
Between Us | "You're not an option"

Go Younjung (26) had to be in the middle of trouble ever since she joined Jeon's Company, being a secretary is often underestimated, especially with Younjung's very beautiful appearance. Younjung was mistaken for being an affair with the owner of the company by his two sons Kim Seokjin (31) and Jeon Jungkook (26). Not without reason, the accusation was because his mother Jeon Mirae (58) found a woman's handkerchief in her husband's coat. Feeling suspicious about this, Mirae asked her two sons to find out the truth. But, who would have thought that one of them actually fell in love with Younjung's beauty. What will happen next? and is it true that Younjung is their father's affair?

inpeaceplace · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
12 Chs

Chapter 9

It's been a week since then, and finally Younjung worked up the courage to come to the office, not to work, but to submit her resignation letter. She had thought of everything, that fear was still inside her, her nights were not like usual nights, that touch was like a nightmare that was present in her sleep.

Irene also kept calling her, but she didn't answer her calls, she was quite embarrassed to say everything because what happened to her had already been warned by Irene, and Younjung was too naive at that time.

Younjung's mother, Areum, still doesn't know about what happened to her daughter and Younjung hopes that her mother doesn't need to know about it, she will close the embarrassing incident tightly.

She came to Jeon's Company, unlike usual, Younjung's head was down until she got on the elevator, she didn't dare to look at the people there, thank God she didn't meet Irene at that time, there would be no questions she had to answer. Arriving at the 25th floor, the elevator doors opened and she took a deep breath before getting out of there.

Younjung walked towards Mr. Jeon's room, she might be a little late arriving, but she didn't care. She knocked on the door and waited for Mr. Jeon to order her in.

Once, twice, three times she knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside, she looked at her watch and as far as she could remember there was no meeting that morning. She knocked a fourth time and worked up the courage to enter, but that choice was a big mistake for her.

She saw clearly what Mr. Jeon was doing with a woman at his desk, the woman could only see her back, but without any clothes on her body. Younjung couldn't say anything, because she knew who that woman was, the woman who always came there. She immediately closed the door slowly and when she turned around she was startled by the appearance of Jungkook in front of her.

"What were you doing in my father's room?" Jungkook said.

"I..I didn't do anything," Younjung said.

"Move aside, I want to go in," Jungkook said and Younjung held Jungkook's body.

"No sir, Mr. Jeon is not in his room, he also ordered that no one is allowed to enter his room," Younjung said.

"Then what were you doing inside? Did you steal something?" he said.

"What? I don't want you to misunderstand me, sir, but what you think about me isn't right, excuse me," Younjung said and left there, Jungkook chased after her and pulled her hand.

"Wait," Jungkook said.

"Let go of my hand sir," Younjung said.

"I want to talk to you" Jungkook said and he took Younjung away from there.

"Let go of me! what are you doing?" Jungkook took her to the fire escape, where no one was there, he pressed Younjung's body against the wall and stared at her.

"What did you say to my hyung?" Jungkook said.

"W-What? what do you mean?" Younjung said.

"Don't be so innocent! I know you are a bitch! Aren't you enough to seduce my father? Huh?" he said.

"He tried to touch me! That bastard tried to rape me and--" Jungkook slapped Younjung hard in the face, making her cheeks red.

"How dare you say that to my father!" Jungkook said, Younjung looked at Jungkook with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"If you don't believe what I say, why are you asking me? You just have to believe what's in your head, and don't ever bother me again, and here! give this to your father, he's in his room, you can see for yourself what your father does," Younjung said, she gave her resignation letter to Jungkook and left from there.

But when Jungkook came out and approached his father's room, he didn't see anyone there, he put the letter on his father's desk.

"Aish, you bitch! She's trying to trick me again," Jungkook muttered.