
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · แฟนตาซี
65 Chs


Chapter 37:Game night 1

"I burnt the house down mistakenly on my parents wedding anniversary when I tried preparing something sweet", Mary said and for the first time Dane laughed.

"What were you doing in the kitchen in the first place, the kitchen isn't meant for girls like you", Dane smirked.

"What!", Mary yelled.

"Mary, cool, the kitchen isn't meant for you to step inside not ti talk of doing something there, your parent must have given you a ear full", Joy laughed.

"Only my mom, almost like she wants to destroy my eardrum, she yelled through out the day while my dad found us a hotel to stay for the night and the next morning we moved to a new house and ever since then my mom never allowed me to set foot in the kitchen", she frowned.

"I can remember clearly that day, I was in your formal house, when we heard an explosive sound from the kitchen and with time the entire house was engulfed with fire", I said.

"It was a narrow escape right?", Mary smiled and I nodded at her words.

"David, its your turn", I said.

"Me, no, its Wisdoms turn", he said and we all shook her head and pointed at him.

"My most horrible day was when I forgot to pick my brother up from school during one of our breaks and he went missing for about two days, the police found him, he got lost while trying to come home himself", Dave said with so much guilt in his voice.

"I'm sure your parent will never entrust him with you", Juliet said and he nodded.

Everyone's gaze shifted to Lucina and she immediately understood it was her turn.

" My most horrible moment was when I wasn't amongst the top twenty best student because I refused to date Richard", I gave a weak smile and Joy started laughing at me.

"That day wasn't funny so stop laughing", I frowned.

"You did a good thing", Wisdom said.

"Thanks", I smiled.

"Of course, you'll support her", Joy teased him.

"Excuse me", I sent her a hard glare and she kept quiet.

"Juliet", They called.

"It was when I was in a car accident and I was bedridden for two months", she frowned. "Its a testimony that I can walk perfectly fine now", she said almost in tears.

"Awwwwwnnnnnnnn", they choroused together when they heard her shaky voice.

"Thank goodness, you're alive now, let the past remain in the past", Joy patted her shoulder.

"Wisdom, your turn", they faced him.

"Yeah, errrrrr.....I like someone and it hurts me when I see her with other men", Wisdom said sadly.

"Aww, wow, wisdom likes a girl and you didn't even tell me about it, I would have given you some healthy tips you'll use in getting her", I smiled brightly.

I couldn't help but pinch joy when I felt her laughter was getting out of hand.

"Your story is extremely horrible, Wisdom, let Lucina advice you on how to get her", she laughed again.

"Can you stop laughing for goodness sake", I forced a smile on my face but she understood I wasn't joking.

"Joy, its your turn", Mary smiled knowing fully well what Joy was getting at.

"Oh, sorry for wasting your time, ah, again?", she asked.

"You started so you'll end it", Dave said and she continued.

" When I was still in college I was brutally bullied by some groups, those were my horrible times", Mary smiled.

"And you're smiling", David shook his head.

"That was then, I just advised someone to let go off the past", Joy said. "Dane, next is you". 'I didn't even end it'.

"My most horrible moment is being in this group and having to spend most of my time with annoying people like you guys", Dane smirked.

"Thanks for the cute compliment", Joy replied with irritation clearly sounding in her voice.

"That wasn't cute, Infact my worst moment is sitting right here with someone as rude as you", I said and almost stood up when joy held me back.

"Let the fool be", she whispered in my ear and I sat down back.

Dane had this mockery smile plastered on his face as he stared at her.

I just feel like tearing him apart, anyways he's Richards and Mona's cousin, I shouldn't expect anything better.

"Let's play a new game", Dane suggested.

"What?", I asked angrily then he drew a question mark In the air.

Is he checking me, oh God, Dane, I mean you, I'll make sure I get back at you.

"So here goes the rule, we'll ask each other questions according to our number then switch in the second round, well ask each other questions and also no lying, there's a lying detector here, everyone's in", he said and gave them all numbers.

"I'm not interested", I said angrily.

"Lucy", Joy pouted and Mary gave me puppy eyes which looked extraordinarily cute with the reflection of the flames burning in them.

"I don't trust this guy, I have this feeling he wants to ruin our fun this night", I said angrily as I sat down back.

"I'm number one and I'll be asking number two a question and with the aid of our detector we'll be able to know if you are lying", Dane said.

"And if we are?"Juliet asked.

"The truth will be exposed, cuz the questions we'll be asking each other will be a two option question", he smiled." And also once we start no one is leaving abruptly no matter what.

"Agreed", we said in unison

'This is the first time, I'll see him smile this much, I know he's up to no good'.

"So I'll go first, Wisdom do you love Lucina", he asked and a surprise look appeared on everyone's face.

"Dane, this isn't fair", Joy spoke up.

"That's non of my business", he replied.

"Wisdom glanced at Lucina who had a angry look on her face.

"You have less than one minute", Dane said.

"Uhm", Wisdom exhaled deeply before he nodded a yes.

" I need her to hear it", Dane said.

"Yes, I do love her", he said it out loud and his voice had a hint of hurt in it.

Lucina's eyes widened, she couldn't utter a word, her eyes welled up as she remembered Jaze's words.


"I sense he has feelings for you, strong feelings, that guys heart is going to explode soon if he doesn't pour his heart out'", Jaze said.

"We are notting more but friends", she said.

"Stop deceiving yourself", he said.

"I'm serious", she replied. "We are just friends".


Then her mind shifted to the what happened when they were beside the sea and what happened few minutes back, now she understands why Joy was laughing uncontrollably.

"You knew about this, right?", I asked Joy but she didn't reply me instead she let go off my hand.



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