
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 60 Death And Rebirth! Abis's Dragon Pet!

"Is this, is this Dragon Island?"

Several girls followed Ron to the Dragon Island, looking at the dragon bone fossils scattered everywhere, and couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Ron held the rope with one hand and pulled Feilong towards the center of the island. Hearing this, he said, "This is Dragon Island. Look at those stones, do they look similar to Master Long?"

"This does look like it!" Several girls looked at the fossils around them, and all of them were surprised: "It really does look like it!"

"Is this really Dragon Island?" Tashigi exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, Master Long said this is Dragon Island, the legendary Lost Island!" Abis shouted happily, and then quickly ran to Fei Long: "Hey, Master Long, this is Dragon Island, you , can you get better?"

Feilong opened his eyes slightly, groaned, then slowly stood up, climbed up from the raft, and walked slowly toward a lake on the island.

"This is..." Nami and the others watched quietly, not knowing what to do.

Ron turned his head and looked at Abis's happy look, feeling silent in his heart. He knew that this flying dragon was approaching its end of life. After arriving at Dragon Island, it would be the time when it fulfilled its wish. The end of its life was inevitable. Ron There is no remedy now.

This flying dragon's lifespan was exhausted, and it was not the cause of the injury at all. Ron's medical skills were not of much use at all.

"Alas!" Ron sighed, shook his head, and said no more.

Ron..." Nami glanced at Ron and had a bad feeling in her heart.

Tashigi, Makino, and Nokigao all fell silent. Kaya pulled Abis and looked happily at the flying dragon stepping towards the lake.

The flying dragon walked forward step by step, and finally came to the lake. It lowered its head and glanced at the silhouette reflected in the lake. It seemed to be more energetic. It raised its head and let out a dragon roar, and the sound was heard far away.

"Wow, Master Long!" Abis shouted happily.

"Master Long!" Kaya also shouted, waving towards Hu Bo.

Ron shook his head secretly, maybe this was a flashback. Ron could clearly feel that the aura of life on the flying dragon had suddenly increased a lot. This was not a good thing. The water in the lake had no healing effect. This situation was obviously the last of life. Empty.

After the flying dragon roared, it spread its wings and wanted to take off. However, just after flapping its wings a few times, its body involuntarily fell into the water.

Ron clearly felt that its vitality was disappearing.

"Master Long!" Abis exclaimed, and Kaya's expression also changed.




Along with the roar of the flying dragon, a roar of dragons sounded on the island. One after another, flying dragons appeared from the major mountain peaks. One after another, the flying dragons spread their wings and flew high, hovering in the sky.

"That's..." Kaya was stunned for a moment.

"So many dragon masters..." Abis murmured.

"Are those all flying dragons?" Nami asked.

"This is really Dragon Island!" Makino whispered.

"This should be the place where flying dragons are born and die!" Ron said calmly, with some fluctuations in his heart, but no big change in his expression.

"Master Long!!!" Abis came back to her senses and rushed towards the flying dragon in the lake. She hugged Master Long's body and cried nervously: "Master Long, are you okay? You, what are you doing? How's it going? Why hasn't the injury gotten better?"

Lord Long glanced at Abis lovingly, groaned, rubbed his head against Abis's little hand, closed his eyes slowly, and the breath of life disappeared rapidly.

"Master Long...wuwuwu..." Abis felt the death of Master Long and couldn't help crying sadly.

"Ouch..." The flying dragons in the sky seemed to feel the death of Master Long, and they rose up one after another with dragon roars, circling and dancing.

Not far from Abis, a dragon egg crackled, and a small flying dragon broke out of its shell, struggling and twisting its body, staggering.

Ron's eyes moved and he walked over.

Arriving in front of the young dragon, he bent down and grabbed the young dragon with one hand.

The young dragon struggled for a moment, as if it wanted to bite Ron's palm, but Ron pinched it and made it unable to move.

Ron came to Abis with the little dragon in hand, bent down and said to Abis: "Okay Abis, Master Long's lifespan is over, let him rest in peace. Death of life is not the end, you see!"

With that said, Ron handed the little dragon to Abis.

"Ugh..." Abis glanced at Ron with tears in her eyes, and then saw the baby dragon that Ron handed over. She couldn't help but be a little amused by the cute appearance of the baby dragon, and her cries gradually subsided.

"Be obedient and let Master Long rest in peace. This little dragon has just been born. How about letting it be your pet?" Ron touched Abis's little head and said gently: "Let it accompany you instead of Master Long. , Mr. Long doesn't want you to be too sad!"

"Is that so?" Abis asked, choking.

"Of course!" Ron nodded sternly, and then pointed to the large group of flying dragons in the sky: "Look, Master Long's kin have all come to see him off. I caught this young dragon and brought it to you, but none of them No, they are also grateful to you for sending Lord Long home!"

"Well..." Abis looked up at the sky. Sure enough, the flying dragons saw Abis raising her head and called out to Abis while flying. The dragon language conveyed the true meaning through the whispering fruit.

"Well!" Abis stopped crying and said with a pear-shaped smile: "They are really grateful to me! Lord Long, Lord Long, just rest in peace in your hometown, I, I will do it in the future Came to visit you!"

Abis accepted the words from the flying dragon in the sky, and the sadness in her heart felt better. She stood up obediently, stretched out her hands to take the baby dragon from Ron, held the baby dragon in her arms and looked at Master Long's body. , just stared blankly.

Ron, Nami and others did not disturb her and stood with Abis for a long time.