
Between Us | "You're not an option"

Go Younjung (26) had to be in the middle of trouble ever since she joined Jeon's Company, being a secretary is often underestimated, especially with Younjung's very beautiful appearance. Younjung was mistaken for being an affair with the owner of the company by his two sons Kim Seokjin (31) and Jeon Jungkook (26). Not without reason, the accusation was because his mother Jeon Mirae (58) found a woman's handkerchief in her husband's coat. Feeling suspicious about this, Mirae asked her two sons to find out the truth. But, who would have thought that one of them actually fell in love with Younjung's beauty. What will happen next? and is it true that Younjung is their father's affair?

inpeaceplace · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
12 Chs

Chapter 6

That incident would have traumatized Younjung, her gaze went blank and her hands were still shaking when Jin brought her into the car.

"Hey, put on my coat, I'm sorry for tearing your clothes," Jin covered Younjung's body with his coat, but Younjung started crying instead.

"I'm sorry, for what my appa did to you," Jin said.

"Do you think sorry is enough?" Younjung said, she looked at Jin with tears on her cheeks.

"Ever since I became your father's secretary, many people have looked down on me and mistook me for his mistress, but I tried to plug my own ears! how low am i? do I look like that kind of woman?" Younjung said and Jin was silent.

Jin felt guilty, he felt ashamed of what his father did to Younjung. But what should he do?

"I'll take you home, where do you live?" Jin said.

"I don't want my mother to know about this, thank you for helping me but you don't need to drive me," When Younjung wanted to get out of the car, Jin held her hand.

"Do not touch me!" Younjung said and Jin let go of his grip.

"I'm sorry, please tell me where you're going, I'll take you, please," Jin said.

"I don't know where I'm going, I just don't want to go home in this condition," Younjung said.

Jin took her to the Han river, a place where he felt calm and comfortable, they were still in the car, Younjung felt embarrassed to get out of the car in that condition.

"Do you just want to be here?" Jin said, Younjung turned to Jin but he didn't say anything.

"Okay, we can be here, wait here for a while, I'll buy some water for you." Jin said and Younjung just nodded.

Younjung kept staring out the window and what happened to her replayed in her head, she just cried while covering her clothes. She feels life is not fair to her, why should she be treated like that?

Not long after Jin came back with water and a burger in his hand.

"This is for you, you must not have had dinner right?" Jin said and gave it to Younjung.

"Thank you, but just water is enough," Younjung took the water in Jin's hand and ignored the burger in the other hand.

"Are you sure?" Jin said and Younjung just nodded.

"Okay," Jin said.

"I'm going, thank you for bringing me here, but please I need some time to be alone," Younjung said she took off the coat and gave it to Jin.

"No, it's okay, you can take my coat with you, you should cover your clothes, and come back to your house after your condition improves, I'm sorry again" Jin said.

"You don't need to apologize to me, it's not your fault," Younjung said and she got out of Jin's car, Jin's heart was heavy leaving a woman in that condition alone. But Younjung needed time to be alone.

Younjunh walked by the river, she just looked down, downcast with tears on her cheeks, until the sound of thunder was heard and her steps stopped. She tilted her head up and suddenly rain dripped down her cheeks. She closed her eyes as the rain started pouring down heavily against her.

"This is perfect," Younjung said, she lowered her head again and cried. She could cry without fear of anyone seeing her. Her heart was broken, she felt ashamed of herself.

When she was lowering her head she didn't feel the raindrops falling on her head anymore, but she was sure it was still raining at that time. She raised her head and was quite surprised. She turned around and Jin was in front of her with an umbrella in his hand.

"You.." Younjung said.

"I can't leave you alone, at least let me take you to a safe place." Jin said and their eyes locked.

"Why? why did you come here?" Younjung said.

"I brought you here not to leave you alone, if you want to calm down I can accompany you, but not alone, you said it wasn't my fault right? So don't get away from me," Jin said.

Under the pouring rain at that time they stood face to face, their eyes locked into each other. Is this fate?

To be continued..