
Between Us | "You're not an option"

Go Younjung (26) had to be in the middle of trouble ever since she joined Jeon's Company, being a secretary is often underestimated, especially with Younjung's very beautiful appearance. Younjung was mistaken for being an affair with the owner of the company by his two sons Kim Seokjin (31) and Jeon Jungkook (26). Not without reason, the accusation was because his mother Jeon Mirae (58) found a woman's handkerchief in her husband's coat. Feeling suspicious about this, Mirae asked her two sons to find out the truth. But, who would have thought that one of them actually fell in love with Younjung's beauty. What will happen next? and is it true that Younjung is their father's affair?

inpeaceplace · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
12 Chs

Chapter 8

Jin and Jungkook's meeting was not like the usual meeting, since Jin knew how his father's behavior towards Younjung, and Jungkook's attitude that accused Younjung of being his father's mistress also made Jin feel even more foreign. If Jungkook knew something about his father, why didn't he tell Jin or talk to his mother.

At that time Jin arrived at Jungkook's shooting location, he immediately entered the room where Jungkook rested during the photo shoot. Jungkook asked his entire team to leave the two of them in the room.

"Hyung, what do you want to talk about? Why did you come here?" Jungkook said, he sat opposite Jin at that time.

"Do you know Younjung?" Jin's question seemed to surprise Jungkook, he didn't think Jin would ask that suddenly.

"Why are you discussing that woman?" he said.

"Just answer my question," Jin said.

"Of course, she's Appa's secretary at the office," Jungkook said.

"Do you also know what Appa did to her?" Jin said.

"What do you mean?" he said.

"I should be the one asking you, she said you accused her of being an appa's mistress, why did you accuse her?" Jin said.

"What? she said that to you? and since when did you care about other people?" he said.

"What do you mean?" Jin said.

"Do you know who that woman really is? I'm sure you don't know who she is either," Jungkook said.

"Why are you sure she's Appa's mistress? Have you ever seen them making out?" Jin said.

"No, but eomma found a woman's handkerchief in appa's pocket when appa came home late at night and drunk, the handkerchief had the initials 'Y' in the corner, and the woman most likely to have that handkerchief is her, Younjung," Jungkook said.

"So eomma knows about this? And I'm the only one who doesn't know about this?" Jin said.

"Hyung it's not what you think, eomma doesn't want me to tell you because she doesn't want to add to your problems, that's all hyung," Jungkook said.

"But you accuse her without any evidence, only with that handkerchief you can say she's appa's mistress," Jin said.

"Why are you defending her?" he said.

"Because I saw it myself, what did appa do to her, if Younjung is indeed his mistress, she shouldn't have a problem if appa touch her, but what I see is different," Jin said.

"What do you mean?" he said.

"Forget it, I have to go, and it looks like you should continue with your shooting" Jin said, Jungkook couldn't hold it in at that time, he let Jin go, he knew his hyung were upset because he was the only one who didn't know anything about his father, but he found out himself what really happened to his father, and the rumors are true.


Jin looked busy with the steak he was cooking in front of him, but he was more daydreaming than focusing on his cooking, Jisoo, who was watching him from afar, came over to Jin, she hugged Jin from behind.

"What's wrong Jin?" Jisoo said, she kissed Jin's wide back and rested her head on it.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about my job" Jin said.

"Is this really about work? I noticed that you are always blank, if it's about work you can share it with me like you always do Jin," Jisoo said.

"Steak is ready, we better eat first before discussing it" Jin said and he pulled Jisoo into his arms.

"You know that I'm always here with you Jin," Jisoo said.

"Yes, thank you Jisoo, stay here with me," Jin tightened his embrace, without realizing it, he is also alone in this world, has no parents, no siblings, only Jisoo. They belong to each other.

After dinner, they moved to the living room, Jin turned on Jisoo's favorite music and poured red wine for the night.

"This is for you" Jin said and he handed the glass of wine to Jisoo.

"Thank you baby," Jisoo said and Jin sat beside her.

"Jisoo," Jin said.

"Hmm," Jisoo just took a sip of her wine before turning to Jin.

"Do you want to stay here for the night?" Jin said, that's not something Jin would ask, they've never done it before. Jisoo just stopped by and went home.


"I promise I won't do anything to you, I just want to hug you for tonight" Jin said and Jisoo put her glass on the table, as well as Jin's glass.

"Yes, I will stay here, if you say that nothing will happen between us, then nothing will happen, I don't know how serious the problem is, but you have to know that I am always here with you, so whenever you are ready to tell me, I will here," Jisoo stroked Jin's cheek before pecking his lips, Jin also pulled Jisoo into his arms, the most comfortable place for Jisoo.

To be continued...