

After planning and making preparations for their summer holiday during mid-August, a group of six friends set of to the nearest island near Miami for their summer holiday. The nearest island they came across was desolate and abandoned island. It was ever green with tall trees of different new species, and diverse of awesome landscape. As teenagers they got way ahead of themselves when curiously came into play. They decided to explore the majestic and highly alluring looking highland but what happens when they got more than they bargained for and how would they escape their current predicament.

Delciusexasperis · ภาพยนตร์
2 Chs

chapter one: awesome gift

on Clement street, Mabel could be seen walking with long strides with a long smile plastered on her face while heading to sebastian house where all her friends agreed to meet after receiving their exam report for the year's session. They all agreed to meet at sebastian house simply because of the spacious basement secret basement that sebastian discovered which he furnished with all sort of electronics ranging from the latest video games to arcade games. Apart from these, the basement also provided us with space and privacy to do whatever we wanted to do. Basically, seb parents were rich and well off and what else could they do but to tag along.


ten o'clock in the morning.

"shit", I exclaimed after the Ray's from the sun shone on my face. for some unknown reason I hated the sun and the bright Rays it always shone, the feeling I got from contact with it made me uncomfortable.

yeah, you are wondering whether I have some kind of disease or illness, well guess what I have non, I confirmed that from a few specialists and several dermatologists I met who confirmed their absence saying that it might just be a dislike

I stood up from my bed and quickly brought down the curtain before I went to the bathroom to have my bath and freshen up. After putting on my white crop top and sky blue Jean with deep blue Jean jacket for style, I straightened my hair and put on my blue Air Nike Jordan shoe, after that I was ready to head for school.

I walked down the stairs and headed straight to the kitchen to make toast which I would eat with my favourite spreading "nutella", oh boy I love that stuff.

My sister was out on a school field trip while my parents were at work, and as usual not giving us enough attention or time of the day. my sister preferred staying out late at her friends because she doesn't look forward to coming home simply because of the fact that our parents were always busy and usually arrive late in the night leaving and making the house feel less than a home and more of a building that provides shelter which isn't how it ought to be.

Every report collecting day was the same for me, normally during report collection I would dress nicely as such a day meant much to me even though it didn't mean as much to my parents as it meant to me.

As a fifteen year old girl that was currently facing partial neglect I had two things that kept me going and motivated me, the first was the desire to get rich and the second was my friend's parents, they always acknowledged my efforts and encouraged me which made me feel somewhat like family.

I arrived at school at about 11 o'clock in the morning to collect my reports for the term, coming by this time is late considering that my friends had already received theirs and are probably hanging out at the basement.

I deliberately came late for two strange reasons known only to me, the first was to give me space, time and privacy to jump in excitement because almost if not all students had left the premises for their homes, the second was to have a chance to meet and probably converse with my high school crush which usually didn't pan out as I would either stutter and run or just avoid him when I see him coming.

I got an A plus with distinction in all my subject which wasn't new, I was smart and I knew that I was smart but making my papers every time gives me a great sense of satisfaction.

I can't wait to see the look on my friends faces when they hear that I got an A plus for the fifth year in a roll.

speaking of friends, I have to go to sebastian house to celebrate the end of our high school session.

just before I exited the school premises, our school principal called out to me as she saw me exiting the school office.

"Mabel brown can you please follow me to my office, I have something important to tell you", she said with a stern look.

By the look I could already guess that something might be wrong. Am I in trouble? What did I do wrong?.

To be honest I was worried. when we reached her office, she sat down while gesturing towards the chair for me to sit.

in the office, two teachers were seated on the chair adjacent us . As she was about to talk to me two other teachers came out from the back of the spacious office just opposite us holding two documents bounded by a stapler.

I recognised the immediately, they were my history and biology teachers for our department. The sat down near the two other teachers whom I didn't recognise as I didn't know them.

"mabel brown", the principal , Mrs. Augustine said. my attention was immediately drawn back to her as I faced her.

"I have received disturbing news about you from students and teachers, which has very much captured my attention and to which I must address immediately ", she said.

disturbing news!, what could that be?, "Excuse me ma, what have I done wrong", I asked slightly panicked as my parents will be disappointed at me.

"don't act as if you don't know", my biology teacher retorted.

"seriously, I have no idea as to what I have done, I said with mixed feelings, one was a feeling of anger and another a feeling of sadness.

"calm down mabel, we are just joking", my history teacher, mr. Robert said when a sudden smile formed on his face, others were laughing slightly, at this point I was confused and embarrassed.

" we called you here to congratulate you on your awesome performance and to reward you for your hard work and dedication you put towards your studies, he said.

his first six words calmed me down and I relaxed a little before mentally replaying the following words which led to a smile being formed on my lips, I was going to be rewarded with God knows what but nevertheless I was going to be rewarded.

"Mabel, after seeing your excellent and highly commendable performance throughout your stay in charlatan high, I, on behalf of the entire academic board award you a fully paid tuition scholarship throughout your stay her till you graduate, mrs. Augustine said.

up until now I was just putting up a decent smile but now I was beaming with smiles, never would I expect that I would receive a scholarship, up until now I was under the impression that I was never noticed talk less of my academic performance, but it was apparent that it didn't go unnoticed, not only did teachers notice it but other students too.

Mr. Robinson gave me a document which I guessed was the written certification of my scholarship.

"make sure to inform your parents of this, I am sure they would be proud", he said.

i mentally agreed, "sure they will ", i replied.

i stood up to leave before hearing my biology teacher say, "have a nice holiday, and keep up the good work, there is still room from improvement".

i nodded in agreement with what she said after which I took my leave with a long smile plastered on my face.

This is gonna be an awesome holiday.