
Ben 10/MCU

The year is 2023 Ben Stewart is a genius orphan, who at the age of ten finished high school, and spent the better part of 8 years in college. Earning several degrees in engineering, he also been practicing martial arts for the better part of 8 years. Finally entering into the workforce he finds himself unhappy. For the most part about the type of people he has to deal with daily. Coming back from work after having another stressful day at work. He couldn't help but say to himself " Please if there is someone out there who could take me away from all this madness I'm dealing with. Please do it now otherwise..." As he said these words Ben didn't realize that this would be the being of his journey through another universe. " What is that Iron Man?" " Why do all the heroes and villains look like celebrities? And why do I suddenly have the Omnitrix? Character Bio NAME: Benjamin Alexander Stewart (Formerly) Benjamin Stewart Tennyson HOME WORLD Earth 5554 (Formerly) Earth 2000089 RESIDENTS: New York Manhattan AGE: 18 (time of story) HEIGHT 6 foot 1(1,88 meters) OCCUPATION Superhero/ Vigilante Mechanical Engineer/Civil engineering Programmer (self-taught) Entrepreneur ABILITIES Enhanced Eidetic Memory Freestyle Hand-To-Hand Combatant Advance Marksmanship With Throwing Weapons Spontaneous Learning/Understanding EQUIPMENT Omnitrix (restored prototype)

Shane_Delgado_03 · ภาพยนตร์
15 Chs


Five months later March 9 2010. In a five star hotel sweet in New York City dripping in sweat. Ben stood in a training room he had setup for himself two months ago as he did his morning training.

Full Body Training

X3 set of 20 Squats

X4 sets of 40 Punches

X5 sets of 10 Jumping Lunges

X5 sets of 10 Push-Ups

X3 sets of 10 Shoulder Taps

X3 sets of Slow-Climbers (20)

X 4 sets of 10 Sit-Up Punches

3 sets of 10 Leg Raises

Sitting Twists

Afternoon was Martial Artist Training.

Taekwondo, Karate, Boxing, Savat, Muay Thai, Jiu-jitsu, Kung-fu. More to be added later on.

Weapons Training.

Included a variety guns, swords, staffs and throwing stars. This would be incorporated into his fighting style in the future. As well as learning how to counter enemies using all kinds of weaponry later on.

Endurance Training

Included 100 meter dush and 100 meter swim. Rock climbing, parkour and acrobatic training. The first to mainly helped him relax and clear his mind.

The later three were focused on agility training, beginning able to dodged projectiles thrown at him was crucial.

This ment he couldn't become too big when it came to body and power training, but not to small or lean to were his sacrifice strength. His workout plan was very specific in this aspect.

He also wanted to train his mind and mental capabilities as well however, most of those had to wait for now.

He did however, do some mental training in the mind time. Which would mainly focuses on him getting used in highly stressful situations. While training to keep a clear and focused mind.

This new training plans were based on DC Caped Crusader Batman using Ben's own personal capability as the baseline. Hence, it wasn't as intense as the Batman who had a super human determination and drive that drove him to become The Batman in the comics.

Followed a strict training regimen from the early morning, afternoon and evening. Which he had do them in short intensive 15 to 30 minute sessions five to six days a week. When it came to strength training, while he put more time on his martial, acrobatic, weaponry and mental training.

Which all lasted close to hour or more each since technique was important in this area of his training. All of this also included a strict and precise diet plan to fully maximize his training.

His training schedule varied weekly to help keep himself engaged and as fully focused, as much as possible during each session.

He mainly tried to prioritize endurance and agility training which were the most essential.There were additional training regimens he had yet to begin practicing he yet.

Even though he had trained himself in Karate and Jiu-jitsu before. He wasn't dumb enough to think they were enough for him to be able to take, on groups of enemies at the same time.

The only soulless he had was that he'd been already training for years at a young age. Otherwise he wouldn't have been able to handle this sort of training regimen now.

He'll still needed time to be on the same level as someone like Daredevil and The Punisher. Who he wouldn't be able to take on in a fight anytime soon.

The Omnitrix was a powerful tool that gave him great abilities, however he didn't want to neglect his own strength and capabilities in his human form.

Right now his training and diet plan were created by using Brainstorm with the help of XLR8's ability to read and take in information at high speeds. To create this highly specialized training regimen, for the current him.

In what his body and mind could handle on a week to week basis, the only problem came with his training in the five new martial arts.

If he wanted to speed his training up he needed to go and find martial art experts in these specific arts if he wanted to see any fast improvements.

However, that could be fixed by creating a virtual assistant or AI to help guide and point out his mistakes. He even had thoughts of creating an A.I with a mechanical body he could spare with, a sparing partner is essential when training in any martial arts.

The problem was resources and funds which he was currently working on. This is where the importance of money showed itself once again.

He thankfully had experience in programming, and thanks to Xlr8 he was able to create several programs for some companies. As well as creating mobile games such as Candy Crash and Subway Safer.

Which he was able to complete in just a few minutes, well not before destroying his new laptop's keyboard the first time he did it.

He also did trading in the stock market with the AI he was currently trying to developed in the meantime. Overall his first steps in this area was starting to get off the ground.

Where if he wanted he could live a comfortable life with all he made currently.

Ben's morning training lasted for nearly two and a half-hours, leaving him laying in a pool of his own sweat. While wearing a grey tank-top, black shorts with both his hands wrapped with a white cloth.

He was at least able to find that he could that the Omnitrix off his wrist wherever he wanted. Unlike in the first series of Ben 10 classic.

As he took deep steady breaths as he entered into a meditation state, legs crossed clear his mind of troublesome thoughts.

Reliving some tension which was one of the most important exercises Ben learned from his masters back on his earth. When he had first begun his training in martial arts.

He stayed in this meditative state for nearly thirty minutes. Which greatly relieved his exhaustion quickly. Opening his eyes slowly a smile of sweat entered into his nose.

He was long used to this type of sweaty smile after training however, he thought it would be much better to start doing this after taking a warm shower first. Getting up from the training mat he left the room to go take a shower than have some breakfast.

Walking out of the room he had turned into a training room. He walked through the luxury apartment he'd only dream of having in his dreams. He was still getting used to the difference in technology which was now 13 years behind when it came to the general public here.

However, this was to his advantage so he didn't complain about it much. It was already close to eight o'clock when he finished taking his shower.

His morning breakfast was simple oatmeal with slices of banana, two hard-boiled eggs. Which he down with a tall glass of orgen juice after finishing his first breakfast of the day.

His diet was too different from what he usually had before his forcefully transmigration here. Being a martial arts fanatic this was the norm for him. He would have six meals a day, with plenty of water throughout the day.

Ben had only begun his training plan three months ago and it would take a long time for him to prepare himself for what was to come. Looking at his left wrist were the Omnitrix rested, he began thinking about how he would go about using it.

Obviously he wanted to continue helping people but, he also didn't want to dure too much attention to himself. Well to his secret identity for the moment which wasn't a big deal to him if it got out.

However, he ran the risk of making things more tricky for himself when it came to his plans for making money. He could also join SHIELD which would solve most of his problem when it came to resources and equipment.

However, he didn't want to join SHIELD which is still technically a government organization. Turning to look at the time on his smartphone Ben needed to leave to begin working on starting his first company.

Ben quickly left the hotel on a bike he had bought two days ago. Which was a black BMW S 1000 RR with blue straps running along the edges of the bike.

Wearing a black leather jacket, helmet on with a pair of black gloves. Ben drove through New York traffic with ease as rode to his destination.

He arrived at a three story building that he's currently renting for the moment. The space inside was big enough for what he wanted. Ben wasn't an expert in business but thanks to his photographic memory and Xlr8 quick reading speed.

He now had a general grasp of what was required in running a business. Parking his bike outside the building and entering the building a mature middle age woman stood in the lobby waiting for him.

"You're late Mr. Tennyson." Said the woman wearing a black business suit, with a short tight black just short skirt,that showed off her figure while wearing a pair of black high heels. She had shoulder length curly brown hair, a pretty face with dark blue eyes, pink full lips.

" I'm only two minutes late. For your information Angela. " Said Ben with a smirk as walked passed her towards his office. Well it was more so Angela's office than his as he wouldn't be using all that much.

" All the legal procedures are complete. The new employees are all already waiting for you in the work area." Said Angela as the two walked side by side towards the room with all the new employees recently hired.

Ben nodded his head at her words as they reached the room on the second floor. The work area was located on the second floor were Angela's and Ben office was also located. It was a large open area that accommodate up to 60 people.

With a few separate rooms the third floor wasn't in use for the moment. Which was just an empty area since they were renting the whole building.

Currently there was about thirty employees standing in the room chatting together. Most of them were young man with there only being three other young women not including Angela herself.

" Alright then seeing that all of you are here now, I would first like to welcome everyone here to Tennyson Industries." Said Ben with a loud voice grabbing everyones attention in the room. Most of the employees here in their early to late twenties, the oldest on among them being 27.

While Angela was currently the oldest person in the whole room being 32 years old. Everyone in the room looked toward Ben and Angela who just entered the room.

" The first order of business is introduction. " Said Ben with a smile clapping his hands together. " We'll all be working together for the foreseeable future so let's start with the introduction. And since I'm technically the owner I'll be going first."

" I'm Ben Tennyson, owner of Tennyson Industries, I'll mostly be acting as the chief creative officer here for now. So, don't bother coming to me for anything besides technically or creative issues. "

Ben continued as he looked at everyone in the room most looked nervous at the moment which was normal. Turning to look at Angela who to his right, gesturing for her to introduce herself to the new employees.

Stepping forward calmly she looked across the room. Where some of the young men in the room gave her admiring glances. Which she ignored as she was long used to it.

" I'm Angelina Green, I'll be acting as the CEO but, also temporary handling most of the day to day operations of the company. " Spoke Angela in a steady and calm tone. Hearing her many of the young men in the room suddenly had a different attitude towards her.

Basically, they now knew there employment issues was currently mostly in the hands of this woman in front of them. Ben behind her smirked at this reaction he'd pick Angela after carefully and deep research about her background and personality.

Being a superhero and a CEO running a company wasn't a good idea. Both Batman and Iron man in the comics didn't ran the day to day operations of their companies. Heck even Lex Luther in the comics had someone who ran the daily operation of his company on occasion.

So, Ben planned to do the same thing here, thankfully Angela previous employment wasn't too pleasant from his investigation. But, it still took a lot of time to convince her to come not just work for him but, ran his entire future company he hadn't even started.

Which wasn't an easy feat, it took him about three months to just convince her. Which she finally accepted after stating a few conditions to ensure that if things went wrong she had enough compensation. Which was a one million US dollars deal to just accept the offer.

Ben was able to get it down to just half a million and giving her a salary she couldn't turn down. He had just made close to sixty-five million US dollars during the past five months. And most of that money was needed to start and ran his own company after a lot of effort on his part.

The main reason he wanted to get her on at the early beginning stages was to build a sense of loyalty towards the company. He was obviously the brains of the entire company his future creations and projects would be what drove the company.

However, it still needed to be able to function without him on occasion. When he wasn't available for long periods of time. What if he traveled to space or was on a mission that kept him away and occupied for weeks to months.

He had placed a lot of thought into this, but it was still risky since Angela would be given a lot of power and control inside the company. Her personality when it came to this was the most important here.

If it hadn't been for the toxic working environment of her previous employer. He doubted she would have expected his invention here.

A few minutes past as everyone in the room introduced themselves and their field speciation. The first day was only just about introduction and explain in detail what everyone would be working on.

Tennyson Industries was going be similar to the current Stark Industries which had gone from a weapons manufacturer. To an energy and tech company after what happened with Tony Stark. Ben allowed the new employees to continue socializing while he had Angela went into their shared office.

Which was a four panned glass office space which was where Angela would be mostly spending her time. " Are you honestly sure you and your fletchling company can enter into the tech space?" Questioned Angela as she turned to look at Ben after taking her seat.

" Well, that the plan. " Replied Ben with a surge as he as he took a set across Angela work desk. Which had the computer to one side well on the other side had a few stakes of files and document to her left.

Ben wasn't concerned about how Angela referred to the the company as his and not theirs. She clearly still had some reservation about him and the companies future. But, at the vary least from the five months his been contact with her.

And the two months they'd been working together he was well aware that she was a constant professional when it came to her work ethic.

" Anyway how's you're negotiations with the big music company about our new app project?" Asked Ben as he grabbed a pen form her desk and began twirling it with his fingers.

" ..."

Angela stared at her new boss care free attitude which made her feel like she had just been brought on board, just so he wouldn't have to do the boring day to day work. While he came up with all the ideas for the companies business.

Which was pretty common but, the fact that he didn't seem interested in most of the daily operation. Was a little concerning and that he had out of nowhere contact her suddenly and began badgering her to come work for him.

Offering a high position while they had barely new each. Sure if it had been from a recently established company or something she would get it. She had a decade worth of experience in corporate management at her previous employer.

Which she was forced into leaving because of certain issues she had with the companies recent direction. She had also done research about her new boss which in all aspects seems to be clean.

Creating two mobile app games who popularity grew very quickly. Along with smart investment in the stock market.

As well as making and selling programs for some big and medium sized businesses. And with there feather communications both parties where able to reach deal. Well if anything went wrong she wanted to make sure that she wouldn't be thrown under the bus.

Safe guarding her reputation for future employment somewhere else more stable. " Yes, I've spoken to them and we're still in the middle of negotiating. This Spotify app of you're has piqued their interest and some have expressed in entering into a partnership with us."

Explained Angelina as she grabbed one of the documents on the desk and handed it to Ben.

Ben stared at the document for a bit before grabbing it. " Keep me posted on how things go. Tomorrow I'll be directing the new employees on the first official project with all of them. Oh, I've have made a few more investments in some companies recently, send you the details later" Replied Ben as he got up to leave.

" Hey, wait did you say you'll be handling that for the time being. " Asked Angela as she gave Ben a sturn glare with her dark blue eyes.

" I think I made close to twenty million dollars just recently. Do you really want me to continue handling all of it myself. " Said Ben with a smile his own personal capital amount to 25 million dollars. While over the last five months he'd made close to sixty million dollars most went into the companies bank account.

Hearing Ben words she reluctantly nodded her head. The company didn't lack funds which she was happy about, and they didn't want to expand into a big company to quickly. She was going to be the one handling most of the companies daily operation.

While her boss was worse never leading or even helped ran a company. Taking the time to create a stable business was more important if they wanted things to go smoothly.

With that Ben left the small office room, he decided to socialize a little more with his new employees. Trying to get to know each of them, it was important he built a good team of individuals.

Especially since he spent a lot of time finding many these good seedlings Angela wasn't the only one he did extensive breakdown check on.

Like he said before he wasn't sure how things would turn out. And what sort of trouble he'd end up in and for how long. Batman for instance had Lucius Fox who not only ran Wayne Industries in the comics but, also contributed to its further growth.

Turning his fledgling company into a large conglomerate wasn't a simple task to do. However, his main focus right now was on technology for the general public world wide before branching off.

Ben left before lunch time to start his afternoon work out session for the day. He wouldn't return to the office again since he had other projects at his apartment to work on.

In the meantime as Ben was planning for his future plans. Another group was planning as well in a dark alley a blue van with tinted windows inside which a group of man set inside holding weapons.

" Everything ready for raid on those Hand bastard. The boss went to teach them whoes territory this part of the city belongs to. NO MERCY"