
Between Us | "You're not an option"

Go Younjung (26) had to be in the middle of trouble ever since she joined Jeon's Company, being a secretary is often underestimated, especially with Younjung's very beautiful appearance. Younjung was mistaken for being an affair with the owner of the company by his two sons Kim Seokjin (31) and Jeon Jungkook (26). Not without reason, the accusation was because his mother Jeon Mirae (58) found a woman's handkerchief in her husband's coat. Feeling suspicious about this, Mirae asked her two sons to find out the truth. But, who would have thought that one of them actually fell in love with Younjung's beauty. What will happen next? and is it true that Younjung is their father's affair?

inpeaceplace · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
12 Chs

Chapter 10

4 days later

That afternoon Jin was busy with work, he tried to forget what he saw about his father, but it was very difficult for him, he kept remembering it and it was enough to make him sick. He never picked up his father's call, he knew his father would only say things that were made up, while what he saw was more than enough.

Jin's company is not as big as his father's, but he founded it with his hard work and can compete with other big companies. His work really makes him forget the time. He had even skipped lunch that day, until the sound of a knock on the door was heard.


"Come in," Jin said, he kept focused on the file in front of him and didn't pay attention to who came in, until the person came to him and he turned to look at the person.

"Jisoo?" Jin said.

"Are you busy? You didn't pick up my phone" Jisoo said and she sat on Jin's lap.

"Really? Ah, my phone must be off, I'm sorry baby," Jin said.

"It's okay, I know you haven't had lunch yet, so I stopped by to invite you to have lunch together," Jisoo said.

"Hm but it seems I can't have lunch with you today, I'm very busy and--"

"At least you have to stop for lunch, I don't want you to get sick just because of your work, your health is more important," Jisoo said.

"Yeah, I know," Jin said.

"Hey, don't you want to tell me yet? I know that problem is still in your head, it's been a week you seem different Jin, I'm worried about you, your mother also contacted me to pay attention to your condition, haven't you ever come to see her?" Jisoo said.

"I haven't had time to come there yet," Jin said.

"Jin," Jisoo just looked at Jin.

"Okay, I'll be there this weekend," Jin said.

"I love you Jin," Jisoo said.

"I love you too Jisoo," Jin kissed his girlfriend's cheek tenderly.

"I just came to make sure you're okay, I'm going back to my office, don't forget to eat, just stop and rest for a while, you also need to recharge for work," Jisoo said.

"Thank you Jisoo, only you can understand me" Jin said and Jisoo just smiled.

It was 3pm, too late for lunch, but Jin had just finished his work, at least not as much as before. He decided to take a short break, stretched his body and slumped against the back of the chair. He looked at his phone and it was indeed off, so he charged it.

He intends to go down to the cafe in the lobby of his office to buy his favorite coffee and look for food to fill his stomach. While in the elevator, many of his employees kept looking at him. It's undeniable. Jin does have a very handsome face, even almost perfect. He has a resemblance to Jisoo, so many people think they are twins. But their age difference is 2 years, so it's impossible.

As the elevator doors opened and he got out of the elevator with the remaining employees there. He immediately headed to the cafe to order coffee, as he was leaving there, he accidentally bumped into someone and spilled the coffee on the clothes of the woman he bumped into.

"Oh my god, my clothes," The woman said, she lowered her head as she wiped her clothes with her hands.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault, I really didn't see you" Jin said and when the woman turned to look at him, their eyes seemed to have a magnet.

"You," Jin said.

"Jin?" Younjung said.

"What are you doing here?" Jin said.

"I applied for a job at this company and the HRD sent me a reply email yesterday, but I completely forgot, I should have come at 2 pm but I was an hour late because the roads were very jammed, and now, ahh this is really a bad day for me," Younjung said.

"What are you applying for in this company?" Jin said.

"I think as an assistant, I completely forgot, because I just casually submitted my applications in various companies, do you also work here?" Younjung said.

"Yes," Jin said.

"Really? Is this a coincidence? and Jin, do you want to you help me?" Younjung said.

"What can I do for you?" Jin said.

"Can you talk to the HRD so he understands my problem today? Please, I need this job," Younjung said, Jin didn't need to ask why she needed this job, he was sure that after that incident, Younjung would definitely resign from his father's company.

"Of course, I'll help you, I happen to be close to HRD, so it's not a big deal for me, but before that, you have to come with me" Jin said.

"Hm? come with you? where?" Younjung said.

"You can't go to HRD like that, and since it's my fault I'm going to buy you new clothes," Jin said.

"Ah that's not necessary, I mean I'm late Jin, no time to buy clothes, how about you treat me instead?" Younjung said.

"Okay, if you are accepted into this company, I will treat you in the most luxurious place," Jin said.

"Aish, are you trying to show off to me? I prefer simple food, ah I'm already late, I have to go up soon, bye Jin, wish me luck okay?" Younjung said and Jin just nodded. He saw how cute Younjung looked as she ran towards the elevator.