed to be made of satin, or some other rich material, by the way that they gleamed in the oil-lamp light.

Andrina slipped her small, pixie-like feet into the shoes, slowly standing to make her way over to the other girl. Still her thought were demanding of here: Where she was--or in the least where this 'Nevermore Estate' was, who this other girl was, and how she had even gotten there. She continued over without an answer to so much as one question, though they were all written on her face.

The other girl turned to her holding out the soft robe, her lips pursed. She cleared her throat a bit, and looked off to the side as Andrina pulled the robe on over her arms and tied it around her waist. When she looked back to her, she simply turned and said "Follow me,"

With that, she went to the great, heavy looking door; took hold a three-pronged golden candle holder from the wall, then opened the door, and began to lead her down a long, mostly dark hall.

The eerie atmosphere was not too much unlike the one of the rotted mansion she had come to before; albeit this one did have a little more of a living feeling--rather than a dead one.