
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 87 Search For Treasure! Arriving At Alabasta!


Third Generation Ghost flashed out of Ron's hand, and with Ron's calm eyes and the girls' shocked eyes, it stabbed into Wapol's chest.


Wapol's boss suddenly vomited a large mouthful of blood from his big mouth, and looked at Ron with a pale face: "You, you, how could you... how could you know that I was going to attack you?

"It's just a minion!" Ron shook his head indifferently. It's amazing that a minion can use Observation Haki on his own, even if he doesn't use it, he can kill him instantly.

"I, I'm so angry!" Wapol was angry. If he had known he would not come here, now his life is in danger. How angry!

"Tashigi, tie him up and throw him into the warehouse!" Ron ordered.

"Okay!" Tashigi came over and tied Wapol up with ropes.

Seeing the twinkling look in Wapol's eyes, Ron said calmly: "Wapol, if you dare to bite off the rope and escape, I will kill you!"

"Hey? How do you know my name?" Wapol was stunned.

"I also know that you are the king of Drum Island!" Ron waved his hand and motioned for Tashigi to take him away, ignoring Wapol's curious eyes.

"Nami, you and Noqigao go to the opposite ship to search to see if there is any treasure or anything like that. Search them all. Then, we will continue sailing to the destination Alabasta!" Ron looked at Nami and ordered.

Searching for treasure? I like this!" Nami shouted with bright eyes after hearing this, and then immediately called Nokigao to jump to the opposite boat and started the search operation. After a while, she moved out happily Several large boxes of gold and silver treasures came over.

"Oh my God, there are so many treasures, I'm getting rich, I'm getting rich!" Nami carried the treasures over and smiled from ear to ear.

"Okay, you little money maniac, hurry up and sail the ship!" Ron rubbed his forehead and was speechless to Nami, a little money maniac. The financial power of his ship has been handed over to this girl. Under normal circumstances, even Ron If you want to buy anything, you have to get this guy's approval. With these treasures falling into her hands, it is conceivable that if she wants to use them in the future

We still have to find a way to get Nami to approve it.

"Let's keep going, target, Alabasta~!" Nami shouted while standing in front of the rudder.

"Great!" Vivi on the side laughed happily. The next step is the island where Alabasta is located. She will be able to return home soon. I wonder if Ikarem and Karu have returned home? They should have gone back!

I don't know how my father is doing now, and I don't know if the situation in the country can still be controlled. Alas, I hope everything is fine!

Vivi looked at the sea with mixed feelings!

I am happy that I will be able to return to China soon, but I am worried about the situation at home. I don't know what is going on in China now!

The Mellie moved forward again, this time without any pause, heading directly towards Alabasta.

A few days later, the Mellie finally arrived at the seaport city of Alabasta: Narohara!

"Wow, we finally arrived at our destination!" On the side of the ship, a group of beautiful girls stood next to Ron. Kaya sighed as she looked at the port city.

"Yes, we have almost used up the supplies on the ship, and we are finally here!" Nami also said with a smile. There were a few more people on the ship, and the supplies were used up faster. Fortunately, we are now in Alabasta, otherwise everyone would have to rely on food. The fish get by.

"Get off the boat!" Ron said with a smile: "Let's go down and find a place to eat first. Then, Vivi, you are the landlord here. You have to lead the way when the time comes. We don't know how to go next!"

Don't worry!" Vivi was still very happy after finally returning to Alabasta: "After finishing the food, I will take you to the capital, and when we get to the capital, I will treat you to Mesheng's feast!"

"Well, let's have a big dinner!" Abis shouted with drooling eyes.

"I just know how to eat!" Miss Golden Week next to Abis said with a white look at her.

"What, why are you talking about me? Then don't compete with me to eat!" Abis said dissatisfied.

"I don't know how!" Miss Golden Week said calmly.

Seeing this, Ron's mouth twitched. These two girls seemed to be good friends before. Why do they seem to be in conflict now?

"Get off the boat!" Ron waved his hand and took the girls off the boat. At the end of the crowd was Tashigi, who was holding Wapol who was tied up with a rope. This guy's mouth was sealed with an iron sheet because he was everywhere on the boat. Chewing randomly, I almost gnawed through the Meili number!

"Wow, it's so prosperous!" Kaya said looking at the prosperous scenes on both sides of the street.

"This is because of domestic riots!" Vivi said with a smile: "If this place was more prosperous before, there would be many more people than now!"

"Really?" Kaya said: "Then we have to solve the trouble here as soon as possible!"

"Captain Ron!" Vivi looked at Ron and said with some embarrassment: "I'm really sorry for troubling you. Thank you for helping me deal with Crocodile!"

"What are you talking about!" Ron waved his hand and said: "That guy actually wants to subvert a country and cause such chaos in Alabasta. Don't worry, I am still confident in dealing with Crocodile!"

"Sister Vivi, don't worry!" Abis said with a smile: "With Brother Ron here, there will definitely be no problem!"

"Yeah!" Vivi nodded with a smile, and her heart settled down. Then she looked at everyone and said, "Shall I take everyone to a place to eat?"

Okay, okay!" Kaya clapped her hands and said, "I've been hungry for a long time!"

"Then everyone, come with me!" Vivi kindly took Kaya's hand and walked in front towards the street, followed by Ron and the other girls, looking at the scenery on both sides of the street and walking toward To the front.

Vivi took everyone to a restaurant with good business and said: "This is a century-old restaurant in Naluohala, and the food it makes has always been very popular!"

"Then let's go to this restaurant!" Ron decided on the spot and entered the restaurant with the girls, found a seat and started ordering.

After the big fish and meat were served, everyone cheered and started eating.

Just now I told Abis that I wouldn't rush to eat Miss Golden Week. Now that I saw the delicious food, I have forgotten what I said before. I immediately moved my hands together and grabbed it with Abis. .

Wapol, who was sitting on the ground at the table, watched everyone eating with greedy eyes. The delicious taste almost made him greedy to death. Unfortunately, Ron did not let him eat as long as he ensured that he would not die.

After a long while, the delicious meal was finally finished, and after the financial housekeeper Nami paid, everyone walked out of the restaurant.

"It's so delicious!" Kaya touched her full belly and exclaimed, "The food in this store is so delicious!"

"Yeah, right!" Vivi said happily: "I'm not lying to you, but the food in the palace is even more delicious. When we get to the capital, I will ask the royal chef to cook a more delicious meal for everyone!"

"It's really exciting!"

Walking on the street, Ron had a smile on his lips. He looked at the girls beside him chatting excitedly, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

While walking, Ron's expression suddenly changed. He turned around and saw a figure appearing at the end of the street.

"That's Ace???".