
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 58: Feeling Betrayed.

Jaze went back to the palace angrily and stormed into Liza's room to confront her.

Her guards weren't there nor did anyone in the princess Royal quarters stopped him from going into her private quarter, to be more precise, only few incompetent guards were out there probably distracted.

He never had the intention of stepping his foot in the Royal palace after he accompanied his sister to bid the Asher goodbye but right now he doesn't care.

"What are you doing here?", she asked calmly and comfortably like she doesn't know what was going on.

"Just came to give you a thumbs up for your great intelligence. All this while you've been acting like a weak soul but seems like I defined you the wrong way", he said calmly.

"I had to change cause it was the only way to get you", she said as she walked towards the door to lock it, " I've sent for my brothers and my father, we have a case to resolve", she said then turn to him with a sharp and innocent smile.

Only an ignorant person wouldn't notice the hint of impurity in that smile.

"It runs in your blood, you are all betrayals", he said.

"I never had the intension of making you feel this way but its not my fault either, you made me...you forced me to do this, I've always been looking for ways to tell that I love you Jaze, I love you, for goodness sake I do love you, but you never paid any attention to me not my feelings, all your focus was on satisfying your sister and then the next thing you were jumping here and there with that useless human..

"Liza, don't test my patience", He said in a menacingly.

"And if I do, what will you do?, kill me?, hit me?, tell me, what?",she yelled and only then did she feel him calm down a little

"I'm sorry Jaze, forgive me if you can, this is the only way for me to get you, for you to be mine alone and no one else", she said and removed her tiara and threw it on the floor making the the tiara made of glass break into pieces, she scattered her hair, tore her cloth and screamed out for help.

"Liza!, what are you doing, cover yourself up", he said calmly without moving a muscle or any hint to show that he was falling for her stupidity.

"Help father, somebody help me...let me go.....safe me....Jaze let go off me", she screamed and they all came rushing trying to open the door to the princesses room.

He took a blanket and went close to her to cover her up, " I know what you are trying to do here, cut it off and stop the drama, aren't you ashamed of yourself, do you really find fun in acting like you're being raped".

She scratched her neck and arms with her sharp nails making her bleed profusely.

On the other hand the king's knights where all trying to open the door, using all their might but it seems like the door would only open when it's been ordered to.

She grabbed him and tore his shirt making the buttons fall to the ground scattered.

"This really look like a rape scene, doesn't it", she smiled

"Do you really find fun in acting like you're being raped?", he asked angrily.

"Its fun Jaze, only to the winner and I'm the winner here, get that, I'll really love to watch the end of this drama",She said cunningly.

..... the door finally opens.


Practically exhausted from the whole drama that happened earlier.

She still needed to think it through. She actually escaped death few minutes back, unfortunately, she also cit all tiles with her demon friend.

She sat down on the ground resting her back against a tree trunk and hugged her knees tight to her chest.

Her long brown hair were all scattered over her face and shoulder with tears streaming down her face.

still finding it hard to believe that she spent more than three months with a demon wasting my time and calling it precious moments.

How stupid of her not to notice cause she chose to ignore, he lied to her and she foolishly feel for every single word he said.

.....*sobs*... "Jaze, why?, why did you do this to me, you could have just told me at least there might be little hope remaining in our friendship".

she messed up her project, ruined all her group's hard work, she ruined everything, just to spread extra time with a demon, she was a big fool. "Lucina why did you do this to yourself", she screamed hitting her head against a tree trunk.

"I cause the day I met you and I bless the day we got separated".


" Arrest him". the king ordered angrily.

"Father", she cried running to her father.

" Its okay now, I'm here, I'll make sure I punish him for what what he did to you, I'll ensure he pays dearly for what he has done to you", King Fatilazi said angrily.

" I haven't done anything wrong here, He said defensively.

" Wow Jaze, wow, so what you did here was something good?.... no tell me, its something extremely wonderful, how dare you do such a thing and say you haven't done anything wrong here, even if you weren't able to control your desires you could have easily taken it out on one of the maids not the princess for goodness sake", Rough yelled.

" You are misunderstanding everything that happened here, notting happened here, she was the one trying to force herself on me, she set me up" he tried explaining but it seems like his words went into one ear and went out through the other.

"Are you done with your nonsense?.... now tell me why you did this, why did you do this?, tell me why, is it because you want to take revenge on my sister because of what I did to your sister or because you want to avenge your father's death or because you felt she got you separated from your human lover or what, tell me, what?", Prince Ward asked angrily.

"Human Lover?", Fatilazi asked confusingly.

Goodness, Ward, do you have to always over react and say nonsense. let me take over before father changes the whole scene and everything backfires

" I told him I wasn't ready, I told I'm still to young for it, I told him I'm already engaged that I have a fiance, I begged him to calm down and listen to me, I begged him to have mercy on me, I begged him to leave me alone, I begged him father I begged him, I begged him a lot but he didn't listen.... he raped me father...he raped me, she cried ," I begged him...", she sniffed

" Lies, she's lying", he yelled angrily.

"Arrest him, show him no mercy, torture him, before tomorrow noon, his execution will take place and all my people must witness it, I'll make sure his death is a miserable one, I won't let him die easily". King Fatilazi said angrily.

As the guards dragged him away, Liza gave him and devilish smile with a hint of victory


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