

this is alternate reality of ben 10, with my own twist of events. this is my first book i ever wrote, so please support me and I'm open to criticism. just don't go overboard with the criticisms.

dramatic_reader69 · TV
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21 Chs

Have I Got a Deal for You: Part 1

As the days passed, Ben and Rook's partnership flourished, evolving into a strong bond of friendship and teamwork. Together, they tackled various tasks, from patrolling the streets to resolving minor crimes. One particular day, while Rook was stationed at headquarters, Ben was patrolling the bustling streets of Undertown.

As Ben carried out his duties, he suddenly found himself under attack as a massive axe came hurtling towards him. Reacting swiftly, Ben leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. He watched as the axe returned to its owner, revealing the assailant to be none other than Sunder, the notorious bounty hunter.

Sunder glared at Ben, his voice laced with a menacing tone. "Ben Tennyson, I have come to retrieve the Omnitrix. Hand it over, and there will be no blood spilled."

Ben retorted to Sunder with a hint of sarcasm. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize the 'bounty hunter' now became an 'omnitrix collector.' My bad. But hey, good luck with that! Maybe next time you can trade in your axe for a magnet. Might make it easier to attract something rare."

Sunder grits his teeth, "Ben Tennyson, i will slice you into pieces and send them to different dimensions".

Ben raises an eyebrow, smirking at Sunder's threat. "Oh, really? Well, you're more than welcome to try, but I'm warning you, those are some poor choice of words and you'll regret them."

As Sunder angrily charges at Ben with his glider and throws his axe towards Ben, aiming to chop his arm off, Ben swiftly forms a mana shield and blocks the attack. With quick reflexes, Ben seizes hold of the axe and pins it into the ground using his magic. Then, he swiftly cuts the chain that is linked to the axe, rendering it useless.

Sunder was gobsmacked at this sight and became furious that someone other than him had touched his axe. He swiftly flew near Ben with his glider and began shooting missiles at him. However, Ben, using his technopathy powers, deftly redirected the missiles back at Sunder, who was taken aback by the unexpected counterattack.

Sunder managed to dodge most of the attacks by maneuvering with his glider, but one missile managed to hit him on his back. He grunted as the missile did minimal damage to him, feeling the impact but still standing strong.

Sunder, undeterred, continues his assault and dashes towards Ben, firing his blaster relentlessly. Ben, irritated by the persistent attack, uses his powers to seize control of Sunder's glider. With precise manipulation, he dismantles it and reconfigures it into a new hoverboard for himself, storing it in his inventory for later use.

As Sunder falls from the great height and feels the disorientation from the impact, he realizes that his glider is missing. Feeling wronged and frustrated, he wonders why his items keep getting stolen when he only came to retrieve the Omnitrix. He feels a surge of emotion but finds himself unable to shed tears, leaving him in a state of inner turmoil.

With eyes burning with rage and his mind almost losing its reason, Sunder roars at Ben, "You little sh*t! Where is my stuff? What did you do with them? Where are they? Where the fu*k are they?!"

Ben responds with a tone laced with sarcasm, "Gone, reduced to atoms."

Sunder screams, tears welling in his eyes, "Noooo, my precious axe, my lovely axe! How dare you, Tennyson! Today, I will take revenge for my axe!", Sunder charges at Ben, ready to engage in a fistfight.

bens sighs at this wierdo and transforms into an alien which would be right at this situation.

----------- At the same time with different perspective ----------

While Ben was fighting with sunder , many audience were gathered and starts cheering for Ben. Among the audience was Professor Blarney T. Hokestar, Blarney is a four-armed humanoid alien who wears a brown uniform with tan stars, pockets, and gloves.

Blarney was looking to sell his product called "Professor Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir," promising instant hair growth, albeit with a twist—it would be plant hair. Amidst a bustling crowd, he excitedly tried to sell his elixir, but no one paid him any attention. Curious, he followed their gaze and witnessed the most epic smackdown of his life.

He witnesses the ben10 mania,  where ben beats the living sh*t out of sunder. Seeing Ben's popularity, he want's to convince Ben to be his spokesperson.

-------back to Ben fight--------

As Ben transformed into Gravattack, the living planet alien, he utilized his gravity manipulation abilities to lift Sunder off the ground, subjecting him to intense gravitational forces. With a swift motion, Ben manipulated gravity to send Sunder hurtling downward, causing him to plummet uncontrollably.

As Sunder's face contorted under the relentless gravitational pressure, resembling a bruised and battered fruit, Ben maintained his control over gravity, manipulating his own orbit to draw Sunder into a spiraling vortex of motion. With incredible force, Ben spun Sunder faster and faster until he resembled nothing more than a blur. Finally, with a powerful thrust, Ben flung Sunder out of Earth's atmosphere, sending him hurtling into the depths of space.

As Sunder was flung away, he couldn't help but make a final verbal statement, "This is not over, Ben Tennyson!" Ben looked at him with contempt and replied, "Looks like to me it is!! ."

Just as Ben was about to leave, a certain salesman approached him. "Greetings, Ben Tennyson. I am Blarney," he said with enthusiasm. "Looking at your alien transformations is marvelous! What you might need after changing back is 'Professor Blarney T. Hokestar's Miracle Elixir'." Ben looked confused. "Who with the what now?"

Blarney explains to Ben that his elixir is a miracle potion that could be very useful to him. However, Ben takes a glance at it and outright refuses before leaving. Blarney isn't disappointed and continues to sell his product to other customers. With no other fights drawing attention away, many people begin to take notice and purchase his product.

Ben, impressed by Blarney's sales skills, inquires about the legitimacy of his business and requests to see his store. Blarney agrees and leads Ben to his shop.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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