
BeTwixt the Halls


Steamybluepanda · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Creepy Old Mansion

Faint light and scattered shadows moved along Andrina's eyelids, as her eyes slowly began to flutter open. Everything blurred in front of her eyes as her brows furrowed in confusion. She was sure the last thing she had seen was the inside of an empty room in a creepy old mansion--the one she hadn't supposed to have gone into, that is. Yet now, she found herself laying out in a field, or a great yard of some kind.

Her head was pounding. The sound of the afternoon birds only served to confused her further as she sat up and looked around; where she was now, she really couldn't tell. All around her she could see mostly trees, what seemed to be a nearby garden, and then finally..a big mansion on the hill.

"Huh?" Andrina asked, raising her eyebrows, again going to scratch her head through her hat out of habit. It was a bit too far away for her to tell just yet if she were right or not, but some part of her said that it was the same mansion that she'd been led up to that afternoon--if today were even the same day. Nothing seemed to be right about where she'd ended up though. To her, it didn't make any sense.

Just as Andrina went to stand, the sound of cracking branches could be heard above her. She looked up to see what it was, only to have her green eyes met with the sight of--she would never know quite what, as she only saw darkness again; though she swore to herself it was another person.

It wouldn't be until much later that Andrina would wake up, this time to find herself not in a grassy field-yard, but this time in a soft, comfortable, and yet old-looking bed. When at last her eyes opened again, she rubbed her head, wincing to the pain. Having expected to feel her hat, she began to frantically feel around her head for it upon not having felt it.

Her next surprise came to what she was wearing. She looked down expecting to find her coat, scarf, and other familiar clothes; in their place was something quite different. She wore what appeared to be a creamy colored, lacy, strapless undershirt; a corset tied around her middle, light brown in color with white lacing up the front; lastly a pair of what she assumed to be underwear--though she really wasn't sure.

"What..What am I wearing? Who put this on me? How'd I get here?" she thought frantically as she looked around, glancing time and again at herself to try to make sense of it all. "Where's my clothes at?" She pondered, her heart racing as she rubbed her forehead. Then next thing she heard only served to make her more jumpy:

"I see you got my message,"

It came from a nice-looking young lady who seemed to be about Andrina's age, who also seemed to be decked out in an extravagant-looking Victorian Era dress; mostly violet and cream colored. She was sitting in a chair next to the bed, right next to Andrina--which she had somehow failed to notice in all of her panic. Her green eyes slowly drew over to the brunette, who simply smiled at her.

"Welcome to the Nervermore estate.."