
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 39: Back Home.

Second became minutes, minutes became hours, hours became day and with time the week was over and we all returned home.

In short, after that night we all didn't interact, much more like the girls and boys were separate.

Everyone from their different project center were told to gather at the large field we gathered on the very first day we got splitted.

Different medical test were carried out including pregnancy tests. Luckily no one was confirmed pregnant and sadly not everyone was okay, most especially those that spent three months in the Eastern Cold Mountain.

Princess on the other hand looked calm, she didn't even look like what I imagined her to be probably at the end of everything but here she is smiling.

Also, I and Wisdom have resolved our differences, I told him it isn't a crime to fall in love but it is a crime if you hold your feelings back or if you force your love on the person who doesn't love you back, we can continue to be friends, inseparable friends and he agreed.

Dane on the other hand had a good time ruining our special moment together and I'm sure he must be happy he won't be with us any longer.

That night, was it a dream or I really saw it, noooo, it wasn't a dream cuz I remember clearly I was talking to Favour, that means I was imagining things. I couldn't even find the burning crystal.

And here I am standing right in front of the door, I didn't even tell my parent I'll be coming today, I want to surprise them.

Timaya, my stubborn and always up to no good tiger is standing right behind me, more like this tiny creature can understand what ever I say, I told it earlier to be of good behavior and here it is acting like a child with good home training.

I stood there for about five minutes not knowing what to do, I know all I have to do is open the door, I'm sure its not locked as usual but its becoming a great deal for me to do it. Two things are bothering me.

Firstly is little Timaya, how'll my parent react when they see her, most especially my mother....no, my father, I don't even know which one of them is good at it best.

Secondly, I lied to them and I'm back, No matter how far you run away from justice you'll still get judged. Back to this boring home.

I twisted the nob and opened the door, to my surprise my mother was standing right there.

"Mom", I smiled and she hugged me tightly.

"I miss you mom", I hugged her back.

"Thank God you are alright", she smiled disengaging the hug. "Mari", she called and a young lady came running. "Take her bags to her room", Mrs Anj ordered.

The young woman collected my bags from me and took them to my room upstairs.

" Who's she", I asked my mom who directed me to the dining room.

"Our house maid", Mrs Anj replied.

"When did we start to have house helps", I asked.

"Just sit down, let me get your food", she said and sat me down.

"I need to freshen up first", I stood up and headed to my room.

I was just taking my fifth step on the stairs when I heard my mom scream.

"Ahhhhhhhh", she screamed and I couldn't help but block my ears course the noise was to much.

"Mom!", I shouted at her but when I turned to look I couldn't help but laugh.

Timaya was pulling her dress with her teeth.

"Mom, is that why you are screaming", I laughed as I walked towards them.

"You brought this thing inside my house, right?", she asked.

"Yes, I did, Is there anything wrong?", I asked pretending like I didn't know the consequence of what I've done.

"Get it out now", she yelled.

"Mom, its a harmless tiger", I frowned.

"Tiger?, I even thought it was a cat", she yelled angrily. "You even have the audacity to bring a tiger into my house and you still have the temerity to call it harmless", she yelled continuously.

I walked there and crouched to her knee level to pick up the innocent looking tiger.

"I told you to be of good behavior, didn't I and now that you've caused trouble for us both you now look innocent", I frowned as I picked it up.

"Trow it out now", I heard her thunderous voice echo from behind but I ignored her and ran up to my room. "I'm talking to you Lucina", she yelled. "Oh God", she sat down on the dining chair.

I walked up the stairs and strolled down the bright passage. 'I miss you', then I took a left turn and there's my room door right in front of me, I took exactly 26 steps and in no time I was standing right in front of my door.

"Geez", I don't know how my room looks like now, I'm sure my mom would have tamper with some of my things since I didn't lock the door.

I opened the door and walked inside, I met May or Mars, whatever her name is, I met her in my room unpacking my bags. She folded them neatly then took them out to the laundry.

Immediately she left the room, I locked the door from the inside and fell on my soft and bouncy bed. "You'll forever remain soft, I miss you so much", I screamed holding my bed sheet and jumping on the bed like a child.

My room looks like a forest, almost everything in my room is green, my wall painting, wall clock, alarm, bed, bed sheet and shelve, except from these the others are brown and yellow.

Doesn't sound girlish right?.

I don't care if it doesn't all I know is that I love it soooo much.

Timaya walked towards my bed and crawled under it.

"What are you doing there?", I asked and bent down on the bed resting on my stomach and checking under the bed then I felt something a little bit heavy jump on my back, it touch is soft too.

"Timaya?", I called and she gave a weak growl, it doesn't even sound intimidating, it sounds cute just like her.

She jumped off my back and I sat upright on my bed.

"We need to freshen up, it was a long and stressful journey", I smiled and she lifted my hand and placed her head right under it.

"I'll clean you up first", I smiled and got up from the bed then walked towards one of the bags I brought and unzipped it.

I packed all of Timaya's things inside the bag.

"Hey", I called her and she faced me then I signified her to come and she jumped down from the bed.

" I don't know how to use this things, I'm sure Jaze as used this things on you before, you should know what they are used for", I said but she didn't even give me any sign as a reply, she just stood in front of me staring at me. "Maybe my grammar is too much for your brain to boost".

"Come", I carried her to the bathroom....



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