
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 98 Two Happy Little Lolita!


Ron's eyes widened and he realized that this was it. . . Being counterattacked?

If this were Kaya, he wouldn't say anything, because he has the closest relationship with Kaya, and Kaya often hugs him and acts like a baby.

But in front of me, this is Tashigi, she, she is. . .

Tashigi pushed Ron away with a red face, then pushed him out of the door and slammed the door tightly.

Inside the door, Tashigi took a breath, stretched out his hand to touch his hot cheek, and felt a little rush in his heart: "Oh my god, what is going on, how brave is this?"

I. . .

Miss Valentine was watching from the side, her eyes wide open, and she looked at Tashigi in disbelief. After spending the past few days together, she knew what kind of character the girl in front of her was like, but just like this, she actually did such an outrageous thing just now. It was simply unimaginable.

"You, what happened to you just now?" What Miss Valentine wants to know most is not this. Normally, she might have some Eight Trigrams and want to know what happened between the two of them, but now she urgently wants to know, Tashigi What happened to the sharp aura on his body just now?

Hearing this, Tashigi pushed up his glasses, snorted and looked at Miss Valentine: "Just now, Ron told me the secret of becoming the world's greatest swordsman at his age!"

"How is it possible!" Miss Valentine shook her head in disbelief: "I only saw him put his hand on your head for a short moment, and you knew such a big secret? I don't believe it!"

"Don't believe it?" Tashigi's mouth moved, and he stretched out his hand, and lifted the famous sword Shigure on the table. The sword popped out, and the blade was pointed directly at Miss Valentine's throat. The speed was incredible, and Miss Valentine was completely unpredictable, unable to block or dodge.

"You, your strength...why are you suddenly so powerful?" Miss Valentine asked in shock.

"Humph, I said, Ron has told me the secret, and now, he has helped me improve my strength. My current swordsmanship ability and even physical strength have reached the level of a swordsman master. As for you, I was not your opponent before, but now, you are no longer my opponent!"

"This... this is too unbelievable!" Miss Valentine saw Tashigi retracting the long knife, and was in a daze. Her heart was filled with an absurd feeling. Can you become stronger by touching your head? How can there be such a funny thing in the world? ah!

As for Ron, after leaving Tashigi's room, he thought about it and went to Abis and Miss Golden Week's room. In the room where the two little girls were, Ron didn't do anything extraordinary. After all, the two The children are still too young. We have to wait until they grow up. If we do it now. . .

The legendary super beast god-tier from the high-dimensional world will definitely come here to suppress him.

"Brother Ron, are you here to tell us a story?" Abis looked at Ron happily, thinking that Ron was here to coax them to sleep.

"Abis, haven't you been complaining about your lack of ability? I'm here to help you improve your ability, do you want it?" Looking at the two cute little girls in front of him, Ron put his hands on their heads and prepared to To enhance their power, Miss Golden Week is different from Miss Valentine. This little girl has been very good and well-behaved since she got on the ship, so Ron prepared to promote her together without discrimination.

Yes, yes, what is Brother Ron going to do?" Abis asked in confusion. Miss Golden Week next to her also looked at Ron curiously, not knowing what Ron meant.

"You'll find out later!" Ron smiled slightly and said in his mind: "Open their data panel!"

Character name: Abis


Constitution: 3




Cooking skills:1

Devil Fruit:

Whisper Fruit Ability: 5

Character name: Miss Golden Week


Constitution: 4




Tea Ceremony:5


Psychology Hypnosis:9

Abis' only skills are cooking and Devil Fruit, while Miss Golden Week has three. Well, this little girl is really versatile!

"Start adding points, whisper fruit ability: 5+1+1+1..."

"Painting:6+1+1+1...Psychology Hypnosis:9+1+1+1..."

Ron directly increased Abis's Devil Fruit ability to the full level, and then increased Miss Golden Week's painting and psychological Hypnosis abilities to the full level. Ever since, the two people's data panels have undergone tremendous changes.

Character name: Abis


Constitution: 8

Agility (bdah): 6



Cooking skills:1

Devil Fruit:

Whisper fruit ability: 5+95 (full level)

Fruit Awakening: Heart Network

Character name: Miss Golden Week


Constitution: 9




Tea Ceremony:5

Painting: 6+94 (full level)

Psychology Hypnosis:9+91(full level)

After Abisi's Devil Fruit ability was filled up, the awakening ability: Heart Network appeared directly. I don't know what kind of ability it is.

As for Miss Golden Week, after the two abilities were filled up, there was no awakening ability. After all, it was not the ability of Haki or Devil Fruit, but the improvement to her spirit was also very huge. After Abis's Devil Fruit was filled up, her ability improved. There are even more, which is actually normal. After all, Miss Golden Week has two skills at full level, and Abis only has one. It is already very scary to have only five points less spirit than Miss Golden Week!

It is also because the increases in the abilities of the two girls are all mental abilities, so the improvement in physical fitness is relatively small, only by a few points.

Even those few points are already very powerful. You must know that the four-dimensional attributes of ordinary civilian adults are basically around five points. The total four-dimensional attributes are around twenty points. The current four-dimensional attributes of the two little girls are overwhelming. Countless times for ordinary people.

And the higher the four-dimensional attribute, the harder it is to improve, and the more blessed it is!

Ron stood up and looked at the two little girls: "How do you feel?"

"Wow wow wow!" Abis exclaimed in surprise first: "Brother Ron, me me me.

Abis was so surprised that she was speechless.

"It's so strange!" Miss Golden Week looked at Ron in surprise, and then felt the changes in her body: "I, I have a lot more painting skills and experience in my mind, it's so amazing, I feel that my current painting ability has been I have reached the peak, and my Hypnosis ability... is really amazing!"

"Yes, yes!" Abis also nodded excitedly: "My whisper fruit ability has become so powerful, and now I have awakened an ability called the Heart Network, which can communicate with Brother Ron and everyone. My sister has communicated spiritually!"

"Oh?" Ron's eyes lit up. Is the Heart Network actually the ability to communicate between souls?

"Yes, you can communicate spiritually, and you can communicate across a long distance. With me as a transfer station, everyone can talk like a phone bug!" Abis said happily: "Abis finally changed. It's useful, I'm so happy!"

"Haha, this ability of Abis is really great!" Ron said with a smile: "From now on, you will be the liaison officer on our ship, and everyone can contact you at any time through you. Abis is very useful. !"

"Haha, Abis is so happy to be able to help everyone!" Abis smiled happily.

"My abilities..." Miss Golden Week thought for a while and said: "My painting ability has become stronger, and then my Hypnosis ability has also become stronger [I can help everyone fight in the future!"

"It's good that you have become more powerful. Well, it's very late now. You two should go to bed quickly. You have to go on the road tomorrow, so don't stay up too late! I'll leave first!" Knowing the two of them, After gaining the ability, Ron felt relieved.

"Goodbye, brother Ron!" Abis waved goodbye, but she couldn't hide the excitement on her face. The little girl was so happy. .