
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs


Chapter 59: Wait and Watch.

"Sleeping beauty, you are finally awake"...

"Yes I am, but I woke up too late jaze, way too late" she cried scratching her head hardly.

"Hey stop crying, calm...

"Get off my mind, I don't want to hear your voice...[sobs]...why are you doing this to me jaze, why?".

"Humans don't value relationship"...

"I'll say the same to you a thousand times Jaze, if you ever for once valued our relationship, you would have told me your true identity", she yelled angrily .

"A friend...

"Get out of my mind, I don't want to think about you anymore...stop controlling my mind", she screamed hitting her head on the hard tree trunk.


[Princess Liza's Pov]

Who could have ever imagined that princess Liza had this cunning plan up her sleeves all this while.

Poor Jaze, I tricked you and you fell directly into it, sorry , but I'm not sorry again, how could you also be a big fool!

After the tragic death of your parent, you lost hope in everything, you are not the smart and up to no good rude crown prince I knew but nevertheless, you are still mine and I'll make sure of that and as for you Menza, you were just my porn, you were the master key I used to open the golden door, foolish you....argh!....I can't believe I'll end up having a dummy like you as a sister-in- law In the end, you made every step In my plan so easy for me.

They say everything happens for a reason, now I see, your pregnancy actually made my work faster, I intensionally made you feel so much pain so he would come running like a lost puppy who just found its mother, and actually he did....why jaze, why?... I went to Lucian as the fake Menza you called me.

"Your fault!".

"And that was how my master plan started and what just happened now is just the second step I'm taking, the game isn't over yet , Just wait and see what will happen next".


"its late already and Lucy isn't back home yet, I hope she isn't in any kind of trouble", Joy said.

"Are you worried or just pretending?, what was the time she came home last night?, it was almost twelve", Juliet said angrily.

"That's true she must be with that demon again", Mary said.

"Stop calling him a demon", Joy said.

"Why are you suddenly defending her", Juliet said angrily.

"And why won't I defend her, she is my friend, we are all friends and I don't care about whatever happened, its all in the past now at least she admitted the truth to us last night that she was responsible for destroying our project and she's sorry, its not like we found out about it ourselves", Joy said angrily.

"And so fucking what?, even if we didn't find out about anything ourself , I'm sure it was because we confronted her last night, she wouldn't have told us anything", Juliet said angrily.

" I can't believe this, you of all people shouldn't be saying this, Joy said calmly.

" There you go again, its all on the past, please don't bring it up again", Juliet said.

"Now you know how it feels bringing up the past to the present, just forgive and forget, she never did it with an evil mind all she just needed was time and she got it, let's just roll with her", Joy said.

When they meant time. she lied, she didn't tell them that her left hand was out of control cause they wouldn't believe her, instead she told them she did it to spend more time with Jaze who they now assume to be her lover.

"Now I'm worried about her, this is past twelve already and she isn't back home yet, don't you think we should go out and look for her", Mary said.

"Fine, I give in, you got me, you finally crushed it, Lets go and look for her", Juliet said in defeated tone.

"Sometimes you give me no other choice but to imagine how you guys became friends, I doubt you can leave together under the same roof for a year, that building is going to collapse, that's one thing for sure",Wisdom shook his head.

Earlier that morning they told Wisdom and David all what she said and of cause they forgave her.

Guess men don't hold grudges.

Though it hurt Wisdom when they uttered her last sentence ' I did it just to spend more time with Jaze".

He has no other choice than to accept it. If he can't have her as his heartbeat at least he can have her as a friend. it's not that bad.

Is it?.

"Now that you guys are done arguing, we can now go and look for her In PEACE", Bored David who was done with their argument finally spoke up.

Thank goodness Dane isn't with them anymore, that silent wizard would have exaggerated the matter pass the limit.


[Menza's pov]

Its late and Jaze isn't back home yet, I just hope notting is wrong were ever he is.

I'm hungry, and I don't know how to cook nor do I want to consume those fruits again, I can sense something is in them.

I can't go out with this my bulged tommy to find him.

"Sorry baby, mommy's trying to find a solution to our problem, give uncle a few more minutes, he's coming, I guess he is still working", Menza said calmly.

The door opened gently and Liza came in.

I forgot to lock the door again and now my unwanted guest is here.

"What are you doing here", I said angrily.

"Menza, are you still angry with me, why do you find it difficult to let things pass by?"Liza asked calmly.

"And why should I, when the person who is expecting forgiveness still keeps on repeating her wrong doings?",I asked angrily.

"Let's just end this once and for all and move on peacefully", Liza said calmly ...."Bring the fruits in, I'm sure you must be starving since Jaze isn't around", Liza said.

" Do you know where he is?", she asked curiously.

"I'm not his personal guard nor I'm I his protector, how would I know, but I think I heard that my father arrested him", Liza said.

"What!, why?", Menza asked worriedly.

Fear gripped her. Is that old sorcerer going to take her only family away from her.

She couldn't control her body from trembling.

"Because he raped me", Liza replied smiling broadly.

In a twinkle of an eye, she was on the ground holding her checks that were now burning red.

[Got to keep your temper down Menza, two slaps in a go]

"This is your last warning Liza, stay away from my brother, what's your problem?, you have a prince waiting to marry you out there in the next thirty one days, now I see, no wonder you postponed your wedding ceremony so that you can do this right?, what will you gain from all this?, Liza, why will you frame my brother over...this is rape!, a serious offence, wha... Liza leave my room before I do something I'll end up regretting later, leave", Menza Said angrily not knowing what her next reaction would be.





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