

this is alternate reality of ben 10, with my own twist of events. this is my first book i ever wrote, so please support me and I'm open to criticism. just don't go overboard with the criticisms.

dramatic_reader69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
21 Chs

Have i Got a Deal for You: Part-2

Ben and Blarney arrive at the shop, its facade adorned with colorful banners and signs advertising various products.

Blarney proudly gestures towards his shop and says, "Presenting to you my humble establishment."

Blarney eagerly showcases his array of products, ranging from exotic toys to unique accessories collected from all corners of the galaxy. Each item is displayed with care, enticing potential customers with its otherworldly allure.

Ben's demeanor shifts from nonchalant to excited as his eyes land on the limited edition Sumo-Slammer action figure amidst the array of products. Without a moment's hesitation, he reaches out eagerly, his inner child emerging at the sight of the nostalgic toy.

Ben maintains a poker face despite his excitement, deliberately hiding his emotions to maintain an air of nonchalance during the negotiation process. He looks at Blarney with a scrutinizing gaze and remarks, "Your products seem decent enough, but this Sumo-Slammer figure stands out. It's not available for sale anywhere, so how did you acquire it? Obtained through illegal means, perhaps? I'll have to investigate this matter further."

Blarney, feeling the pressure of Ben's inquiry, breaks into a nervous sweat. He hastily responds, "That's not true, Mr. Tennyson. A friend of mine acquired it from another friend who has connections in high places. There's nothing illegal about it, I assure you. Please, feel free to take the figure as a gesture of goodwill. It's on the house."

Ben couldn't help but smirk to himself, satisfied with how easily he had gotten the action figure. He then replied to Blarney, "Alright, I'll take your word for it... for now. See you around."

Ben leaves the shop and blarney lets out a sigh of relief, then his assistant came and asks blarney," is everything alright boss, did you get him."

Blarney wipes the sweat from his forehead and nods, "Yeah, everything's fine. That Tennyson kid sure knows how to keep a shopkeeper on his toes. But don't worry, we're good for now."

-------------Undertown unknown street----------

As Ben wandered the streets, he kept an eye out for signs for a certain activist he was expecting. 

Ben didn't wait for long before running into a plant-like being. The creature immediately asked Ben, "Are you Ben Tennyson, savior of the universe?"

Ben confirmed his identity, and the wildvine alien introduced himself as Pax, an alien rights activist. Pax explained the situation, alleging that Professor Hokestar was engaging in alien cruelty, using his toy shop as a front for illegal activities that exploited aliens for profit. Pax implored Ben for help in freeing the captive alien.

Ben nods in agreement and determination. "This sounds like a serious problem. I'll investigate with you, and if I find that alien, I'll do everything I can to set it free."

Pax's expression brightens with gratitude. "Thank you, Ben Tennyson, for your help. You're a good person. Let's go free that poor alien."

Both Ben and Pax approach Professor Hokestar's shop, scanning the surroundings for an entrance, but finding none. Ben starts to give up, saying, "Looks like no one's home. Let's come back another time."

Pax, however, refuses to give up and urges Ben, "Dude, you can't just give up. The poor alien must be suffering. We need to save it now."


Ben reluctantly transforms into Goop, allowing himself to ooze through an open pipe that leads into the shop. Once inside, he reverts to his human form and opens the door for Pax.

Ben then warns Pax in a hushed tone, "We shouldn't be here. We need to be quiet, and don't touch anything without my permission." Pax nods in agreement.

Both looks at the creepy atmosphere inside the shop with all kinds of voodoo sh*t. ben then accidentally touches (A.N: yeah totally by accident ) a switch that opens up the hatch that the alien was kept.

The hatch opens slowly, wisps of smoke curling out as an orb rises into view. Inside the orb rests a small, adorable alien creature. Pax introduces it as the Screegit, one of the most endangered species in the universe.

Ben can't help but coo at the sight of the little creature. "Aww, aren't you just the cutest thing!" he exclaims, his voice filled with affection.

Pax shoots Ben a disapproving look. "Hey, not cool, dude. You can't talk down to him like that," he admonishes.

Realizing his mistake, Ben quickly apologizes. "Sorry, my bad. I didn't mean to sound condescending," he says sheepishly.

Ben quickly dials Rook's number and waits anxiously for him to pick up, since he knows how dangerous the Screegit is.

"Rook, it's Ben. I need your help. I've come across an endangered species called the Screegit in Professor Hokestar's shop. Can you give me some information on this little guy?"

Rook responds in shock, "A Screegit, you say? Ben, that's an incredibly dangerous creature. Don't let it escape. If it comes into contact with nitrogen, it could be catastrophic. Hold on, I'm coming with backup."

Ben nods, replying, "Got it, Rook. I'll ensure it stays contained until you arrive with backup."

Pax listens to all this and says, "You cannot do this, man. You need to free the Screegit, not let it remain in captivity."

Ben looks (fake) torn between his sense of responsibility and Pax's plea for freedom for the Screegit. He considers Pax's words carefully before responding, "I understand your concern, Pax, but we have to consider the safety of everyone. I promise we'll find a way to help the Screegit without putting anyone in danger."

Before Pax could respond, a gun cocking sound was heard from behind them. It was Professor Hokestar, his alien gun pointed directly at them.

"You are trespassing on my property," he growled. "If you don't provide a proper explanation, I will blow your brains out."

Ben then responds calmly, "You are hosting an endangered species here, and it is also very dangerous to this planet. Until further investigation regarding this matter, nobody touches anything. The Screegit will remain in my custody until the investigation is completed."

Prof. Hokestar looks panicked. "You cannot do this, my boy. The Screegit is like family to me."

Pax looks at Blarney. "You lock your family in a cage. Free it."

Prof. looks scared. "No, we can't. It's dangerous for him and us too."

Ben then replies with a slight hint of anger, "I said the Screegit stays with me, and that's final. If any of you want to disagree, then come at me."

Both of them got halted in their steps rethinking their choices , then suddenly solid plugg appears with his grocery bags in his hands. he saw the standoff between them and starts running towards ben who was near the Screegit.

Solid Plugg, charging forward with his head lowered, smashes into Ben's mana shield. The force of impact knocks Solid Plugg back, causing him to stumble and fall, suffering a minor concussion.

Ben swiftly restrains Solid Plugg with mana cuffs, binding his hands and legs separately to prevent any further attacks. He then gestures to Pax and Hokestar, signaling them not to engage in a fight.

---------- One hour later-----------

Rook arrives with backup and swiftly apprehends Solid Plugg. He then issues a warning to Professor Hokestar regarding the possession of a dangerous species without a permit, emphasizing the potential risk to lives on the planet. Rook informs Hokestar that the Plumbers will take custody of the Screegit and advises him to leave, but not his assistant, as he attacked Plumbers.

The Plumbers also issue a warning to Pax, advising him not to trespass on others' property. They instruct him that if he comes across any similar situations in the future, he should contact the Plumbers for assistance rather than taking matters into his own hands.

Pax the agrees verbally and goes on his own way. Ben looks that guy and shakes his head.

Rook approaches Ben and says, "Good job, Ben. You saved this planet from another crisis."

Ben replies casually, "That's what heroes do."

With the mission accomplished, Ben drove off to his home to resume his practice sessions.

[A.N: I've been busy lately, so updates may not be daily. I'll update them whenever I have time.]

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

dramatic_reader69creators' thoughts