
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs


Chapter 38: Game Night 2.

"You knew about this, right?", I asked Joy but she didn't reply me instead she let go off my hand.

Dane grinned widely seeing the hurt obvious on everyone's face.

"Next is you Joy, you are to ask Juliet any question", Dane smiled.

"What did you feel about Dane's earlier behavior", Joy asked.

"Horrible, you should have let him express his feeling to her in his own way, you just destroyed everything", Juliet said angrily which made Dane chuckle.

"I guess its my turn now", Dave said.

"I'm asking for a Favour", he said.

"Okay?", Mary asked.

"Favour?, guys don't make this game boring, its a question game, keep your Favour for later", Dane smiled.

"Non of your business", Joy snapped at him.

"I'm not interested in this game anymore", I said and stood up angrily.

"We aren't done yet", Dane reminded her.

"I'm not blind", I snapped.

"I never said you were", he replied.

"Lucina sit", I heard Juliet voice and sat down back.

"Skip us then, its allowed since you didn't mention it", Dave said.

"Lucina its your turn", Joy whispered.

"Dane are you human", I asked.

"Of course not", he replied and the lie detector beeped red.

"Why are you doing this?",I asked.

"To see you guys hurt, you've stressed me a lot, its payback time", he replied.

"One last question, if the lie detector beep red then I'm leaving this place", I said and everyone focused on the two of us.

"Go ahead", he said

"Who is behind the attempted murder of Favour?", I asked and everyone faced him.

Their face looked calm, its a two option question, weather he lies or says the truth, the truth will still be revealed.

Joy switched on her phone and put it on recording.

"Why do you ask", he smiled.

"Just answer the question", Juliet said angrily.

"Me", he replied and the lie detector beeped red.

Without taking a second breath I stood up and went inside, he wants to prove to be smart, the truth will come out soon.

Nobody could stop me from leaving since that was my condition and he failed it.

He smirked as he watch her leave. 'I know whose behind it but I won't tell you princess'.

"Let's continue", he said.

"You can continue the game with your shadow, I'm not interested in this game, you just ruined everyone's mood and you are still smiling", Juliet said angrily and left the gathering.

"I'm feeling sleepy already", Mary said and excused herself.

Every one gave different excuses about one thing or the other before they left leaving Dane all alone outside.

He smiled victoriously and started playing with the fire.

"Lucina", Joy called as she sat beside her on the sofa.

"What do you want", I asked staring at her calmly which made her breathe a breath of relive.

"Are you angry at me?", she asked.

"Do I look like I am", I asked.

"Can't say...what of Wisdom?", she asked.

"Why are you asking?", I asked.

"Just want to know if you are offend...

"I'm not", I replied before she could complete her statement.

"Really", she smiled.

"Why should I, not like he did anything wrong",I smiled.

"So you love him too?", she asked excitedly.

"No!", I replied. "I don't love him", I smiled.

"If you say so, I hope you won't realize it late", Joy said and I scoffed at that.

"There's nothing to realize", I said and went Inside the room.

"Favour's online", I said as I fell on the bed.


[Liza's POV]

I couldn't sleep, I wasn't used to sharing my bed with anyone.

Like brother like sister, always coming in between my plans, I just feel like strangling you.

I stood up lazily from the bed and went outside, everyone must be fast asleep it's past noon now, I can go to the library and get what I want, I'm sure that fool isn't there anymore.

She immediately walked out of her quarters and headed for the Royal library.

The giant door opened immediately she got there and she walked into it then it silently closed behind her.

She walked as fast as she could to the stairs, maybe she would find the book amongst the books in the top shelves.

"You should calm down so you won't trip and fall", I heard a voice from behind and immidiately turned my head.

It was Zain, is he planning on staying in this library forever.

"Geez", he shook his head.

"Oh, you are here", I faked a smile and came down from the stairs.

"Keep your ugly smile to yourself", he said and I felt my smile vanish.

"Piyani's, in your room, is that why you can't sleep or is it because you so badly want to get this book", he waved the book at me and my eyes widened, I couldn't utter a word.

My heart skipped a beat. 'How does he knows that's the book I'm searching for'.

Its a large spell book with a bronze colored cover and some rare gem attached to it, its a very special book and consist of the rocks, the powers embeded in them and how they can be used with some other strange and rare spells.

"I can read your mind", he answered both of my questions.

"Thanks", I said and stretched my hand forward.

"You know I won't give it to you", he smiled mischievously and I rolled my eyes almost hissing but I controlled that if not I might loose my voice.

"What do you want", I asked, this time around, I didn't sound polite.

" Your father has something in his possession that I need so badly, bring it and I won't destroy this book", he said coldly, his eyes glowing red with greed.

"Really?, you want to destroy this book?", I asked surprised with the word destroy.

"Do you think I'm joking", He said menacingly then tore about five pages from the book and started to burn them.

"Zain!", I yelled but he didn't stop till it all burnt to ashes. "This isn't fair", I said almost on tears.

All pages in the book are important and he just destroyed five pages from the book.

"Nothing in life is fair", he said.

"I'm not joking", he said coldly. "I have two more days here, the longer you take in getting me the book, the more I burn the pages down, by the time you get me what I want, this book would be useless by then", he said coldly and with that he left the library.


It's already morning and I'm still awake , on a phone call with Favour.

I went outside when the reception wasn't going freely and it came back to normal.

"Go to sleep, I have classes tomorrow, good night", Favour said.

"Good night", I said and ended the call.

I was on my way into the house, when I saw something on the floor glowing.

I walked towards it, it looks like fire but it isn't fire, its like a crystal, a burning crystal.

I bent down and picked it up, immediately I touched it, I could see so many things most especially in the forest direction.

"My gaze went towards The guys apartment and I saw a man with his hair and eyes glowing blood red, it was scary. I jerked and my touch disconnected from the crystal.

I moved closer towards their apartment and noticed the guy was Dane.

"Dane?", I whispered.



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