
Between 2 worlds

Breaking most curses are not easy most especially when it comes from the mouth of a witch who witnessed her child killed before her eyes,placing a curse on the head of the three kingdoms present at scene, which only twins with divine and strong elemental powers can break,and placing the second curse on the Bibarni Rock to hold the soul of her daughter in other to haunt down the souls of every twins down.Who will break the curse,how will they break a curse that is nearly unbreakable

Oreoluwa_Oyebanjo · Fantasy
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65 Chs


Chapter 36: Little Devil.

"How did that rude brother of yours react when he found out?", she asked.

"He was angry, extremely angry, he recently even forgave me", I replied

"Seriously?, that brother of yours is cold, not loving", she said.

"He does care, and he's loving to", I defended him.

"Stop defending him", she said.

"Why shouldn't I, he's my brother and he's loving", I said.

"Let it be", she said. "I need to go now I still have one more person I need to see", she said and stood up from the chair.

"What of Zain", I asked.

"In the Library", she replied. "Do you wish to him?", she asked.

" Never", I replied sharply."Just thought of asking".

"Bye then", she said.

"Will you still come back", I asked missing her already.

"Maybe tomorrow", She replied.

"Are you planning on staying here permanently now?", I asked curiously.

I had this feeling deep inside me that they are now planning on staying.

I smiled broadly at that.

"No", she replied and my smile vanished immediately.

"Why?", I asked.

"Zain won't let me", she replied.

"So you wish to stay?", I asked.

"Nope, I can't even wait to go back", she replied. "The more I stay here, the more I remember how my father died and how I begged that self centered uncle of mine to help but he did nothing but watch him die", she said.

"Okay then, I'll be expecting you tomorrow", I said and she hugged me before she left the house.

"Fatilazi, you've got so many people against you, your days are numbered on the throne.


"You", Liza said with so much hatred when she saw Piyani.

"You still have that stupid habit of not knocking before entering", Liza said and Piyani gave her a devilish smile in return.

"My little brat cousin has now grown wings uhn", Piyani smirked.

"I'm not little", she yelled. " What do you want?".

"Is it bad to visit a stinky bitch like you", she smirked but Liza couldn't understand what she said.

"Get lost if you don't have any better thing to say", Liza said sitting on the edge of her bed and cross legging.

"Don't talk to me like that, girl", Piyani snapped.

"Don't forget you are talking to the one and only princess of Domini Kingdom", Liza smirked having a satisfied look on her face.

"Tell your story to the gods", she said.

"I'll take it easy with you cause you are just a guest here, else I'll make sure I bath with your blood tonight" Liza said.

"I hate people who fumble a lot, all you know how to do is to talk, anyways what do I expect from a little devil like you".

"Love that new title", She smiled which made Piyani scoff in irritation

"Only a little devil like you will order the guards to rape your maid", Piyani said angrily.

"I'm not surprised, I'm sure that brother of yours has so many spies here and also she deserved it", she said.

"I expected you to be this dumb", Piyani said. "That's his special ability", she reminded Liza.

"Just get out already", Liza said angrily.

"I'll leave when I want to", Piyani said stubbornly and sat down right beside her.

"Why do you love provoking me", Liza muttered and stood up from the bed then sat down on the large coach beside the window.

"Hey" , Piyani called.

"I have a name", she snapped.

"Your choice, I heard your are getting married soon to Raze, the prince of.....*Thinking*... Whatever, I can't remember, is it an arranged marriage or a love marriage?", Piyani asked but Liza didn't seem interested in the topic.

"Can we talk about another thing", Liza said now sounding calm.

"Like what?", Piyani asked.

"Like your life in the Human world", Liza suggested.

"What do you want to know?", she asked then an awkward silence followed.

Piyani brought out her phone and started playing game while Liza sat down on the coach staring at her impatiently.

'When will you leave the room for goodness sake, just get out'.

"Stop staring at me I know you are thinking of how to get rid of me", Piyani said.

"Does father know you are here",Liza asked.

"Why?, so he can kill us before we go back", Piyani said angrily.

"Do you think you'll spend three good days here without him finding out about it, I'm sure he knows about it already, he's just being quiet",Liza said.

"Then its better that way", she hissed and focused back on her phone.

After about an hour Piyani was still in her room doing one thing or the other which was getting on Liza's nerves.

" This won't worth much in the Human world", Piyani said and dropped the feathered pen.

"When are you leaving?", Liza groaned.

"Oh, are we still on that....I'm spending the night here", she laughed.

"What, you must be joking, you are joking right?", Liza asked.

"Well see about that", Piyani said annoyingly and climed her Royal bed, lied on it then covered herself up with the blanket.

"Don't perform any spell on me, anyways you can't if not that will be your last", Piyani said and Liza scoffed at that. " Good night", she said and closed her eyes.

"No way, get off my bed, you don't expect me to sleep on the sofa", Liza said breathing heavily like she just got done clearing the weeds on a farm.

"If you can't then join me on the bed", Piyani said with her eyes still closed.

"I don't share my bed with anyone", She said.

"Your loss, you don't expect your guest to sleep on the sofa, do you?", Piyani asked opening a eye.


It was late in the night, everywhere was already set, I still can't believe the guys were able to set up the cage, and now my little Timaya now has a home though she as caused a little damage before her cage was set.

We all sat down round the campfire it was a little bit bright but it wasn't bright enough to conquer the entire darkness surrounding us.

We've all eaten no need to stress cooking anymore.

" So what are we going to do, we've spent over fifteen minutes in silence, staring at the fire and receiving fresh air, this wasn't what we planned", I spoke up.

"I have an idea, let's start with the day we'll never forget, horrible moments", Joy suggested.

"Then we'll start with you", David smiled and she opened her mouth to talk. "Ladies first", he added and she closed her mouth and shrugged.

"I went to the supermarket that evening, swinging my purse bag carelessly then a man came running and snatched it from me, I couldn't help but scream 'Ahhhh'", she screamed and they all blocked their ears then she continued.

"Then a man chased after him while I cat walked there, I wasn't ready to stress myself, my card isn't in there but my phone was and I can easily get a other one, but to my surprise my card wasn't with me it was in my bag, I started running, then I saw a man holding my bag and resting his back on the wall breathing heavily, I thought he was the thief, so I angrily walked up to him and slapped him hard, it was then I realized he wasn't the thief, the thief was lying unconscious on the ground, I felt horrible and bad that instant and felt like the ground should swallow me up".



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